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Dark Kinma

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Posts posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Zaku is a good vocal too, he makes some progress since their debut, and they do find a new vocal who incarned the band, why not HIZUMI, he has produced their previous release, I think he's the best vocal for this band ^^

  2. In the B versions you have the live  and "backstage".

    In the C type it's only the live -13 or 15 min-.

    Not really, on C type you have 10 minutes of live and the rest is comment member (for 12minutes20 in total time) ^^ either you're make a mistake between different type, or you talk without knowing (and I hope it's the first because you have see the Type C dvd too)

    BTW, this topic isn't for talk about on the content of each release, thank's ^^

  3. FUTURISM・BOYZ members Shun and YUKIHIRO announced two

    days ago that the band's 2013-10-06 sponsored event has been cancelled

    (featuring ex-UCP cast), due to vocalist CO- being detained by police

    for questioning.

    The members are unsure what CO- was involved in but it seems that he

    could be in some real trouble (eg. arrested). Shun and YUKIHIRO will

    further update when they know more about the situation―and after they've

    made a decision about the future of FUTURISM・BOYZ.

    Refunds are available to all those who pre-ordered tickets to the event

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