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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. Mine just arrived

    Yeah, this does sound a lot like cali gari Dai 6-8 Jikkenshitsu era

    Honestly I'd never heard Sharaku sing like this before, initially I expected to be a tad bit annoyed by it (sorry Sharaku), but I'm not haha. The title track is really pretty ^^ , very Ao (with that "retro" sound). The other two are nice pop stuff. Okay, it's not like earth shattering/epic, but I think it's good, not disappointed at all for buying it.

  2. 3.Tokyo Jihen - Sports

    4.Tsubakiya Quartet - Kodoku No Campanella Wo Narase

    7.9GOATS BLACK OUT - Tanatos

    3. That was this year? o__o

    4. Oh yeah, I remember them from a few years ago

    7. THIS

  3. Talk about favorite or interesting or lame stage names/gangsta names/whatever you call it

    not really limiting to any scene

    Ones I can think of right now

    I quite like NoGod members' stage names

    "Kyrie" means "god"

    "Shinno", I recently found out, also can mean "god" if written in a certain way with kanji

    "Danchou" just means "band leader", but that's close enough to "god"

    "K" - I don't think this refers to anything god-related, but it's a nice, mysterious name for a monster with devil horns

    "Karin" - girl names on guys --> cute . But I wish it was a god(dess)-related reference.


    Yu-Dai (and how it fits with all the violent references SEX-ANDROID makes)

    SIZNA (I really don't know what it means, and I think he might have just picked something that sounds cool but nonsensical, or an alternate spelling to "Shizuna". And then I found this in Urban Dictionary XD XD XD Does anyone even ever use this word?)

    Tenten (a vocalist named "dot dot.." hahaha)

    Lay (his real name is probably just "Rei", but using that spelling makes it sound so perverted. I like "Cake" too, somehow it also sounds perverted... to me o__o)

  4. ^ I like that one

    I can't even remember which releases were released this year or some other year >__>

    Chemical Pictures - Sekai wo Utatta Otoko (case 1,2,3,4,5)

    Not album, I didn't think it was earth-shattering at first, but I just love them personally. I think they'd sound better played one after another. Plus the case-05 is epic.

  5. In VK

    Dir en Grey - GAUZE

    LUNA SEA - Image, Eden, Mother, Style (fuck yes, all 4)

    deadman - no alternative

    BUCK-TICK - Darker than Darkness

    I'm sure something by Kuroyume and Malice Mizer should also be up there

    And I'm not quite sure, but I feel like... even if I won't mention an album specifically, Ayabie's old stuff (Ryouhei era) seem to have quite affected the scene

    As for the rest of jrock, I have to admit I don't know the whole thing so well, but

    Shiina Ringo - Shouso Strip, Kalk Samen Kuri no Hana


    And ART-SCHOOL's Requiem for Innocence is possibly the catchiest, most ridiculously emo thing I've ever listened to, coming from any scene, genius

    And I'm sure there are a lot of old classics I'm not that familiar about, like BOOWY or something

  6. ^ I think Ryuutarou is attractive because of his aura. If he doesn't have that (can't imagine such thing, but anyways) I don't think he's naturally that hot. If it's just among people in Pura, I'd say Tadashi is hotter <3

    <--- me thinks he's super cute

    Hitomi (Moran), I feel, has always been the classic underground sex god icon, even if physically he's not exactly my type (but if you're that hot and unchangingly young-looking, who cares about type)

    Actually I think that Moran with the original members, if you take the average of all their looks, makes up one of the hottest vk bands I know (because we all know guys in vk bands aren't actually that good looking)

    I realize a lot of people might think Tenten (CPS) is ugly, but I think his semi-weird look (+ that personality) is exactly why he's so sexy.

    Mao (SID). Yeah, hence, all those plastic surgery rumor. Whatever.

    Sakito (Nightmare), especially when he's Satty. *megane fetish*

    And since I'm too lazy to post pics of the people above, let me just post pics of someone whose hotness isn't always talked-about

    Takuma (Hana Shounen Baddies)





    or maybe he's more like cute/pretty XD

  7. He wrote that he's still going to be in Japan though, just no band ;___;

    But I'm surprised you guys didn't know he's American. He's been talking in English in their comment videos too, and in some interviews. I thought that's partly why CPS is so hyped. "Hey look! A white guy in a VK band!" (plus another 1/2 Caucasian-ness with Tenten, lol). But aside from that he's good, and played a big part in starting CPS... ;____;

  8. as long as they didn't reunite after 2 weeks under the name KAGRAA, KaGRaA, or KAgRAa in unicode D:

    Hahaha, that would be kind of nice though, but quite an asshole way to get attention (is that what Ayabie did? lol)

    I wonder if this has anything to do with Isshi's vocal problems?

    Vocal problem?! D: I hope it's nothing serious, I still want to hear him sing with or without Kagrra,

  9. VELGREED Gt.禾??-kai- session "abingdon boys love school" will perform at Shinsaibashi CLAPPER at 2010/10/04

    "abingdon boys love school" members:

    Vo.飛鳥-asuka- (DISQLOC.)

    Gt.禾??-kai- (VELGREED)

    Gt.アイル-airu- (ex-VELGREED)

    Ba.色-shiki- (ex-DI3SIRAE)

    Dr.伽弥-kaya- (RivaSquall)


    Well, I never had a chance to check them out, but at least that guy's session band name is pretty amusing (^^)b

  10. they sound almost exactly like zoro now... D:

    That's exactly what I was thinking.

    3rd, lol

    Except they sound like they have more musical direction than Zoro. Christ, most of Zoro's songs either don't sound like it's going anywhere or totally generic (although a few are geniusly catchy).

    And Yumehito does sound really good, at least with some studio-vocal manipulations. Super-relieved he's not one of those silly nasal/messed up vibrato types.

    Doesn't really sound like classic Ayabie. But still sounds a million times better than major-label Ayabie. I'm pretty excited!

  11. Aicle

    I used to think that they were a bad joke, a really, really bad one. And for a long time i treated them as the epitome of awful, but then i heard Psycho x Letter. I really liked it, and after a few other tracks i realized the ridiculous talent that Rubi has. Emiru still sounds like ass, but i stopped minding a long time ago. Now they are one of the few Visual-kei bands that i listen to on a daily basis.

    I haven't gotten into them yet, but I used to avoid them at all costs because they seem to have some silly silly fans (lol, don't all oshare bands?). But then I listened to "Toumei Ningen," and think it's badass.

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