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About whitegrey

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday 07/13/1984

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  1. -> hope some self-advertising is allowed; the 1st live-video I participated in; took care of 3 cameras there (main front, foh, left GoPro) inc. preparations... music-quality sucks pretty much but for a first ist's not that bad I guess. You have to start somewhere... More to come soon hoepfully (in better quality - learning by doing)! Feedback appreciated :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tetora


      Nice. Music quality is fine. Only thing I would say is that the handcams could frame the bandmembers a little better, and the editing cuts too fast for my taste. But that's just me. The angles chosen were good though.

    3. Tetora


      Keep us updated brah.

    4. whitegrey


      Yeah, the band did the cutting themselves (I guess I could do better but I was way too busy - did this in my free time for no payment and with no budget). Hand-cams were not really organized (2nd handcam-guy was the father of one of the guitarists, an older person xD) and it was done without any sort of directing which made it tricky (framing especially - I'll work on that). Next time I'll try to do better, was also not used to the camera *drop* Thanks for your comments and views!^^

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