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Everything posted by relentless

  1. relentless

    Did you intend on answering my question?
  2. relentless

    Disregarding the fact it is impossible to get a good idea as to what the overall product is going to sound like with such short samples, what about the music do you find to be an influence from sukekiyo? The only thing you touched on in a previous post is in regards to tempo, and that literally tells you nothing about the composition and only the speed at which it is done. What about the music is reminiscent of sukekiyo? I feel like you're reaching here and quick to shovel this along with similar bands into the category of "Dir en grey wanna-be's" without actual consideration of the music when what's been shown is so minute that nothing can be pulled from them other than a passing glance at where it might go.
  3. relentless

    The heavier track was able to bore and surprise me within the span of seconds. At the very least, I'll be checking this out.
  4. relentless

    Kyo is a mediocre vocalist with constantly poor execution.
  5. relentless

    BABYMETAL has the benefit of being a trend right now. Very few (if any) VK-related acts exploded in popularity on YouTube because of their gimmick, and right now BABYMETAL are taking advantage of that fact.
  6. relentless

    TECHNICALLY, for the sake of specifics, Rock & Roll has been dead since the early 60's with the over-saturation and over-commercialization of the music in a world where pop groups (i.e. The Beatles and a large part of the British Invasion) took precedent over lesser known groups with tighter associations to the blues. Simmons is one to talk, who has used Kiss as a marketing tool ever since the inception of the band. I definitely agree with his opinion that music is becoming difficult to break into, though. The world today has far more amateur musicians and those learning music than in something like the 50's and 60's when Rock & Roll was at its strongest. Though, this feels more like a stagnation and development period of the industry than anything else. With the current model of big labels slowly (very slowly) being pushed out in favor of a more personal model of self promotion and consumption separate from Major Label influence, I have hopes that means will be developed for good music to be easily distributable to the masses. Time will tell.
  7. relentless

    Fascinating, isn't it? You can't win nowadays with how you want your band to sound. You either get shit for not "evolving" or get shit for entirely changing your sound. The big difference here, though, is that unlike Dir en grey, Sadie has not shown any level of competency when it comes to writing music with this new change in sound. At least a band like Dir en grey, though a mixed bag and lacking as of late, puts effort into their compositions and shows a level of growth which each album that is the antithesis of Missa. With Sadie, you can not find ONE quality of their songwriting and proclaim it to be progress from their previous sound. The merits of their compositions fall apart when in consideration of a path that people dread the most, cultural accessibility in music. They are playing it safe by treading the same ground that countless bands have done before to make their sound more accessible to a wider audience. Bands who play it safe almost never get remembered a few years after they disband. Instead, those that do, offer something new to music that can be remembered for better or for worse. Sadie has yet to do anything like this other than come up with a shitty album title. Not that I want them to go back to their "heavier" roots; but to regress so much with nothing to show for it? In this one instance, I can understand why people are bothered. (this is based off of different expectations in music though. and I doubt a band like Sadie worries themselves too much about compositional integrity)
  8. relentless

    I was excited for them to do something, even if it was absolute shit, with the album title. Make it a rap-metal concept album about slinging rock dressed in VK on the tough streets of rural Japan. Instead they couldn't even use a shred of creativity to do something so stupid. They had to do this.
  9. relentless

    I agree. The only part I enjoyed was the intro; but after that it goes downhill rather steadily.
  10. relentless

    What's odd about that logic, is that they're called PVs for a reason: They're Promotional Videos to showcase the music for a band. If anything, PVs and Music Videos are just another aspect of marketing a band so it seems weird to me that these labels would be upset by people watching the videos / downloading them when the financial return on PVs is never easy to trace, and is going to yield results as much as 3-4 years after the video is released. It's as if labels would expect viral success on par with PSY or BABYMETAL, which are lofty expectations to say the least. Japanese management is either clueless, stupid, or both.
  11. relentless

    I like the variation in your list (especially the jump from BUCK-TICK to We Came As Romans). A few of the bands I've heard of but some (akissforjersey, The Winking Owl, and Block B ) I haven't. Interesting band names. 1. Johann Sebastian Bach - Keyboard Partita No.2 in C minor, BWV 826: II. Allemande 2. Jean-Philippe Rameau - Castor et Pollux Prologue and Ouverture 3. Richard Wagner - Tristan und Isolde, "O sink hernieder, Nacht der Leibe" 4. Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantata No.25 "Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe': 'Die ganze Welt ist nur ein Hospital' Recitative for tenor 5. Grateful Dead - Fire on the Mountain 6. Felix Mendelssohn - Cantata 6. "Vom Himmel hoch": I. Coro (from the 8 Chorale Cantatas) 7. Johann Sebastian Bach - Duet in F Major, BWV 803 8. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No.5 - III. Allegro 9. Beatles - Drive My Car 10. Franz Schubert - Sehnsucht, D.516 Considering JS Bach makes up over 1,600 songs on my iTunes surprises me that he did not show up more on the shuffle. Surprisingly, no Metal appeared on the shuffle. And I'm also sorry for the lack of Japanese music, it's minute compared to what I've collected in other genres.
  12. relentless

    What the fuck does it matter? Let the guy do his thing, because last time I checked, he wasn't being a prick and crossing out your posts and "fixing" them. I mean you can dislike the guy's posts; but come the fuck on. Acting like this, you're no better than the person you're trying to ridicule. Honestly? Hating on kurenaishineek is turning into a meme, and I'm afraid some of the community is jumping on the bandwagon just because it's the latest trend.
  13. It's intimidating; but relieving. Refreshing in a way that can only be likened to a long and sometimes arduous journey across the beautiful setting of the countryside. In the countryside, your ears and eyes open to sights and sounds unfamiliar, yet the path is never lost. You continue your journey forward, picking up on all the animals that scurry across the mountainous trees, which stand at heights as if reaching for the stars. It is perhaps the end of the journey which is the most cherished. As you come to a clearing you realize you were closer to home than you imagined. You reach the top of a hill and look down, and in that moment you are renewed with a strength you have not had since the beginning, and push forward to your destination. Perhaps the greatest moment, is the end -- that moment when you reach your destination. Everything has built to this point, and overwhelming feelings of excitement wash over as you step into the doorway of your destination. Home.
  14. relentless

    ^ 10/10. Would read again.
  15. relentless

    People have been saying it for over 600 years in regards to Classical, so I think VK will be just fine. full size if interested: http://blog.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/killing-classical-music-large.jpg
  16. relentless

    Theres the photos on the NYtimes site, and then heres one of the crime scene (pattern on footwear is identical) http://4-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/xmichael-brown.jpg.pagespeed.ic.UV_7sefiuf.jpg
  17. relentless

    An update: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/16/us/darren-wilson-identified-as-officer-in-fatal-shooting-in-ferguson-missouri.html Not only have police revealed WHO shot Michael Brown; but they have also tied Michael Brown to a robbery just before he was killed. The account according to Police was built off of: "Michael Brown robbed a store, was apprehended by Police, then went for the cop's gun". The first half of their account is true. Now it's time to see what the investigation holds. Because IF it is found that the cops' account has been correct, the people of Ferguson just rioted and demanded an end to oppression on false reasons.
  18. Pallbearer -- awesome doom metal band. This is their new album "Foundations of Burden"
  19. relentless

    "that doesn't excuse the brutality..." - What brutality? "the militarization of police force" - As a whole, I think it's less about the militarization and more about the fact that "protect and serve" just doesn't seem to be a thing cops want to do anymore. (Some) feel like they have no obligation to protect citizens, and that their job is to "protect and uphold the law". That's a problem, and one of the fundamental reasons for this occurrence in Ferguson. "the harrassment of journalists (including taking equipment)" - this is one of the things I have a problem with. The police are NOT intentionally firing at journalists. The problem, is that this police force looks largely unprepared for so much shit going down. They fired tear gas into a neighborhood just to make the protestors scatter. That's just dumb. There was another journalist detained in McDonald's. He made a video of the interaction with SWAT that came in evacuating everyone. The journalist was being a prick to the officer while this guy is trying to do what he was told, and evacuate people from the restaurant. Then the journalist was detained, to which it then didn't even turn into an arrest, it was said they were just "holding them for 24 hours". Again, dumb actions from the police. "firing tear gas into PEACEFUL protest areas" - Peaceful? Not so much. Places were set on fire that night because protestors decided to start using molotov cocktails. Whether at buildings, or at police, this was the opposite of civil. A mob attacked an innocent man walking his dog last night. That's not "peaceful", that's a mob. The problem is that this is not a united movement. It is filled with people who want peace, and then a bunch of idiots that want to retaliate. I watched a livestream of one of the clashes with Police, where they fired tear gas into the crowd (others have probably seen it too). When police were firing tear gas, one man ran, grabbed a cannister, and threw it back at police. When this happened, one woman shouted "NO DON'T THROW ANYTHING" (or something to that effect), to which a guy shouted "YEAH. FUCK THE POLICE. BRING IT, IVE GOT ROMAN CANDLES TOO, BITCH". This "movement" is heavily fractured and doesn't have a leader to bring everyone together for a common goal. "the complete lack of accountability for the police officiers involved etc" - this I agree with. I hope that the independent investigations do find accountability for whoever shot Michael Brown. What worried me the most was when the chief of police has openly stated that some of the police in the streets don't know what they're doing (in regards to opening fire of tear gas, and arresting the two journalists). Essentially: This situation is so difficult because both sides are at fault, with different opinions clashing as to WHO should be blamed. Should the police be blamed for everything? Or should the rioters? How about both? Rioters destroyed property on Sunday, attacked innocent bystanders, looted, and continued the behavior into last night with MOLOTOV FUCKING COCKTAILS. The police are at fault for escalating the problem by surrounding a very timid protest group with K-9 units, swat, armored trucks, and snipers. They are also disorganized, and have been a mess when trying to detain people and get journalists to a safe location. The police force is inept. Though word, the word has been that today's protest has been very peaceful even with the police presence. Looks like things may finally be calming down, now we just have to wait what the investigation yields.
  20. relentless

    It's fake: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/873747-snap-hoax-government-food-stamp-program-to-be-discontinued-effective-march-2015-is-fake/
  21. relentless

    It doesn't look like it's going to get any better, that's for sure. it seems like the National Guard needs to get involved to deescalate the situation seeing as how police look clueless.
  22. relentless

    There's only one gif worthy of my reaction to that tracklist:
  23. relentless

    304 goushitsu is too legit to quit
  24. Generally, $10/hour (working less than 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week) is not cheap labor. Anywhere else that would be very good for a teenager to get for a job while they're in school; but in this context it seems low from an entertainment standpoint. Though, I don't know average wages for Japanese musicians, so I wouldn't know.
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