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Everything posted by Ikna

  1. Ikna

    I bet they won't have many lives. They're totally crap-kei. And that vocalist gave me headaches, omg...
  2. I think it is also because Grieva are ripping off the songs of their earlier days, who haven't been copied so excessively (except maybe Cage and I'll). And I have noticed how much hate there is for the Gauze album in general. Many people think it was cheesy and bad compared to Dir en grey's later work (which also have influenced most of the more metal oriented visual kei bands from today). I like Grieva and I love Kote kei. I agree however that they need new ideas and influences. Maybe their Mini-Album will be better (though I really like 毒 on the single, more than the title track which is simply Myaku with a different chorus). On the new promo: I am glad the have a brand new look now. The suits were cool, but they had this look now since the album release. The new Look is badass. Somehow Kyouki is reminding me very much of Tatsuya from Syndrome. And I like Haru's nice gloves.
  3. Ikna

    Maybe because the very first VK bands who visited foreign countries and had more than 10 people attending the live were invited to conventions. I know bands have played in europe before, but D'espairsRay, Blood, Moi dix Mois and Kagerou were the bands brought here to play on anime cons, because most of their fans came into contact with visual kei via Mangas and they were part of the beginning visual kei trend in europe and the US. I can't remember really... but wasn't dir en grey, who are the big exception here, playing in the US first? (and also giving a real concert instead of playing in front of anime fans?) However, I am happy for everyone who can see Cell. I hope this will help them to make an international tour one day.
  4. Ikna

    Somehow they must continue the species of visual kei musicians and ensure that there is a next generation of vk people (even though they probably won't respect their elders)
  5. Well... at least they tried. And honestly: there a lot more of these kind of bands coming from japan itself. Actually, Visual kei in general is pure crap. So what do you expect when foreigner become "isnpired"... And if I could I would play in an oldschool and crappy and untalented as fuck band too- but it would be too expensive (all the clothes, make-up, instruments and paying for production that still is fucking terrible) and I would feel forever responsible if people get a tinitus from my music, so nope not doing it And... isn't the one guy from Romancia Sada, who also had a "solo" project? And I here's another mexican vk band. I guess the music is okay, but why must he sing in japanese... I also wonder if they still exist.
  6. Neat. I actually like MIRROR・MIRROR very much. I would have loved another remake than Prism though (Curse for example would be great. Or inspire). At least I have a reason to maybe buy only the A Type.
  7. Ikna

    So when will they now actually officially disband? In december? And until then Kisaki will pretend UCP still going and releases 10+ CDs, DVDs and Compilations. (I have the feeling he doesn't really want to close the label... or at least get money through it as long as he can. Maybe next year he announces the label was just temporarily closed).
  8. Ikna

    As long as they continue as a band and the album will be released, everything will be fine (I just guess. Those type of bands disband really fast. We have to remember the only-survives-4-years-maximum rule in vk too.) I wonder if anyone has got their stuff?
  9. If this is really Bel air or another Merveilles song rip-off then I have to congratulate them. Because it sounds dozen times better. (yeah, I really honestly don't like Gackt era Malice Mizer that much). The chorus sounds very familiar but I can't figure out why. I still have hopes they will start to be heavily "inspired" by Key Party or Matina bands. Or early 90s groups (Kuroyume and friends). Because that is the type of VK I miss.
  10. Very nice PV. Only a week until the single is out X3
  11. Ikna

    Wir müssen einen Currywurst Rekord aufstellen XD Also los, fügt das Wort in so viele Posts wie möglich ein! Ich weiß nicht, wie wann und ob ich wieder nach Berlin kommen werde. Ich reise nämlich selten XD (was eigentlich schade ist... aber mir fehlt dazu das Geld *lol*). Aber ich werde es versuchen wieder dort hinzukommen und ich muss unbedingt noch andere Teile Deutschlands auch sehen *w* Ich hoffe echt, ich habe irgendwann einen anständigen Job und ein gutes Gehalt, damit ich mehr von der Welt sehen kann. Auf Dauer ist Wien langweilig >_< Das wäre sehr sehr toll <3 Ich vermute aber, dass sich die Schüchternheit bei uns beiden legen wird, sobald wir anfangen, über Visual kei oder Ähnliches zu reden XD Und bei einem guten Schnitzel kann man auch nicht still sein (es ist schön, dass man bei unseren sogenannten Heurigen eine Esskultur hat, aber trotzdem auch dabei viel Tratschen darf/soll) Ansonsten kommunizieren wir per Telepathie oder so XD
  12. Ikna

    Started watching Hannibal. i am now at episode 11. Really great series <3
  13. Ikna

    Those previews are not bad. Gonna keep an eye on them.
  14. Ikna

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII becoming FFXV was very unexpected and surprising. I am glad the game will be finally released after so much years. I will also try to spend money to get the PS4. I would never ever get the Xbox one. Not being able to play used games = not going to buy that crap. Sad to see again that Nintendo still can't get their shit together and get back on track. When has it been the last time when they were really were influental, innovative and their games interesting and diverse? Seriously, the Wii U is boring unless they announce interesting third party games.
  15. Ikna

    I don't do cosplay (yet... I am planning getting into it) but i admire them. And I really like to see visual kei cosplays. The more "extreme" or visual bads honestly are just inviting to let people cosplay them, especially when their costumes are detailed, complex or fantasy inspired (Sphire-Croid era Rentrer en Soi, anyone?). I don't think cosplaying as a real person is any more "embarassing" than people cosplaying as actors, movie figures or fictional charcters in general. Adult people too jsut want to have fun sometimes. I am 21 years now and I wish I could go back in time and dress up in a certain way. I don't think this makes me childish or stupid. Of course people who create their own styles and costumes are even more awesome. On the con thing: I am living in Austria and we basically have no real "scene" here. We also only have one big manga convention. But by looking how vk's popularity today is it makes sense that there aren't that many cosplayers. At least here in europe visual kei has become "out", in the sense that it isn't as popular as maybe 6 or 7 years ago.
  16. Ikna

    Sehr schade, dass das Wort jetzt nicht mehr offiziell existiert... aber man kann es ja trotzdem noch weiterverwenden. Im Alltag, falls man das Wort mal brauchen sollte XDD Und Sorry, hyura wegen dem Unangekündigtem Sein in Berlin *lol* Ich war allerdings nur 4 Tage dort wegen einer Messe. Und ich war mit meiner Klasse. Wir sind eigentlich nur zum Einkaufen und Essen in den Westteil gegangen, sonst waren wir auf der Messe. (ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten konnten wir uns trotzdem ansehen). Ich muss zugeben Berlin ist nicht so stark anders als Wien. Zumindest der Westteil (aber der Osten erinnert auch an Wiens Außenbezirke). Lediglich die Dimensionen sind viel viel größer. Aber ich fand das Essen eigentlich gut. Vor allem die Currywurst in Berlin- hier in Wien ist die eher seltsam...
  17. Ikna

    Mist of Rouge, Grieva, emmurée and Marry+An+Blood at the moment
  18. Ikna

    Entered the drug dealing business, because that way he got more money than with his band's music (but seriously, it is funny how lately a lot of bands are throwing out members. New fad?)
  19. Ikna

    rip Vior gloire. It was not surprising that the least good band of the label will survive and Vior gloire, the most promising band, disband.
  20. For me it is Black gene for the next scene. I was really excited when Rame's new band was announced. I found Doom was an okay single, but what they have done ever since isn't really convincing to me.
  21. Ikna

    The pessimist inside me doesn't believe that Final Fantasy Versus will be ever released until I see a fixed release date.
  22. Ikna

    Hey, ich kann zum Beispiel gar nicht kochen XD Bis auf ein paar Sachen, die einfach sind, kriege ich nix zu Stande. Also willkommen im Club, lol. Backen kann ich auch nicht und die einzige Nachspeise, die ich gemacht habe, ist Tiramisu und da muss man nicht backen XD Und zum Thema Spezialitäten: in Wien gibt es ein paar, unter anderem Schnitzel und im Sommer Eismarillenknödel.Ich kann nicht sagen, ob unsere Lebensmittelläden Touristen stark anlocken. Ich glaube im Vergleich zu anderen Großstädten eher weniger (Wien ist zwar ein Besuchermagnet, aber bei weitem nicht so "ausgelastet" wie Berlin, wo ich vor zwei Wochen war.) Nur bei manchen bekannten Traditionsläden wie im Tichy Eissalon, wo es Eismarillenknödel gibt, kann es zu Schlangen kommen.
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