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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    『薔薇〜Rose〜』[A Type] 01.SE  02. 薔薇〜Rose〜  03.タイトル未定 A 『薔薇〜Rose〜』 2500yen 【CD収録曲】 01.SE  02. 薔薇〜Rose〜  03.タイトル未定 B 『薔薇〜Rose〜』[C Type] 【CD収録曲】 01.SE  02. 薔薇〜Rose〜  03.タイトル未定 C http://www.brand-x.jp/product/7432 http://www.brand-x.jp/product/7431 Just the bad joke off 2013 xD
  2. Dark Kinma

    Oh F***ing shit O_O † R.I.P K †
  3. Dark Kinma

    awesome, ^^
  4. Dark Kinma

    nice, good news
  5. Dark Kinma

    add new cd : Dué le quartz RUDIE CORE STEIN kiss my way ゼクス-zechs- the GazettE
  6. Oh I see... I'll never have the chance to see them in live...
  7. *do you have any cd ? where did you buy it and where can buy the new cd ?
  8. Dark Kinma

    400yen O_o I want it !!
  9. Dark Kinma

    I love zombies & werewolves but have voted for werewolves ^^. I can't support anymore Vampire... Twilight & True Blood have just destroy them, although without interest already before ... just because one guy have write one book ... I'm so disappointed about werewolves in movies, because, today with the high-technilogies and special effects we can't found a valid werewolves but the movie "Le loup-Garou de Paris" (An American Werewolf in Paris) released in 1997 is just awesome. Have liked recently "Wolfman", but don't really like de Werewolf. My favorite werewoves is the werewolf in Video Game The Elder Scroll V : Skyrim *_* just beautifull.
  10. Dark Kinma

    DEATHABALONE, The melodic deathmetal band from Tokyo, will be released a new cd, an album with 10 tracks. They are finished to record it and hope to release it for March or April. They are actually looking for local distributor to release this cd in Europe. In parallel the band will change their name before releasing the new cd, and renamed as Faintest Hope. More detail in future.
  11. Dark Kinma

    Wizard single will be sales. other cd are also avaible. we can talk about the price if you are intersted by cd.
  12. Dark Kinma

    Don't like the new vocal
  13. Dark Kinma

    That's awesome ^^ have already pre-order the second maxi single, but when this will be available on CDJapan, I will order it too ^^
  14. Dark Kinma

    I don't hope a full album don't have money for xD I hope they share their two PV who were never published in full
  15. Dark Kinma

    I hope he have the faith for fight this shit and come back with powerfull ^^
  16. Dark Kinma

    Anubis – 淡雪に君が見せた夢と僕が届ける言葉
  17. Dark Kinma

    instead of old post, written in a new, its easier whether there's a new 「わすればな」 (Wasurebana) 01. わすればな (Wasurebana) 02. 3番目の僕が見た2つの絵本 (Sanbanme no Boku ga Mita Futatsu no Ehon) 03. growing glory DVD. わすればな (Wasurebana)
  18. Dark Kinma

    give me the link ? I have search for capella and have find nothing...
  19. Dark Kinma

    2nd single will be released on 20 february 2013 and costs 2,100yen for 3 track & the PV of title track. 「わすればな」 (Wasurebana) 01. わすればな (Wasurebana) 02. 3番目の僕が見た2つの絵本 (Sanbanme no Boku ga Mita Futatsu no Ehon) 03. growing glory DVD. わすればな (Wasurebana)
  20. Dark Kinma

    D'espairsRay Lynch. Dir en grey Plastic Tree Kagrra, Capella AION llll-ligro- BUCK-TICK UNiTE. Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi
  21. thank's. It's avaible for French poeple ? It's limited in time?
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