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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    I've been living quite an isolated life as a music student/instrumentalist (shortage of friends/family members who play, have no teacher, know only a few other people who know anything in depth about rock music), so I need to ask. I've been learning bass lines by ear (of entire songs), but often they just get lost in the mix, hence it's harder to figure them out especially if they're pretty fast, but it's still not totally impossible to figure out. So obviously I started wondering whether what I had been trying to do was crazy when I discovered this thread: http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f22/learn ... me-882278/ I mean... they're easy as fuck to figure out (intermediate? come on). If you can sing it, you can figure out how to play it... right? Or is this exactly what people had always meant when they say "learn by ear"? (that is, "you don't have to search through the muddle of other sounds to figure out your line"). Or rather, is the value in whether or not you can figure out the notes & intervals the first time, without making any mistakes & w/o replaying the original audio? halp, world is falling apart
  2. ficsci

    Current gear Fender Standard Jazz Bass (first bass, and right now still my only bass. No regrets. Also I can proudly call myself a Fender Jazz player. That tone ) Peavey TNT 115S bass amp (I like the graphic equalizer & the built in chorus effect, but it's a super old model & I got it used at a meh condition, so I can't play around much with the control panels because it's all wonky. Oh well, moving away, getting a new amp.) Boss Bass Chorus CEB-3 (hasn't been too useful because I have a built-in chorus in my amp, but it will be when I get a new amplifier) Boss Synth Bass SYB-3 (not the latest model, but I got it used for cheaper. But I haven't got to play around much with this because my wonky amp just can't take it.) Yamaha Pacifica (got it in 8th grade, don't remember the model, can't find the exact picture, but it's red body, black pickguard, & rosewood fingerboard. Still need to remove one of the springs at the back that keep making this go out of tune. But I'm ok with being a minimalist, I'm not really a guitar player, I'm a bassist! I just use guitar + fx to compose songs or derp around.) Zoom GFX3 (I also got this ages ago, but only recently figured out how to appreciate it, this one's coming with me wherever I go) Orange Crush Pix 12L (haven't really used this, also I realized that I can just plug my guitar into the Zoom pedal then straight to my headphones or regular speakers, so that's what I'll do in the future. But I do like the sound of Orange ^^) REAPER daw (It's like ProTools but cheap, and supposedly full of all the freebies the nerdy users make themselves. But I still haven't quite figured out how to install & use them correctly because I'm nearly tech-illiterate, but want to learn all the techie shit. At least I can use basic effects and do a decent cut & paste. I need a teacher for the more advanced stuff, and my school is short of such classes. Even that grad student freaked out & dropped that class when she saw ProTools... that made me feel superior in a school that's so out of touch with present day music XD) Audio Technica 2020 USB mic (Used it a few times for basic recording of stuff to tweak around in REAPER & ProTools. Very fitting for my skill level. Also, I've had such a bad experience trying to install a firewire audio interface that I'm not ready to get back there any time soon. Plus my new laptop has no firewire. It's ok, USB technology should get better in time... ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream gear (soon to come true, at least for the combo bass amp) I'm right now considering whether to get a Line6 Lowdown 110 or Fender Rumble 75. Guess I can decide once I get to the music store to try & buy one of them for real. The Line6 The Rumble As for DREAM dream gear Warwick Corvette Ash fretless, 5 strings, nirvana black (Aside from the fretless "mwah" & the extra 5th string, it would sound quite different from my Fender because of the ash body. Also, I'm tired of carrying a 4.5kg bass on my shoulder, this Warwick would be SO much lighter since I'm such a wimpy girl. AND I want to be able to play an equivalent of 24 frets, it's just too damn annoying when I can't even hit that high E D:< ) ESP (Edwards) Forest 128B (I'm kind of drawn to this mostly because of its look and it's a neck-through model. But it's also ash body, and in that case I might still choose the Warwick. Also, I dunno what to think about active pickups... right now I kind of like the sound of passive better. Plus right now I just want a fretless 5 string, dunno if they have that variation for the Edwards). Orange Terror Bass 500 (I don't have any experience playing in a place big enough to need this kind of amp, but I just like orange, and if I'm a rich-ass kid, I might get this just for fun XD that's such a bad reason...) Korg microKey 61 + Legacy bundle software (for when I've figured out how to use computer for music... uggghh it's been a frustrating 3-year effort with almost no guidance)
  3. ficsci

    Talk about your mp3 players, stereo systems, turntables, headphones, etc. Just now I realized that my 6th gen iPod is 4.5 years old and still working just fine. I found out that this is actually not everyone's favorite iPod gen. Also the average lifespan of iPod is supposed to be around 3-4 years, so it's pretty badass that mine exceeded that. Sure the power/lock button is a bit loose, and some time ago it had glitches, but just the kind that can be fixed with a restart (and it doesn't have those glitches anymore). It does get heavy use. But I suspect that maybe the reason why it's still in good condition (despite drops, scratches, & chips) is because 1) I use a silicone case that protects it from drops/bumps 2) I don't have an iPod charger, I charge it by plugging it to the computer or the stereo dock 3) I always remove the device safely from the computer rather than taking the plug off right away. I also have a Sharp stereo (CD player, iPod dock, audio in, USB flash disk in, radio, & cassette player). Got it for less than $150, but sounds great and well-designed with . I don't really know what more expensive & high end stereo (like Bose) should sound like compared to this, but my Sharp sounds around as good as my Audio Technica A700 & AD700 headphones, so who's complaining. I can't exactly take it with me when I move away next year, but I wish I can find a very similar stereo system in the future.
  4. ficsci

    I really feel like an imposter being in anime club, because I'm not that into anime and never bothered watching the "classics" XD (Come on guys, Doraemon is my roots. Not Gundam). But 2 manga series I'm reading, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and Suki-tte Ii Na Yo, are getting their anime this fall, so I'd like to watch those. But seriously, I think everyone should watch/read Doraemon. YOU ALL should watch/read Doraemon!! It thought me some of the best lessons a kid could learn.
  5. ficsci

    Futurama. All the episodes. All over again. And again.
  6. ficsci

    Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (but I'm sensing that the plot is going to be a bit painful to follow, so I'm on pause) Suki-tte Ii Na Yo! (come on smut, happen already, with the main characters that is) Dengeki Daisy Men's Kou (scans are so damn slow, too lazy to read in Japanese, but it's done already huh?) Yankii-kun to Megane-chan (also on pause, think I just got a bit lazy reading that many chapters) ahahaha don't judge me, I started reading manga (including romance shoujo manga) in elementary school, I don't even consider myself a manga geek, it's just like watching a regular TV show.
  7. deadman 9goats (dafuq happened to their 10 years pact?) Kagrra, (I want Isshi back D':) Sugar (but let's clone Sizna first so that he can play with Moran too, and then reclaim Shingo. Gahhd I want Atsuto to be playing with them again.) and Kozi just needs to get his ass back to making stuff. Malice Mizer, solo, XA-VAT, doesn't matter. Deadman revival by popular demand needs to happen.
  8. ficsci

    11:45pm , my underpants, home ok fuck I should stop procrastinating
  9. ficsci

    DELUHI 11 Versailles 7 Megaromania 12 D 38 Matenrou Opera 30
  10. ficsci

    ^ wait, why is that weird, isn't that like American staple food? (or do you mean is it weird to have it with jam rather than jelly?) Nah you're not weird. @sai holy crap I do that too I prefer living in a relatively small apartment rather than a large one even if money isn't an issue, is that weird?
  11. ficsci

    sorry but when I see H in google image search, I feel obliged to post XD
  12. ficsci

    riyuu (reason)
  13. ficsci

    I just ate crushed, dry ramen. Why is it that every time I'm on this thread I just ate ramen XD
  14. ficsci

    (^ wow dude are you Indonesian too?) 顔文字
  15. ficsci

    ^ lol you've been really getting into ambient haven't you? but I still have never quite "get" it (even though I like elements of it incorporated into other types of music)... errr... so I'd still say kick. Bass pedals?
  16. ficsci

    Aimee Mann - "King of the Jailhouse" Where's a good place to go for a date?
  17. ficsci

    ^ metal power metal vocals or death metal vocals?
  18. ficsci

    I feel like their only album that I've really enjoyed all the way through was Sehnsucht. I mean, duh, dat catchy shit
  19. ficsci

    Gave them a listen some time ago. I can always appreciate musicians who are really into technical stuff, even if a lot of their stuff might be over my head or difficult to listen to. It's much better than bands that are just catchy, but superficially so, and have nothing else going for them. Haven't listened to the new album, maybe I'll download it now
  20. ficsci

    I'm not quite sure why I never got to listen to much of them, even though I went through a whole post-punk/no-wave phase several years ago. Btw, was that them who did a soundtrack for Tim Burton's Batman movie?
  21. ficsci

    lol, for some reason members of cocklobin & EAT YOU ALIVE (or is it just Hisaki & Shoya? lol) are like obsessed with having that thing all over their photos. what's his face? "shobo-n"? edit: I've found out that the one with this v eyebrow is called "shaki-n", while the reverse eyebrows above is "shobo-n". lol yes that's what I did in the past 30 minutes or so. I also noticed that Hisaki is into Naruto and Iori & Nigu has Nyanko Sensei (from Natsume Yuujinchou) phone strap/stuffed toys *facepalm*
  22. ficsci

    ^ yep ^^ YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! \(>.<)/ Just my opinion, but I think their mini-albums tend to sound less "dense" than their singles.... but I'm curious about how they're going to pull this one off.
  23. ficsci

    I can always appreciate a skilled, clean vocalist 7-string guitar or 6-string bass?
  24. ficsci

    DEAD END - "The Godsend" I'm a bit surprised right now because I never knew that DEAD END had always sounded like both metal & post-punk, which I guess isn't so surprising since it seems that Japan was pretty into both in the 80s. So does that make them... goth rock? (in the context of... the rest of the world).
  25. ficsci

    It says in Wikipedia that the early line-up of X was formed by Toshi & Yoshiki in 1977, when they were 11. What stuff were they listening to? Motörhead? (?__?)
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