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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    that's nice ^^
  2. Dark Kinma

    D'espairsRay Lynch. Dir en grey Plastic Tree Capella AION UNiTE. Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi KuRT Re:dis 新興宗教楽団NoGoD Baroque
  3. Dark Kinma

    I think nobody have this in new condition, If you want that, I think you does buy it on a webshop. I have see a lot of single on auction, but it's on japanese auction and you will pay more than 7-8€ But prefer CDJapan than YesAsia, their are more Dir en grey single reference ^^ I try too to complete my discography, and the most difficult it's the 8cm cd, I have juste two of them :/
  4. Dark Kinma

    Maitre Gims feat. Bedjik , Dr Beriz , H magnum & Soprano – DE MARSEILLE A PARIS
  5. Dark Kinma

    Crazy★shampoo – The place in which I am now.
  6. I will prefer just new song, but they make an awesome work on their recording song, but why Macabre is only for limited edition, I WANT IT ON THE REGULAR XD
  7. Dark Kinma

    ^ Like the first one ^^ you are pretty.
  8. Dark Kinma

    all is still avaible, price can be negociable.
  9. Is big shit if we does use chrome... I didn't want using this
  10. Me to, is blocked to 100%, I don't have understand completely how use it.
  11. Dark Kinma

    BORN – Extremely waltz
  12. I have success to upload one song, if you can try and say me if it's ok : https://mega.co.nz/#!h9gzXIJb!E1kLm0eCHbzCRJPMFRYjL2eeh5QCYpJC-aflXVmm52I
  13. Dark Kinma

    Gazelle Mas'ke=Raid 【_Vani;lla】 Re:dis Vanilla (バニラ) N'dool
  14. Dark Kinma

    BORN – 涙彩の花
  15. Dark Kinma

    in 2012 i have dsicover a lot of vk band, band it's because they wad formed this year, so I didn't list them here. I have discover an band from Faroe Islands : Týr, a Viking/Folk metal band. http://youtu.be/0I1geB7U5VI
  16. Dark Kinma

    Propose just for 3 band, maybe I add some band in future ^^ Dir en Grey : 1 - Cage 2 - I'll 3 - ain't afraid to die 4 - JESSICA 5 - umbrella 6 - 朔-saku- 7 - mazohyst of decadence 8 - OBSCURE 9 - HYDRA -666- 10 - 輪郭 Lustknot. 1 - angelus 2 - A Brutal Fact 3 - 其れは名も無き同志に捧ぐたった一つの賛美歌 4 - VERONICA 5 - Obscene Play 6 - EVEN IF I DIE, TOMORROW IS COMING BORN 1 - ケミカルロマンス 2 - white harmony 3 - Vermin's Cry 4 - Dust Pain 5 - 【beauty;beast】 6 - Dig Fxxker 7 - Cobra 8 - Radical Hysteria 9 - -tHiNk- 10 - 乱刺 °C
  17. Dark Kinma

    Baroque – キズナ
  18. Dark Kinma

    ベルベット – Black@Envy
  19. ^ I receive the confirmation in a few second after enter my accont information, have use a gmail adress
  20. for download you does have a key you has give to the uploader, so if you don't share with everybody, unknow poeple can't share it. I have try to up something but I didn't have success, I will wait the site was at 100%
  21. Dark Kinma

    ベルベット - 捻れた思想、儚き想い
  22. Dark Kinma

    Signal lade – LAST SEASON
  23. Everybody get's stupid

  24. Dark Kinma

    I have a new dog since November 2012, she have 5month, she's named Hely and love play with plastic bottle xD.
  25. Dark Kinma

    Do you Want More ? I give you more, 'cause I can
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