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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. I don't think I can rate this, the reasons why I like them are just too different

    Temari!!! <3 (Ruvie, amber gris) - he has a distinct voice, but at the same time, I think he can also be appreciated as a good vocalist from more conventional perspectives. Live show charisma also gives him plus points. Plus his lyrics are awesome.

    Mao (SID) - I don't like about half of SID stuff, but this guy just sounds so good. I think his voice is the reason why I even listen to any SID.

    Tenten (KuRt, CPS) - he definitely doesn't have a conventionally good voice, but he works with what he's good at, and wow, does he sound real good (especially his really emo scream, lol). Oh, and the charisma of course XD

    Takayuki Tazawa (Waive) - ok, sometimes he does too much of his "soaring high voice" thing, but he's so good at it.

    Ryo (Baroque, kannivalism) - honestly I found his nasal thing kind of annoying before, but he's got his own style going on, and can sound so innocent T__T


    Not actual favorites, but extra kudos

    Isshi (Kagrra,) - his falsetto makes me want to faint, he should do it aaaaall the time

    Kyo (Dir en Grey) - I'm not a huge-huge fan, but I think he's awesome for the broad range of almost unthinkable vocal techniques he uses, holy crap.

    Gara (Merry) - I hated his voice at first, but damn, no one else can do it like Gara

    Chiba (Sendai Kamotsu) - I didn't know Yomi is THAT good until I heard how he can alter his voice so much as Chiba

  2. I liked the "making of" at the end.

    But what is that japanese obsession with metal buckets falling on people's head? I swear I have seen that a dozen times already on different occasions.

    Yeah, I'd seen that a lot in manga (especially 90s manga XD) . Don't tell me they'd done this in variety shows too XD

  3. Well, like, everything Tenten related. I couldn't stand his voice D8

    Now I do like KuRt, Benii (Kari.), Chemical Pictures and Hanamuke ^_^

    omg, I totally agree with you! I thought he sounds like someone who can't sing but trying so hard to sound cool. But eventually I think his voice is so "ugly" that he's makes such a convincing character. But on top of that, I think he really knows what he's doing, how to create certain impact for the listeners, how to make you want to cry when you listen to him T__T . Actually, until now I think my main reason for listening to CPS is still only because Tenten is their vocalist (sorry, CPS .___.)

  4. The entire visual kei scene

    Me too, kind of. Well, at first I thought they're annoying, and then I see their genius after listening for the xth time.

    Plastic Tree got me into visual kei. I found them on YouTube while looking for ART-SCHOOL. I thought Plastic Tree was "too emo" and, it's not that I hated them, but they made me giggle (like ART-SCHOOL isn't emo enough already, lol). And then I totally fell in love with them. I also giggled at first at Moran and Dir en Grey's old stuff, even though I started listening to them way later.

    I didn't like deadman at first too. But I kept trying to listen to them because their fans love them so much. And then one day it just clicked. Same thing with 9GOATS BLACK OUT.

    As for before getting into visual kei, I thought the Get Up Kids were really annoying, but then I really fell in love with them right after they broke up. Looking back though, I think the Get Up Kids isn't one of those "annoying catchy" bands. Their catchiness of their later stuff is very well-calculated/constructed, it's not just because they keep blindly repeating cliched cheap tricks. And even before that, I also didn't like Radiohead, but really got into them for a while.

    This kind of stuff happens so often that I realized the trend. If I don't like something at first, then maybe i should give it another chance, and another, and another, depending on the reason too I guess. I try to be conscious of why I don't like something. Who knows, I might end up having 1000-5000 plays of them on Last FM, lol.

    Hah, and most recently, I just realized the genius of Slipknot's "Psychosocial", and I used to really stay away from that kind of "metal" because of their stupid 12-year-old fans.

  5. I've decided to start translating (and converting to romaji) all of amber gris lyrics for their releases that I have (that is, all except Shoujo no Cuore. But if you have the kanji lyrics for that single and willing to provide me with it, I'll happily translate it too). Er, I'm just really in love with Temari's lyrics XD . Sorry if someone has done this before without my knowing, it's just that I couldn't find any translation online, that's why I'm doing it. Also, if you notice any mistakes, please do tell me :)

    So far I've done 1, which is "Giniro no Coffin" (from single 「上空8??????ft??少年??天国??届?????????)

    Here you go


    May I just comment that it makes me want to cry. So cute, so optimistic, so rich in images, so... beautiful T___T

    x-posted at amberxgris community

    Several more translation stuff I've done, if you're interested


    I'll post again when I've added more

  6. Anything by Moran or 9GOATS BLACK OUT can make me break down. Obvious reasons, they're just pretty as hell. Anything pretty works.

    And recently, Chemical Pictures's "Oboreru Sakana", because Tenten's voice sounds like he's halfway crying already

    Maybe I just cry easily, but a lot of pop-punk stuff about growing up or just living life etc can make me cry from optimism (like Waive, CPS, Mae, the Descendents)

  7. Hi guys, does any of you live in Chicago right now?

    (hahaha, why do I find this so unlikely, sigh .___.)

    Anyways, I'm a bassist, been playing for almost 5 years. I also compose songs and have written lyrics for a few of them. If you live in Chicago and play, and interested in forming a band with me, please reply/contact me.

    My Last FM: http://www.last.fm/user/forgetmenot

    If you want to get an idea of my skill level, these are covers I've figured out myself by ear and learned:

    http://www.last.fm/user/forgetmenot/jou ... _cover_fun

  8. Honestly my influences are kind of different, but either way I'll still have way more in common with you than with the band I'm currently in, lol

    I have a good recording mic

    edit: for some weird reason, before I thought Guitar Pro = Garage Band, that totally makes no sense

    Yes I have Guitar Pro

    If you have the main part of the song ready and don't mind others contributing, I can help write the bass part. But if you want to do it yourself, that's fine too. Ready whenever you are :)

  9. I might still be stuck in my noise rock/no wave phase that I was in before getting into jpop/jrock

    But to think of it, I'm always moving around with my phases. And jrock has gotten me back into everything I was listening to before anyway. Except because the visual kei version of alternative rock sounds so much catchier, complicated, and dope than the American ones, I still haven't been listening to as much American rock. Maybe I'd still turn into a Mew fan (although they're not American and even w/o listening to Jrock that got me into them) or go back to listening to the Get Up Kids anyhow.

  10. I'm going to check first on what record label they're releasing this. If it's major, forget it (because I thought that's what the whole parting with Aoi was about). But if it's not, as you said, I still have some hope. (Yume sings in his session band with Kenzo & Soan, but I've never listened to their stuff).

    Their album is released on Happinet Music

    http://www.happinet-p.com/jp2/music/inf ... =HMCH-1020

    http://www.happinet-p.com/jp2/music/inf ... =HMCH-1021

    http://www.happinet-p.com/jp2/music/inf ... =HMCH-1022

    Same label Sadie will release their upcoming single on (sub label "Lantis").

    Seems like they release a lot of soundtracks for movies and Anime..


    well, there's always the option of piracy. honestly I can't help but still be curious.

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