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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Furik

    I think that is intentional. Kind of like the intro is NO ART. But... Why NO SMART? :/
  2. Furik

    I have a feeling this will be a good album.
  3. So they are the real deal now?
  4. Furik

    These shows are planned before hiatus?
  5. Late 1990s-Early 2000s. Albums like gazettes madara and dir en greys six ugly. When I first got into jrock with macabre. This era was great and holds a lot of memories for me.
  6. That's great news. Not a huge fan of them (was more a Para:noir fan) but hearing bands getting back together is better than breaking up!
  7. Furik

    Of my fuck. This needs to be more than lives. Please regroup.
  8. Furik

    I really hope this doesn't end up as a break up. I wasn't fond of their recent works but DECADE was awesome. Maybe they will take a break and think about what's best for the band and go from there. Who knows. Ai made this band awesome and despite being on a hiatus, I feel he won't just abandon it without a good enough reason.
  9. Furik

    Sadie has gone downhill after COLD BLOOD. Red Line, The Black Diamonds (except for Rosario), MDM, Bleach are all horrible albums/EPs. However, I will say that this album, while all over the place, is stylized like Master of Romance. To me, at least. Maybe it's the typical VK fashion, maybe it's Mao's voice, I don't know but from the start of Dead End, it's like Ice Romancer all over again. You didn't get that with Mukuro,The Requiem, any of those shitty songs. Having said that, the album, as a whole is still inconsistent (no theme - why GANGSTA? what is the purpose of this album?, goes from rock to "metal" to jazz then back to rock then pop) and somewhat of a let-down. I have to agree with OP that the songs overstay their welcome. It's not a bad album. It's not like MDM or The Black Diamonds. It's just.. a meh-album. I'm not sure if Sadie fans hate COLD BLOOD (I loved it) but it at least had an overall theme - it was (sorry) cold, dark and heavy. GANGSTA is a misleading title and the album covers look like sleazy tattoo art a chain-smoking single mother would get done on her lower back. My review is just as complex as this album. I'll say it again - it's an alright album. Nothing spectacular but not that bad like their last group of albums and EPs. There are some highlights though - Gesshoku is in your face and amazing. The guitar work is amazing. A really great track. Tokyo Gypsy is a great track - it honestly sounds identical to older indie 2002 baroque - from Mao's singing to the guitar work. It's eerie. I think that's what I love it. That's all I can say. I don't want to think too hard on this album. It's just an alright album. Maybe 6/10? 7/10? It has replay value, even if the songs aren't memorable but still okay to listen to.
  10. Furik

    Album. Calling it.
  11. Furik

    I'd love to take part in a podcast! It's a really great idea!
  12. Furik

    I like it. A lot better than their last album can't remember what it was called. After their Live Best album, I knew they still had it in them and this proved it. Reminds me a lot of their past EP Reason...something. 4/5
  13. How could Korea NOT know where their own supreme leader is? This is weird. If it was Obama, the US would be shitting bricks.
  14. Furik

    I'm getting a Kisou vibe from this. I hope I'm right. With how immortalis and StU turned out, I'm hoping to god they've left their Uroboros/DSS sound behind.
  15. Vulgar was my first DEG album I ever preordered so it holds dear to me. I also heavily enjoyed the 2002-2003 era of DEG. A lot. So many good singles (Child prey, drain away, kasumi) and sixUgly was an incredible transition for them.
  16. Well, Robin is a wife abuser and drug addict. I have no respect for him.
  17. Furik

    Any intro GazettE comes out with.
  18. Furik

    Gets me every time.
  19. I see what you did there.
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