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Dark Kinma

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Posts posted by Dark Kinma

  1. First, I would like say sorry if I make no sense in some of my sentence, I try my best to make the least amount of fault as possible and be as clear as possible.



    For me it's a good album, and if I does choose between the 4, I choose this one, But, I have the strange feeling to listen an other band and not Sadie. (regardless about what band I think listen) but forced to observe (in my opinion) they have never been better than they are inspirated by the band of Mao's Idol rather than their more personnal composing.

    But, expet that, this album is good, the three first song introduce wonderfully the album, and the unplugged of face to face is really their best unplugged (from the threewho their are released). where they get the idea for make unplugged ?

    Jealousy might well have be replaced by Rosario (this song have more her place in this album more than TBD) and Yasashiku Koroshite don't affect me, maybe here for fulfill...


    So some people will say "shit they plagiarized [band x]" and, seriously ? They start their career as a copy band of DeG, and Kyo is Mao idol's, so that's totally normal to hear a certain influences, but of course it takes nothing away of the Sadie's talent, because, they have a lot of talent.

    (and to be honest, my favorite work by the band, it's all of their release before Crimson Tear)


    -That's totally my own point of view, and don't forcing anyone to accept mine, but I respect all of you point of view about this album and this band, made the same-

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