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Everything posted by aetarna

  1. aetarna

    @Disposable Vulgar and the nu-metal dilemma was very divisive, at least in my country's j-music fandom. This is going to be a little TL;dr story time, but I still remember the fandom split that happened around the year between Miyavi's solo debut and Vulgar release. Basically, the fandom that was rather unified around one space, split into two different communities, which could very roughly be described as community A) which generally loved Vulgar, the new DeG direction, which they considered more mature musically and less focused on looking pretty [no more fancy dresses for Shinya or miniskirts for Toshiya!], while generally hating the trend of Miyaboos - aka this kid can't sing, but is hugely popular because he's so pretty. community B which wasn't populated by miyaboos, as the A) insisted, but admitting to liking Miyavi there wasn't a social suicide. They mostly focused on trv indies like Mucc, Kagerou, Baroque, karimero, Fatima and early Undercode which includes mentioned above 12012 and Vidoll, and wrote-off DeG as amurrican nu-metal sell-outs who betrayed the scene, and were generally horrible now. Of course this was centuries ago, and my memory didn't kept all the details, but I just find it so greatly ironic, that currently we can throw Mucc, Kagerou, 12012 and Deg's Vulgar into one bag of nu-metal influence.
  2. aetarna

    Yes, of course it is big deal, that's why they're doing what they're doing. Arrests like this nearly sunk L'arc en Ciel, Psycho le Cemu disbanded. Police isn't forcing them to do anything, if anyone would, it would be their management.
  3. aetarna

    Both that Vidoll and Dolly songs were my FAVs in the days of yore. Most people who were screaming about nu-metal tainting visual kei were mostly pointing fingers at what happened with DeG starting on Vulgar... I think these bands got a pass because they will still "visual" as in "pretty". But yeah, this and oshare thread? Puts things in a perspective. Both trends were so hated by then, but they were much wider and more encompassing than it seemed back then?
  4. aetarna

    What? Already?! Good job guys... I started getting into MUCC again after years of forgetting about their existence, so I'm looking forward this album.
  5. And 2016 continues...
  6. aetarna

    Sad news, but I will keep fingers crossed that the band can continue successfully regardless of that loss.
  7. aetarna

    They are pausing activities to appear apologetic and to take responsibility? It would be in bad taste to continue as if nothing happened, or something. It's a cultural thing, not first band nor last done that.
  8. aetarna

    I'm always looking forward for their stuff.
  9. aetarna

    Never disappoint 2016, never disappoint... o__O Maybe they will make a new four-man band, and then revive the original one. ten years later, when everyone forgot the scandal. Like PLC or BRQ
  10. I still can't believe these news. At first I assumed it was a one-day revival or something... but they're really going to be back! ;_;
  11. aetarna

    Shimamiya Eiko Jun Togawa Akino Arai Shiina Ringo
  12. aetarna

    Lol with price difference of only 500 the limited edition is so much better investment. That DVD content looks like it's longer than the mini-album itself.
  13. aetarna

    To what label do these guys belong? Pure curiosity going there lol
  14. From these previews I think I liked most both 3rd songs from C and D-type... Hah, so many types. PV is pretty, as usual, but I agree with sentiment, that it would be cool to actually hear guitar. Though too many "sound layers" has been a staple for Kiryu for some time already.
  15. aetarna

    I made myself an 80's albums playlist starring Chakra, Yapoos, Jun Togawa, Jullan, G-Schmitt, Buck-Tick and some other artists' releases Being listening to it for past few days.
  16. aetarna

    D'espairs Ray. Maybe it's the nostalgia factor, as it's only visual-kei band that I saw live multiple times but... Well, they were important to me, when they lasted, and while I didn't like their later stuff as much as the earlier, I still found it enjoyable. Giru was always a hit and miss for me. Some of their CDs were absolutely great, or had one good song, and have everything else forgettable for me.
  17. aetarna

    I don't understand this type of threats. "We will disband if more of you won't show up!" Obviously, not having much fans is disheartening, but there are other ways to communicate to fans that anniversary live is important.
  18. Give me back OTO-ONI please. Revive for good ;A; One can wish.... I guess a time-limited necromancy is all that we can get. I bet it's going to be an amazing live.
  19. aetarna

    CELL - jikogenkyou paradox [ 自己言及パラドックス ] I can't get enough of this. I can listen to it on repeat for hours, and I still haven't got enough of this song. One day I'll find something similar, I hope RADWIMPS - Hekkushun [ へっくしゅん] second contestant, I can't help but loop it forever whenever it comes up on playlist Monoral - kiri I always want to finally listen more to this band, and I will always get stuck on this particular song Song Riders - Be made me desperate to find more of this band, never succeed much Buck-Tick - Taiyou ni Korosareta [ 太陽ニ殺サレタ ] a timeless classic to me Calmando Qual - Insanity
  20. aetarna

    Not convinced by that look... yet. It might work with different outfit/makeup. And he ever wants to go back for longer hair look - hair extensions, visual kei loves them anyway.
  21. aetarna

    Honestly, no idea... Maybe someone said something on batsu? Or maybe on LJ? I vaguely remember this forum being recommended somewhere on last.fm when polish jmusic forum died... Either way I've been lurking for long time, made account in 2012, and continued to lurk whenever I wanted to learn what's going on with j-music.
  22. aetarna

    If we want to include late October too, then 30 years ago, on 1986.10.21, Buck-Tick released their first single To-Search which later landed number 6 on the Japanese Indie Singles chart ...that shocked me too....
  23. aetarna

    15 YEARS AGO 11/2001 also gave us last Malice Mizer released single as well as first deadman album Site Of Scaffold I can't believe it's fifteen years already, that DeG Jessica kind of broke my brain
  24. aetarna

    I'm screaming. I had no idea they're coming back. I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT NEW ALBUM This is best. I'm already listening to Macbeth on repeat.
  25. aetarna

    Definitely. Hiding fondness for 176biz or AnCafe was a thing. Was JOKER considered oshare? Because I remeber some fierce battles over it - basically if you liked them, they weren't oshare, if you hated them, they were eww oshare. I think similar arguments were over soroban. .. This thread is a blast from the past indeed.
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