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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. The few that I know of




    (some great bass right there >D)


    The Seatbelts (and Yoko Kanno's stuff in general) of course


    And, it's not really jazz, but Suga Shikao is reeeaaally funky (or used to be, at least). Weird-ass PV.


    Hmm... I feel like a lot of Japanese pop/rock in general have quite a lot of funk influences

  2. Wait guys, this was ages ago

    Dolly was awesome, that got me interested in them

    Moran was..... heartbreaking, but good, really good for a band that just went through that. (But at the same time I was happy that I finally got to see them... or rather, what was left of them).

    I think the only other band that I caught was Sho-ka... or I think that was Sho-ka. I thought it was a completely new band because they sounded rather unrefined.

  3. I realize that there's no request for CPS translation, but now that school work is out of the way, I've finally gotten back to translating anyway :D whoo!

    Here's "Praparat"


    Next I'm translating "In My Dream," and I'm planning to translate all of 世界を撃????男 by the end of this winter break

    By the way

    yan da mune ga nageku kirikiri 苛[?] ? itakut te

    that kanji reads "iraira"

    Thank you so much 朱色未?? and hakaix \(^^)/

    May I post the kanji and romaji in my blog together with my translation? I'll make sure to credit both of you

  4. This is the first time in a long time that I'm actually enjoying a new release by Ayabie (with whatever spelling) instead of cringing about it. I don't hate Aoi's vocals, but I think Yume sounds great in the album (regardless of autotune or pro tools tweaks).

    Yeah okay, it's not the Ayabie that was gone x years ago, and I'm nowhere close to being crazy about this album, but it sounds like they picked up from where they left off, (and by that, I mean from "Mikazuki no Kiseki" single, which is especially evident in "Temptation". Hahaha, totally New Order-inspired, even just from the title). The whole pentatonic scale-melody thing in a lot of songs is very much like Ayabie after Yumehito joined. And by that, I mean they sound like "Yubisaki". By the way, totally unrelated, but the chorus of "Star Player" reminds me of a song by Spitz o__o .

    Ehh, despite having said some stuff about letting go here and there, my favorites are "Zen'aku no Higan" and "Smoke Smile Keeper," for making me feel kind of nostalgic for their slightly even older stuff, ahaha. Honestly, I wish the whole album had sounded like those 2 songs, then I'd be really happy about their comeback, lol.

  5. And may I just say that Mana's signature model looks as.... errr... not good just like his Moi dix Mois album covers DX


    It would look so much better if he just removes that stupid cross & satan's circle thing, ewww

    And The Alfee's Takamizawa's is just fucking ridiculous


    But at least it looks quite pretty (just too bizarre), and I don't know anything that can top that O___O

  6. Not a VK band but just as redonkulous.

    Nocturnal Grave Desecrator and Black Winds – Vocals

    Caller of the Storms – Guitars

    Deathlord of Abomination and War Apocalypse – Guitars

    Three Black Hearts of Damnation and Impurity – Drums

    Previous members -

    Ace Gestapo Necrosleezer and Vaginal Commands – Bass

    Black Priest of 7 Satanic Rituals – Guitars

    The Traditional Sodomizer of the Goddess of Perversity – Guitars

    Bestial Saviour of the Undead Legions - Bass and backing vocals

    Necrosleezer and Vaginal Commands <- lololol

    Holy shit, I want to listen to them just based on this reason

  7. Anything goes

    I'm a Fender jazz bass player, but I've been looking around ESP's artist series page, and I wish I have a bass that looks like this beautiful guitar


    ^ Sakito's Sho-Ryu-Ken *___*


    I have to say the Grass Roots copy doesn't do it much justice


    Tsunehito's Rumble5 is also pretty *___*

    (...but I always wonder how that strap can comfortably fit with the bigger part of the body on top, although that's not quite as weird as some flying Vs and thunderbirds (.__.);)


    otherwise, I just want to have a 5-string fretless someday. And with a higher bridge than the bass I currently have, because when I try to slap, the strings keep hitting the fretboard, it's just totally wrong for slapping (although I don't do it much, or rather, maybe that's why I don't slap much).

    This is my bass. Just a Fender Jazz standard (Mexico).


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

  8. I feel like a lot of first "visual kei" bands were just glam rock or post-punk bands. And then someone coined the term "visual" and it all snowballed. So after reading the link someone posted in page 1, I think it seems to be Visual Scandal.

  9. Luna Sea - In Silence, and the whole Mother album

    Did i mention that 90's ruled?

    Fuck yes

    Dir en Grey - "Yokan" (duh)

    Dir en Grey - "Ash"

    Kaya - "Hydrangea"

    Plastic Tree - "Suimin Yaku" (that guitar part! *__*)

    SUGIZO feat. bice - "Rest in Peace and Fly Away"

    Moran - "Kimi no Ita Gosenfu" (arrrrgh, I've been addicted to this song for 1.5 years, nonstop!)

  10. Like SID, quite a bit of people know SID.:

    I was actually surprised to see how many people know about SID. Never even listened to them but a japanese friend told me one time "My little sister likes vk" and I was like o_Ô but still asked her which band she liked and it became something in the lines of "SID" "and ...?" "And that's all".

    And yeah a lot of people don't know about vk because, as dracolicious already said, the vk scene is like the lowest of the low (even lower than hosts, so that's reeaaaaaally low). The fans are considered either young girls with no brain just good to be mitsu, or old women with shouta-con (and japanese fans are really scary. I hate the japanese audience, not in the same way as I hate the western audience, but they do scare the crap out of me most of the time). I've met some really creepy fangirls in the indie realm. And totally nuts with that.

    I've never gotten to know any Japanese fans enough to discover that they're creepy. Actually the few I've talked to a bit are nice. but I'm sure there must be some hella weird/rabid ones if things like Tanuki can ever be invented -___- Unlike in US, the jerks in the fan circle are hidden behind cute appearances.

    But I think it's especially too bad that the mentality of the scene is often just about "drooling over cool-looking guys," because I feel like a lot of the musicians are serious and want to do this because they grew up loving rock music. I don't mind people drooling over cool-looking guys, but I hope that doesn't become outsiders' main impression or the fans' main purpose, you know.

    And yeah, I think liking SID, and/or a lot of major visual kei bands, does not make you a visual kei fan.

  11. The alternative names of the members in La'royque de Zavy :

    Vo. Sagittarius no Trichomnas (from STD Trichomoniasis), later renamed Takeshi

    Gu. Cancer no Mitsuko, later Fudoumyouoo no Mitsuko (The Immovable Mitsuko [The Immovable is a manifestation of one of the boddhisattvas])

    Ba. Gemini no Legacy, later Kanzaki Jinsei

    Dr. Scorpion no Dokunashi (Scorpion with no poison), later Osamu chang

    Hahaha I didn't know La'royque had alternative stage names XD wtf, "STD Trichomoniasis" XD XD

  12. Always found it weird how Leda went from looking like that ( far left)


    Like...without make up, Japanese guy..with blonde hair..alright deal..

    But... I think without make up he doesn't really look like a regular Japanese guy with blond hair... o__o; his skin looks so white, or is that just lighting?

  13. ^ I like that one

    Chemical Pictures - Sekai wo Utatta Otoko (case 1,2,3,4,5)

    ggaahh, I meant "Utta". I keep thinking of 撃???? as 歌???? . Not the same at all!!

    Also, I feel like Dolly's Capsule is also worth a mention

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