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Dark Kinma

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Status Updates posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Ink Master & Miami Ink <3!

  2. Batista, The Animal return on WWE on RAW of 20th January! that's awesome

    1. Raburr7


      wow :D have stop watchin WWE some years now ;p got to check that out though ^^

  3. Jow (Vo.SHEDIA) will send me their 無料??布CD, that's a great day!

    1. Minami


      mmm.. cool ..they are good at MV spot)

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Yes Endless XXIV sound good, I hope I receive it this week, but stilln't shipped yet by CDJ.

    3. ぺるしゃ猫


      Sorry I'm commenting on your old status but aw that's so sweet of him :')

  4. リベラル-Liberal give me for free their 3rd&4th singles, they are so kind ^^

  5. I receive my ticket for Behemot&Cradle of Filth coupling Live! I yeah baby!

  6. VENDETTA is an awesome song <3

    1. Gaz



    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      said as his, it's is unlikely I do it ^^

  7. GoodBye Mandela, RIP Madiba ! A great man leaves us

  8. 22.01.14

    1. Pandabear



      I win ^^

    2. Gaz
    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Yes, 48 Days remaining before my next new japanese release will be shipped ^^

  9. D0 my AVENGER'S DEAD DIRGE's order shipped today ^^

  10. 「AVENGER'S DEAD DIRGE?? will be an epic single ^^

  11. I moved from dark side, I like 武瑠-Takeru- solo project !

  12. †~Fan of DeG since 2004~†

  13. What's a Fucking live by LOKA !!

  14. I want more of オトガデッド ...

  15. New Gazette isn't bad right.... it's worse...!

    1. Tokage


      [laughing Muppet Show grandpas]

  16. 終??り??メロディ! *_*!

  17. Div or Gazettô ? Hmm Fuck I choose アヲイ !!!

  18. Watching Man of Steel with media player who listening Lustknot. is... enjoyable and disruptive !!

  19. Lustknot. Letter Ready to send !

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