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Status Updates posted by whitegrey

  1. DAFUQ did I just see... o__0

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Are you in the wrong side of youtube again?

  2. OMG @ the new PV from ELT... When the heck did they get that naughty! I mean; look at THAT EDITING... Just wow if they thought this would be a pretty 'subtle' message! xD

    1. Tetora


      Well... that was.... (Ahem)... Uhhh...That was something....

  3. Wheee! Seems like LAZYgunsBRISKY are coming back! *__* (I totally missed the news it seems *drop*) http://natalie.mu/music/news/143144

    1. Tetora


      Whoa whoa whoa, when did YOU get back!?

    2. whitegrey


      earlier this month, I had some issues to take care of in 'real life', 2 of my laptops died at literally the same time and so on... searching for a job atm... but well, basically it's fine, still alive and I'll try to be more active again, at least from early summer on! :) Big thanks for writing me on last.fm btw - that made me smile <3 (and sorry for not responding tho)

    3. Tetora


      Ah I see, I see. It's all good, nice to see you back. Hope everything works out.

  4. That made me lough quite a bit... Damn, am I really that easy to entertain? D:

    1. Tetora


      "This video is unavailable to play on this platform."

      Thanks WG, that was hysterical!

  5. gimme gimme gimme! *__*

  6. a haha... talking about man-eating vaginas xD (safe for work) http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/23/us-student-rescued-giant-vagina-sculpture-germany

    1. Tetora


      Lmao at the picture of him stuck in it.

    1. Tetora


      Yup, it's all about avoid not wallowing in the pain of your mistakes, but being able to survive them and grow stronger. The more mistakes the more EXP points to be gained.

    2. Tetora


      Remove the word avoid from that sentence when you read, lol.

  7. hmm, I guess I see what Girugamesh did there XD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bo0AJrcIUAAhfBj.jpg

    1. Tetora


      Lulz. VK needs more booty lovers.

  8. Damn! After seeing this I don't know if I want to keep up my realist-thinking anymore D: https://scontent-a-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10301945_10203561545900442_653435604429531387_n.jpg

    1. Tetora


      That's sweet, I wish I had a little penguin lover who waddled over and laid lines upon me like that.

  9. Avril! Nooooo! I once liked you! Why!!! D:

    1. whitegrey


      it's like the Dubstep-Version of what tommy february6 does with some of her cheerleading, cheap US-Backing-Band-Boys PV's and songs but just the opposite direction country-wise. And her 4 japanese twin-ladies are SUCH an obvious rip-off from Gwen Stefani... it just hurts, can't help it D:

    2. paradoxal



    3. Show next comments  9 more
  10. such much cats !!! :3

  11. I like the new banner and and all the siblings of CAT5 a lot! :3 Let's stay like this plz! ^o^/

    1. 237Q



      and forum&thread names!

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      hope this joke will be have a end....

  12. UPLIFT SPICE EU-tour in May! \(^o^/

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