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Everything posted by Furik

  1. Nice. I didn't know they were still around. Will check out.
  2. ^ This is truth. When I'm watching their YouTube videos I automatically watch the captions coming up and realize what the fuck they are saying and it's not good. However, listening to them while driving to work, etc makes for a better experience because I'm not reading the lyrics and concentrating more on the instrumental composition.
  3. It's alright. Favorite so far is still 'above the clouds'.
  4. Furik

    I enjoy their EPs. This'll be grand.
  5. Furik

    I never heard of them but with this band name, I have to check them out.
  6. That happens to be my favorite SE from any band. It's so good and gets me pumped for the album. Also another good one is MUCC's SE from their 6 album.
  7. I can honestly say this band is on point. Im really enjoying them so far.
  8. Furik

    Dawww. I didn't know they were all buddies. I guess they all sound the same band-wise so it makes sense.
  9. If anyone wants their new song, above the clouds, I uploaded it. http://www.mediafire.com/file/71ou64b89z9b3t9/01+above+the+clouds+(getsu9core+ver.).mp3
  10. Just conspiracy theorizing here but could NB be heading into a new era? Back in 2011, when they released those two singles, the logo/font was different. In 2012, when they re-debuted as a VK band with the "Ivy" mini album, the font/logo was different. Last year when they released "Zetes", the font/logo changed for the first time since their re-debut and is much more simple. With this greatest hits album, the font/logo is the same as the one they used with "Zetes" - which is strange considering the album consists of mostly the works from 2012-2016 (aside from A day to remember). Just a stan theory is all.
  11. Most boring ballad best-of. I was falling asleep. But re-recording wise, they are decent. Songs just aren't my cup of tea. Never cared for their ballads.
  12. Best group 2017
  13. Furik

    Dear TW: why dont one I have premium membership. please fix
  14. I mean it sounds like the Hunger single. I take back what I said, they don't sound like a one -hit VK wonder. The vocalist has a really good singing voice but his unclean vocals need sharpened up. Other than that, they sound at least more decent than what's out there right now.
  15. This is the most random yet amazing thing ever. I wish I lived closer. This would be a blast
  16. At least Dir en grey's re recordings were inspired. This is most def a cash grab. But I'm still gon get it.
  17. Furik

    I'm on it.
  18. Last song sounds great. Also that comic sans
  19. Furik

    Yoshiki has been the god of broken promises. They shoulda just let the band die in 97.
  20. Furik

  21. Furik

    He always goes to the same fucking places in the US. God damnit. Even though I don't care for his major label shit, id still like to see him live.
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