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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. Agreed! Also, I'd like it better if he becomes "168" or "Aoi from 168" instead of "Aoi from Ayabieru", because that last one is just so damn awkward... (<_<;; I'm even half hoping that Naoran is going to be the permanent bassist. Kagrra, members need to be everywhere! (>.<)
  2. ficsci

    Lol, to be honest I too have that thought in the back of my mind, because while they obviously sound amazing performing together, I dunno how songwriting will turn out. (Personally I didn't really dig "THE ONE"). But currently that doubt is irrelevant to me, just curious & excited to hear new stuff.
  3. ficsci

    I didn't have class today although school just started again. I actually had a pretty productive day of e-mailing people and doing some sketchbook work. And then I went home, couldn't read a homework book because it was pissing me off. Got away from it and listened to Guns n' Roses. Ended up discovering Buckethead. And when I looked up from my computer I suddenly felt kinda depressed and mentally exhausted Need to get in touch with the world, obviously.
  4. ficsci

    lol don't make me cry *is a virgin myself* Last thing I bought are a cutting mat and a titanium rotary cutter. Excited to use them for my next art project.
  5. ficsci

    hmm but I hope at least one of the bands that Kiri has been playing in would release a record *curious*
  6. ficsci

    ^ sweet! Agreed +1!
  7. ficsci

    Proud to be a virgin at age 19. Beat you, I'm going to be 22 in December, still hasn't lost it teehee Yea I'm still in this thread. Maybe I'll just stay in my shell until I graduate college. Then I'll move to a new city... where the grass is green and the boys are pretty then I'll hook up with every single one of them, aww won't you please take me hoooome!!!! (Sorry, been listening to GnR today).
  8. ficsci

    ok, I've never been in a relationship, but I've had quite some experience with unrequited love towards friends (one of them is gay) I would say that she's just a jealous/possessive type who doesn't hold back. So she has feelings for you (lust? like?), but maybe even she doesn't know whether it's "love". I mean "love" isn't necessarily a yes or no kind of thing, and duh people always argue about what that means. In my experience, I've had a "thing" for a (straight) friend, and when he got together with another girl, I got really jealous that one time I even got a panic attack. But in my definition, I won't call that "love", because I won't consider being in a long committed relationship with him (lol, I know I'd end up wanting to choke him if I had to date him). As for her being jealous when you're with female friends, and not when you're with guy friends... I had been in love (yes, not even a "thing", this one's serious) with a guy who turns out to be gay, and I could only feel sad/helpless about it. I don't really feel jealous towards guys he likes, because I can't compare myself to a guy, nor can I ever be "that guy that he's with". But when he talked about his past experiences with girls (whom I know he had zero attraction towards, but was socially pressured to "experiment" with), oddly enough I was jealous, for no logical reason obviously. Hope that helps. Feel better.
  9. Hi there ^^ What's a pastel goth? I'm 7 years older than you, so I don't know anything about scenes anymore (?__?)
  10. ficsci

    yes, I don't even know what "being scene" mean can you read fast?
  11. ficsci

    Buckethead - "Hills of Eternity" Could it be? I've found ambient music that I like (o__o) Also, I've found Buckethead, where had he been all my life? But if I had discovered him earlier, I might not have liked his work.
  12. ficsci

    cali=/=gari - "karasu" my god I love that bass *le drool*
  13. ficsci

    rikashitsu (science class room)
  14. ficsci

    yes, I used to try sometimes, and then my mom would scold me. Now I cut my own bangs and no one can tell *winning* do you like browsing/shopping for office supplies?
  15. ficsci

    deadman - "in media" how was your day?
  16. ficsci

    I love this song ^^
  17. ficsci

    ^ ice cream ftw post rock or shoegaze?
  18. ficsci

    I would be willing to pay a great amount to see that or better yet, see it live
  19. wow what's up with everyone doing the "hiatus & album" lately :S
  20. ficsci

    ^ I'm so excited for this album \(>.<)/ Seriously?? I want to hear that (O_O)
  21. ficsci

    yeah, what's Yu~ki usually doing these days other than one of those MM reunion thingies? Dang I'm late to join the party, but listening to the album right now. Honestly I'm a bit disappointed that it doesn't sound much like Kozi's solo (which is the main reason why I'm a Kozi fan in the first place), but omg they did a remake of "Night Creature" from LOKI N' ROLL! XD And I'm digging the 2nd half of the album. "Super Naked Disko" is hilarious I feel like Kozi's vocals also got better, he's more in tune
  22. ficsci

    I find it hilarious that I'm asking this since I'm supposed to be a visual arts student, but why do you guys need good quality cover art pictures for every single release? Do you stare at them on your computer screen when you listen to the albums? Seriously, I would like to know.
  23. ficsci

    I keep running into pages of them, guess now's a good time to start listening WHAAAA?? Now this I really need to hear
  24. ficsci

    ^ Thanks for your reply, but reading your 3rd paragraph really makes me wants to defend what I think bass players are about. I actually think learning bass parts of complex songs by ear is tricky, exactly because in your brain, you assume that the bass line would be the root of the chord, except it's not always true, and when it's not true, that's when I think everything start to sound more interesting because, for example, a Tonic chord in first inversion can be perceived or assigned a role as something other than Tonic (of course it depends on the context of where you put that chord too). This is also why I think it's tricky to write good bass lines that both play a solid support of every chord but is as equal as a part of the "conversation" as all the other instruments in a composition. Back to how this applies to learning by ear is, I think what's difficult to do is to really separate the individual notes that was actually playing from the notes in that you expected was played because you heard the chord (listening/hearing is often a partly-imagined activity, I think). And speaking of just the instrument, I think modern bass guitar playing (since Jaco Pastorius, Stanley Clarke, etc) really redefined what a bass part can be, because I think bassists now who still play with the mindset that "bass is easier than other instruments because it only plays the bottom note" are the mediocre bassists. Okay, the bass has to be like a strong foundation to a building, but at the same time, when you do funky shit to the foundation, everything built over it will also turn out funky, and there is a potential that that could be a positive thing if you manage to also get things on top to not fall apart.
  25. ficsci

    ^ weird if you're expecting a train to suddenly come here and hit someone every time you say that, like in asdf movie, otherwise you're not weird When I listen, sometimes I'm paying attention only to the sounds instead of the words people say, am I weird?
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