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Everything posted by whitegrey

  1. whitegrey

    oh, totally missed this… I thought especially the Mac-clients went literally dead in the meantime. I'll give it a new try in a few weeks I suppose (quite busy right now). but yeah - a few years ago the j-inidie room was a very good source of hard to find gems (that was before the whole DDL flood though)… thanks for the heads-up
  2. whitegrey

    Nice!!! Count me in!
  3. whitegrey

    *push* date for France has been confirmed & added - 16th september @ Manga Paris (more infos tba)! I've also added the Ticket-Link for Austria...
  4. whitegrey

    Wenn du hier schon auf Konzerten warst (J-Music generell) besteht durchaus die Chance, dass wir uns mal über den Weg gelaufen sind - unbekannterweise versteht sich... Och, ich finde Englisch ganz praktisch… mir ist manchmal eher danach Englisch zu reden… weil es da oft "einfacher" ist etwas auszudrücken -> es ist dann halt meistens nicht so exakt wie im Deutschen aber man muss auch nicht so aufpassen - blöd zu erklären… irgendwie schade, aber eben "einfach" (noch dazu darf man mit der Ausrede kein native speaker zu sein Fehler machen ohne sich gleich rechtfertigen zu müssen)… Ich bin schon zu lange aus der Schule raus, irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl ich verlerne unsere Sprache schön langsam… Gerade das Internet ist ein sehr effektiver Killer von Grammatik, Handschrift und Co. Traurig - eigentlich bewundere ich Menschen wie Heinz Erhardt - DER konnte noch Deutsch; uLTPWrHYsT8
  5. Hi there… The first three dates have just been announced; http://inoran.org/app-def/S-102/wp/en/category/show ZUM0AnJcMLA 31/08/2012 KGB BAR. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN http://www.kgb.nu/wp/ 02/09/2012 AREA. VIENNA, AUSTRIA http://www.oeticket.com/de/tickets/inor ... event.html 05/09/2012 MTC CLUB. COLOGNE, GERMANY http://www.me-shop.net/catalog/index.php 08/09/2012 HEADCRASH. HAMBURG, GERMANY http://www.me-shop.net/catalog/index.php 16/09/2012 PARIS MANGA. PARIS, FRANCE http://www.parismanga.fr/ Additional dates will be announced soon (more countries to follow)!
  6. whitegrey

    Grüsse aus Österreich (ich hab mir jetzt extra Mühe gegeben mit dem Hochdeutsch - das wäre auch in Varianten gegangen die nicht jeder versteht )
  7. whitegrey

    @X-Marc & Jigsaw9: I know it's not the same but you can expect an Euro-Tour for INORAN pretty soon at least... The dates are still confidential and not settled for all countries (and the tour will not cover all countries) but you can expect an official announcement the upcoming 2-3 weeks. I'll post the schedule in the Event forum as soon as I'm allowed to
  8. whitegrey

    Ok, not a list or anything… but I really enjoy the new BUGY CRAXONE album… it's so… different… it's so… HAPPY !?! =) (usually I don't like it when artists turn "happy" - e.g. with Olivia or Cocco and stuff [they were much better when they were angry and even psycho if you ask me]… but for Bugy somehow it feels right at the moment)
  9. whitegrey

    I was very happy with the old version (pre 2.0)… it was not "modern" but it worked for me. I was buying like 3-5 albums a month back then, sometimes even more… But I must admit I've never gotten used to the new 2.0 version… I bought less after the update and I suppose this was also the case for other people… Though I think they've improved their service the last couple of weeks so I was actually willing to buy more stuff again at hj in the near future… Anyway - even with the fact that I didn't like 2.0 as much as 1.0 it's very sad… They had a very nice Indie-collection and the kind of stuff where I think it's right to actually support it with money - and the price was right (no shipping-cost, no lame digital rights management…). I always thought it was a fair service. Maybe the step to update the site was the wrong decision… I don't know… Would be good if they find somebody to save the whole thing and even make it better. (but if it only can get worse - better shut it down in time - I don't want another "corporate" service with e.g. limited genres/labels only).
  10. whitegrey

    http://www.hearjapan.com/en/news/hearja ... ting-down/ Well, I think this sucks... hope it isn't old news already... I've bought quite a few of my favorite albums there over the years (especially Indie/Underground stuff).
  11. whitegrey

    somehow I've seen it coming… but yeah - it sucks nonetheless…
  12. whitegrey

    Jep - they make these photos plus autographs at all the places... but it's FC only! Usually with the person who's a fanclub-member in the frame... The one you posted seems to be one of the cards you'll get when you're buying merchandise worth 60€ or more. So that's the only way without getting a FC membership. I think... Don't know all the details. We had this here in Austria too; the FC Picture/Autograph-thing - there were about 20 people with FC-membership. So they were the only ones who got "live signed" autographs (the merch-stuff is pre-signed [but real I suppose]), plus like 3 guys who won some competition from Torpedo-Prod (I think it was the "most-facebook-fans"-stuff).
  13. whitegrey

    Austria/Vienna was pretty nice yesterday... not that many people (about 200 in total) but a good show. The audience seemed to really like it - feedback was quite good, even from the ones that told me they didn't expect anything in advance. I'm not a fan of the band and the music style in general but I'd also say, that it was totally not as "bad" as I feared from reading this topic, technically very solid - the voice; I'd say it's a matter of taste, but it was not the worst or anything like stated here. Just to mention; they are very strict about autographs & co - it's really FC only (no autographs at arrival / leaving)... But that was my only "negative" concern, the rest was pretty nice.
  14. whitegrey

    quite an interesting topic - i think I'll follow this one my experience with Visual Kei; first (you can see it as a statement) -> I (still) don't really get it… I don't get the concept, I don't know what it is all about - like what's the "message" behind it… At some point's I'm like; oh - maybe I get it; but do they really mean it ?!? But to be honest - japanese music is not very "deep" in general (as a whole, even with indies) - but that's like a "problem" of the society there. In general I see Visual Kei more as a type of style and behavior not so much as a "genre" in terms of the music itself; the music style of Visual Kei artists ranges from pop to metal and there are so many (sub-)genres that it's impossible to put into a category… Nowadays I see it targeted towards young people - like teenagers, most of the time female ones… Maybe that was different in the "early era" (X-Japan…) but that's how I see it now. Interestingly there are differences - artists like Versailles and Luna Sea have more grown-ups in their audience in my experience… with oshare it's like the opposite - a very young fanbase. But ok - back to the topic… Been to Tokyo twice now - dwelling into the vibrant livehouse-scene of the town - not Visual Rock but Indie-Rock (Shimokitazawa, Shibuya, Shinjuku…). And from my point of view - Visual Rock is not really "visible" in your normal daily life there - you have to take a closer look to notice this stuff. It is only a small part of the whole music scene. I ran across Visus (real japanese ones) only once in like 5 weeks - you usually only see them when there are concerts or at certain meeting points. But it's totally not the norm to see them on the street… Lolitas - jep, those are a more common sight. If I may use a comparison: "everybody reads manga on their way to work at subway in japan" -> nope - not fu*ing true… you see "more" people reading manga - compared to people who read comics here in the west. And you see "older" people reading manga (because they have a much broader range of topics in the manga format) -> but it's still far away from "everybody"… always makes me angry if people tell me so - especially if they were not there themselves but take it as granted. There's so many wrong information out on japan and japanese culture - on many many topics… I can just encourage people to go to japan to get first-hand impressions on their own about how this country really works (ok - short holidays won't do it - but better then just "dreaming" about japan with a whole lot of wrong expectations). I'm organizing and promoting japanese concerts here in Europe in my home-country for some time now (more then 50% are Visual Kei artists at the moment)… so I have a few insights. But as stated above; I still don't get Visual Kei… it's just that there is a certain demand for this over here so I'm doing it just because nobody else is doing it right now. Maybe I'll drop it soon and put my focus more towards Indies - i don't know… Working with Visual Kei artists (and their management) has it's very own rules (some of them unwritten but certainly there)… sometimes this stuff can be pretty buggy/exhausting - same goes for the fans (but it's always different - some people are very nice, others are like very big-headed and so on)…
  15. whitegrey

    hmm, cologne (germany) has sold out... I really wonder how these guys will do at the different places - didn't expect a date in germany to sell out (at all). I'll be at the vienna one... next day is a feast/holiday day here in Austria so it's pretty convenient... They have their own official facebook page in the meantime so you don't only rely on torpedo/b7; http://www.facebook.com/pages/SCREW_Off ... 6250091153 who's going?
  16. whitegrey

    damn... they really had some killer tracks... I like _always_ have a spot for subway killer in my j-music party/DJ'ing playlists (and this will remain so)...
  17. whitegrey

    if they make it to central europe e.g. Germany or France I'll totally come... one of the bands that get highly praised for their lives, so... thanks for the info - I'll keep an eye on it
  18. whitegrey

    No "official" signing session… only Q&A. But they were doing a few autographs when they left the venue here in Austria - just to like 20-25 people which were still waiting for them to leave at around 1am. Can't guarantee that they'll do this everywhere - I think it depends on venue and schedule. But if you don't have to catch a train or don't have any stress to leave before midnight you might try… It was a fun concert here in Austria - a few technical problems (not the best venue) but nonetheless a good show and a very nice audience. It had more of an intimate feeling because of the smaller venue (which was pretty packed).
  19. May’n made an official announcement for the overseas venues of her world tour “ROCK YOUR BEATS,” starting soon in spring. The tour will kick off on 5/25 at Kawasaki CLUB CITTA’ in Kanagawa and continue on to 6 different locations around the world–Los Angeles, San Francisco, Germany, France, Korea and Hong Kong. Source: http://www.syncmusic.jp/wordpress/?p=80 ... our-venues May’n World Tour [WORLD TOUR 2012 "ROCK YOUR BEATS"] 6/21(Thurs) KEY CLUB, Los Angeles 6/23(Sat) Yoshi’s s San Francisco, San Francisco 9/7(Fri) Zeche Bochum, Germany 9/8(Sat) Divan du Monde, France 9/16(Sun) Mapo Art Center(MAC), Korea 9/23(Sun) Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong Offical Website: http://mayn.jp Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/maynasia Blog: http://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/ just some heads-up since we don't have Pop acts here that often
  20. whitegrey

    I think Kanzen will also add dates soon… just a little patience. I'm expecting more dates to follow - this stuff should be in negations right now.
  21. whitegrey

    here's some blog-entry for the munich gig btw; http://stephiel-reallife.blogspot.com/2 ... blood.html
  22. whitegrey

    I'll be there (Austria)… But I'll be quite busy since I have to take care of everything at the venue and stuff. If you have any questions regarding the Austria-Gig feel free to ask! =) And if you want to meet up with people; just join the Facebook-Event for Austria; http://www.facebook.com/events/158084754314558/ or the one of the street-team over here; https://www.facebook.com/d.streetteam.austria there are still tickets available on-site and I think that's the case for most of the dates… so feel free to spread the word - even spontaneous visitors should be able to make it.
  23. whitegrey

    Munich: from what I've heard -> not many people… audience I mean… like 20 people or so (maybe a little more)… pretty bad. have not bee there personally, just what's been told to me by somebody who's been there… but I did not hear any bad things about Kiwamu himself from the Munich gig. Anyway seems like I did not miss too much. but seriously - if you really want your stories go to the concerts and see for yourselves… I didn't make it so I don't see any reason in telling stories about him that I haven't witnessed with my own eyes.
  24. whitegrey

    just to give it a heads up; Torpedo just launched a new department where you can win a ticket +flights to a screw concert of choice in europe… It's sort of a fan-collection competition so the one with who brings in the most friends wins… I'm not a fan of such stuff but maybe some of you guys don't mind -> you can also win tickets for other concerts as 2nd and 3rd price. Facebook-Link; http://www.facebook.com/pages/B7Klan/38 ... 7994554871 greetings
  25. whitegrey

    really bad timing... they were just about to tour in europe, with events scheduled already, ok - maybe they'll do it with support vocals, don't know...
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