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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    I just want show my Dir en Grey, Vanilla, Lustknot & Re:dis collection ^^ :
  2. Dark Kinma

    I like so much have a lot of Icons xD
  3. Dark Kinma

    I'm surprised, why ? It's a shame, but the life continue/
  4. Dark Kinma

    Hello Everybody, that's me ^^ don't have a Rocker's Look, but look is nothing ^^.
  5. Dark Kinma

    He have just Tokyo Quartet and now DOLLARS, isn't less Ridiculous Than Gene (DEVI+TEC, DIS★marionette, Drug & Sick² ...)
  6. Dark Kinma

    it's a live-limited single, so you can just buy it on their live... or on auction ...
  7. I hate live-limited CD :/ That's the third japanese band who I know who is named Atelier xD
  8. Dark Kinma

    Riddick – 灰色の世界
  9. Dark Kinma

    Velours – Deadly Calling
  10. Dark Kinma

    ZEXER – 真翼
  11. 2300yen for 37 track is a gift, hope all track it's more than 3minutes and it's good ^^
  12. Dark Kinma

    beautiful, I love it <3
  13. Dark Kinma

    they can stop change name and play music xD
  14. Dark Kinma

    I don't see their cd in one webshop, maybe you can try to contact the band by mail : [email protected]
  15. Dark Kinma

    why not, like the look ^^ hope a first song for judge them.
  16. Dark Kinma

    I like to and I have would like listen more than just one song.
  17. Dark Kinma

    and Yuura return, that's cool ^^
  18. Dark Kinma

    Every years is the same debat, "Gazette in E.U" and every years is the same final debat "it's a stupid rumors" xD they didn't care about E.U xD But this is just my view of things as a non-fan group
  19. Dark Kinma

    ムック – オズ
  20. Dark Kinma

    D'espairsRay Lynch. Dir en grey Plastic Tree Capella AION llll-ligro- BUCK-TICK UNiTE. Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi KuRT Re:dis
  21. He announce it on his blog the 12.1.2012: "わたくし創は、今日11日のライブをもちまして 『ペコ』 に改名することになりました!"
  22. Dark Kinma

    ^ I see thanks for your answer, hope I receive it before the end of availabilty period.
  23. Dark Kinma

    Who can explain me what is the "serial code" included in first press of regular edition to たとえば君と僕(tatoeba kimi to boku) ? I don't understand.
  24. God, what is this mode to change his name more and more...
  25. 瞬獄殺(shungokusatsu) —- 羅生門(rashoumon) [30GBP] interesting but it's f****ng expensive for me.
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