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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. ^ wow, that's a drastic increase in absolute unique visitors O___O

    I thought this might be interesting for some:

    Google Analytics Stats for TW fpr the last 4 months:

    Most used google keywords that lead people to TW:

    4. kyokutou girl friend - sex (live version)

    I find that REALLY interesting, that out of all the other music hosted uploaded here, one live track by Kyokutou Girl Friend is in the top 5 search keywords.

  2. They didn't. They announce an official break up and a last live. You cry for a week. And then they announce that they're coming back as an oshare band "eMu.giRAffE."

    (sorry that was more like spoiling it that killing it XD XD XD)

    I wish LUNA SEA would come to Chicago

  3. ヽ(゜▽??゜)ノ

    that's my favorite emoticon!!


  4. ^ Both Ryouhei and Takehito went to Keio University

    Ryouhei actually came from a pretty wealthy family of doctors (his family owns this cough candy brand or something), but he rebelled by taking engineering instead of going to med school.

    There are long interviews about both of them in Rock and Read. Ryouhei's is vol 7 and Takepi's is 16. I found them both translated online. They're actually really interesting XD

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