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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    1) High School. There's this guy I had liked since junior year. I think he realized that I was interested, and he seemed to reciprocate that too. But I wasn't sure. And I was extremely shy and anxious (and depressed, and pressured as all college-prepping kids do HAH!) Maybe it was partly because of those factors that I never managed to even be his friend. I was even too shy to look at him in the eyes. Asking him to prom was my last chance, and I was still too much of a coward to ask. If I have to meet him again now (4 years later), I still don't know how to face him because I haven't forgiven myself for having been that kind of person... And now that I'm ready to do otherwise, I can't even find anyone to be interested in. 2) College. I fell really hard for a guy and gave it my all to pursue him. I didn't give up even when he didn't show much interest, because we had great conversations. Later he told me he's gay (but we're still friends). Those are pretty much the only experience in "love" I've had so far, and they've all been mistakes... Oh yeah I forgot 3) Getting obsessed with musicians rofl. That's how far I'm removed from reality, since I've never been successful in finding a guy.
  2. ficsci

    I'd be content doing that too if I were still your age *that awkward moment when you're still clapping after everyone else stops* :'(
  3. ya, sudah 12 tahun tidak tinggal di indo (^^;; ) ooh nice, moar people
  4. yaaay! salam kenal! (^^)/ (actually my Indonesian sucks, lol)
  5. ficsci

    It seems like a lot of people here like really super-old Kuroyume stuff. But honestly the only Kuroyume era I like is their 90s pop stuff. Seriously, Kiyoharu in crop top + cheesy synths FTW
  6. ficsci

    lol don't flatter me Kazuya is a girl
  7. Kayaknya bukan saya saja... unless I'm wrong
  8. ficsci

    (私も知りたいです。日本人じゃないんですけど…) lol please continue
  9. I don't like their music but I respect Lupo Label for their acts of indecent exposure
  10. ficsci

    Band members who are Kiyoharu fanboys are so easy to spot. I think I've found yet another one.
  11. ficsci

    Kazuya hates Scandal
  12. You've always known that these bands exist when they were still together, but you never gave them a serious listen. And now you're butthurt because you've come to like them after they've broken up. Recently for me, it's Deluhi Name yours (not limited to Jrock)
  13. ficsci

    aaaand I've found another reused location (which means I should probably stop watching PVs for today)
  14. ficsci

    Dunno if this v has been mentioned previously, but those pillars... definitely the same place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_AWYgBOMgQ
  15. ficsci

    ^ ooh, nice catch, btw I'm pretty sure I've seen that same balcony/stairs somewhere else too... edit HERE'S ANOTHER ONE! XD
  16. ficsci

    Raphael - Eternal Wish ~ Todokanu Kimi e ~ dat glorious descending 3rd sequence
  17. ficsci

    For a split second there I thought you're referring to Maria Cross I wuz like... would you like tips on how to take care of rainbow hair?
  18. ficsci

    I didn't get much work done : ( Feel useless and inefficient I feel like this girl v
  19. ficsci

    Oh nice, didn't know she's even featured in a documentary Btw do you know that manga called Ai Ore (by Mayu Shinjo)? Apparently in the live action of Ai Ore, Akira made an appearance as one of the band members of Bleu Rosen (fictional band with female members who all look like guys, lol). Although I don't know how much of this would catch up to VK considering the fewness of female band members in VK.
  20. ficsci

    it's quite obvious from reading this thread which users like to vent out their feelings into the large void of the internet
  21. ficsci

    1. ficsci 2. Been living in the US for 4 years, but soon moving away. When I started listening to VK, I lived in the Philippines... Wait, what's the question again? 3. Female 4. http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/user/567-ficsci/
  22. ficsci

    ^ is into Bleach & Naruto
  23. ficsci

    Is "Boom Slang" the tacky techno one? Yah, sounds like they crossed the line there. But several songs sound pretty intriguing. I half wished that "Agnus Dei" sounds like a real Agnus Dei XD . But EYA probably wouldn't go that far with churchy things, lol.
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