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Posts posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. well i can't remember if i introduced myself...or not x.x so im going too..


     i LOVE jrock so much to where im addicted too it..(don't judge me) my favorite artistes are...well so far is 


    my favorite jrock bands: Mejibray,Lycaon,Dir en grey,The Gazette,Diaura,Nega,D.I.D,Para:noir,Royz,Deathgaze,Born,

    sadie,Screw and etc.


    my favorite kpop groups: 2NE1,Girls Generation,Miss A,T-ara,Kara.4 Minute,F(x),Dal Shabet,  After School,Nine Muses(is that right? o.o), Orange Caramel, Crayon Pop, Girls Day,Big Bang, and etc


    or..you can look at my lame last fm... . www.last.fm/user/BloodyChick2010


    yeah...that's it i know it was lame <__< but whatever lolol.


  2. ok-ok, sorry.

    sometimes i just can't see the line that i shouldn't cross orz

    *sigh* it's alright I forgive you.. I'm just worried that's all..x__x I know I shouldnt say shit like that i just need to control my anger (sorry for being off topic)

  3. im worried about my mom and you make a fucking joke about it...WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!! im REALLLLLY getting sick of your

    shit...you better fucking quit...THIS IS NOT A DAMN JOKE...DUDE...YOU ARE ON THIN ICE RIGHT NOW....


    (and i needed to let this out...forgive me)

  4. every time i look at my tekken tag tournament(ps2) game..i think of my sisters stupid ass ex boyfriend... cause i let

    him burrow it..and he NEVER gave it back...well lucky me i got a new one and the book doesn't look like shit

    like my old one.. <___< that's was probably the last time i let someone used my things.. stupid ugly bastard .

    i hate having to replace shit cause people wanna burrow something and NOT return it.. this happen with my sims bustin out too..

    my cousin's friend wanted to burrow it and she never gave it back..so i had to replace it.. SO YES THIS HAPPEN TWICE.( shit if you want the fucking game so bad go fucking buy it yourself)

  5. THE FACT THAT MY MOM THINKS SHES CAN CONTROL ME WHAT THE FUCK?!?! and you are NOT taking my fucking computer and my game too your job and it's gets stolen hell fucking NO you better not touch my stuff dammit!! you don't touch other peoples things... annoying ugh and no MOM I DON'T WANT FUCKING FRIENDS..

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