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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by elias

  1. "take away the black, silver, and green marks woohoo visual kei. and they are ebracing them looking sexless japanses guys."


    this way anything can turn into visual kei (or anything else) after 2 or 3 steps


    regardless, the KISS look is rumored to have been inspired by an early 70's band named "Secos & Molhados" which by its turn once stated that they were inspired by japanese Kabuki Theatre

  2. Cool. Some really great bands there. No idea what I'm in a Coffin are doing there though. Heh. Awful band, and one of the worst depressive black metal bands around.



    I like them mostly due to the strong emphasis on the bass. something I don't hear very often in BM...


    why you find them so awful?



    Also, have been looking for some raw bm with more differentiated drumming, something tribal, medieval percussion... or at least more hollow, cavernous, echoing beats.... it's something you can hear sparsely in some of Darvulia songs... unsuccessful to find something really similar so far

  3. I've got a question regarding Eze:quL


    A complete version of "呪縛" have ever been released somewhere? ...some cryptic VA or whatever, any clues...


    the ~Ver.S~ running 1:08min can be found on the demo "契約の印…嘆願の書"


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