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Everything posted by sads123

  1. sads123

    They need to earn some moolah yo~ If I'm not wrong, youtube does not have a ticketing system and the donation system will not work well for them IMO, if even Dir en grey's recent live streaming concert yields only an OK-ish amount as compared to what a real gig can yield. BTW, I checked with my agent; the eplus account is linked to a Japanese phone number (to prevent scalping) and you can only pay for the gig via a Japanese credit card. Nah, they won't put that collab song for digital sale; need to make concert goers thirsty & queue for it and then go "since I already queued for so long, might as well add a T-shirt and a pillow with Shuuji's face on it for 8000yen. Oh wait, if I spend 10000yen, I'll get a free sticker???? Add that '14' album that I already have!!!!"
  2. sads123

    cali≠gari is live streaming a 'no audience' gig on 7th Jun (this Sunday) via eplus's streaming platform. You need a Japanese credit card and phone number to be able to register to the service, from what I gathered. Do correct me if I'm wrong. In other news (?). I finally got the BL manga that Ao collaborated in and created a song (& sang the vocals) for: Download code for the song still works, 2 years after its initial release!
  3. sads123

    New 「5 Sheep Last Tour」 dates are out: http://merryweb.jp/news/6178/ For those who are unable to attend the new dates, they are given the option of refund or a special T-shirt (6 different designs, which can be seen in the link above) plus a signed card. I opted for the refund haha
  4. Based on the recent dir en grey livestreams where people from various countries donating in their country's currency, I reckon yeah, anyone can donate.
  5. Aie commenting that he regrets that deadman couldn't hold the gig to commentate the 2006 gig yesterday and hints that 2021 will be the 15th anniversary of the 2006 gig so maybe there will be another gig in 2021 to make up for it?
  6. sads123

    Anyone got the full setlist of this gig?
  7. sads123

    Weird that the official twitter has no news on this but its listed on tower records: https://tower.jp/item/5057043/芸夢<限定盤> Hope its re-recorded or remixed cos I bought a 2nd hand copy of it for 4500yen last month and I have yet to hear it cos its struck with my agent in Japan hahaha
  8. sads123

    I'll just leave this here, fresh from my country today: https://www.asiaone.com/digital/k-pop-fans-kick-straitstimesisoverparty-twitter-report-their-idols-they-didnt?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR2g2zwRNI9qxk3WmaG10OFH5ogjgc9dmgFkS2rPaTQ96LAxbInRdfv6AV8#Echobox=1589956772 Basically the newspaper published a less than flattering article on some kpop stars and the fans are trying to boycott the newspapers and get the writer fired.
  9. They announced a live for 2nd Jun, while other bands cancelled entire tours for the whole of Jun & Jul? DOES . NOT . COMPUTE .
  10. ..... as a present for fanclub members. 「2020年更新特典」ライヴDVD (「ボビーフェスティバル ~VERY BEST OF CHOCKYU~」@新木場STUDIO COAST 2013.03.13収録) ※2019年以前から御入会・更新して頂いている会員様にも同内容のDVDを更新特典として発送致します。 https://www.kyakusitsu.com/content1/?no=MUv4SnV0cCf9cYSfc0Casqs Setlist: 01. 東京ロゼヲモンド倶楽部 02. ゼリー 03. -踏- 04. ウォーキング! ランニング! ジャンピング! フライング! 05. マネキン 06. 混沌の猿 07. エロトピア Video also states that: 1. There will be free CD distributed at a upcoming fanclub-only concert 2. They will be playing a gig for live viewing
  11. sads123

    I have no information on this but I believe the band themselves have no idea what to reward for attending all 6 concerts so 9 months later, they haphazardly remixed "不均衡キネマ" (a song that they heavily pushed back in 2011), slapped the 5 remixes onto a cassette tape ("its retro cos its old technology so it fits our retrock image!!!!") and called it a day. Definitely not demos IMO. By the way, the date found on the cassette tape is the same date as "MERRY 【collector】Tour EXTRA~謎の日~@恵比寿LIQUID ROOM" which the attendee in the blog that @crossparallel cited so ya, you got to attend 6 concerts to collect the stubs in Nov 2011 and then pay to attend that 1 gig in Aug 2012 to get that mystery gift WTF
  12. sads123

    So I was cleaning my storeroom earlier when I realized wtf, I have the mystery cassette tape! https://ibb.co/pffxcDn Taken with monochrome heaven website as the background for authenticity haha. Should be given to me when I met my friend in her country years ago. https://ibb.co/rys6F8Z Now you have a release date to tag the mp3 folder! https://ibb.co/Y0KVJbQ Signed postcard by all members for ordering the 6 DVD box set. https://ibb.co/94rRmZm The box set itself is a thing of beauty; the individual album art can be found behind each DVD. Sorry for the edits; I kept finding merry related items ha. And yes, I have yet to figure out how to post photos in my posts, sigh I bought a ticket for the tour final with kenchi but looking at the situation, it's most likely postponed/cancelled. Oh well.
  13. sads123

    Its the same cassette tape; in the blog entry you linked, the writer stated that she used a 'mystery card' in exchange for the cassette tape. If I remember correctly (from what my friend told me, cos I was unable attend the last day), on the last day of the 6 day gig, there's a special counter for you to change your 6 ticket stubs for this 'mystery card' and what this mystery card is for will be revealed in future. I suppose this "[collector] Tour Extra ~Mystery Day~" (and maybe other gigs during the period?) is where you exchange the mystery card for. Basically forcing you to attend ANOTHER gig on top of the 6 you already attended but its MERRY so whatever hahahaha However, there is one more cassette tape that was released; the demo version of "SIGHT GLASS"; it can be seen here: http://merryweb.jp/goods-archive/5384/ I took a quick glance; its missing: 2005.09.10 - rareケミカルレトリック (live versions「迷彩ノ紳士」&「溺愛の水槽」, given out for free at one of their gigs) https://puresound.co.jp/user_data/sp_artist_product_detail.php?pid=101004612&aid=merry&bck=%2Fuser_data%2Fsp_artist_product.php%3Faid%3Dmerry%26psd%3D99%26mt%3D1%26perPage%3D20%26sk%3D1%26zk%3D2%26kwdstr%3D%26pd1%3D1%26pd2%3D2%26pd4%3D4%26pd5%3D5%26pageID%3D5 2005.09.07 - 首吊りロンド B-ver (comes with that month's issue of Fool's Mate) https://puresound.co.jp/user_data/sp_artist_product_detail.php?pid=101007879&aid=merry&bck=%2Fuser_data%2Fsp_used_product.php%3Fpageid%3D29%26pageID%3D2 2005.09.07 - さよなら雨(レイン)~リバース~ (lucky draw prize for those who bought the "PEEP SHOW" album) https://puresound.co.jp/user_data/sp_artist_product_detail.php?pid=101005389&aid=merry&bck=%2Fuser_data%2Fsp_artist_product.php%3Faid%3Dmerry%26pageID%3D4 2009.12.24 - チック·タック (acoustic ver.) (live distributed CD at TOUR09 under-world [ ] final) https://www.bilibili.com/video/av5106345/ 2010.02.24 - THE BLUE HEARTS 25th. Anniversary TRIBUTE (cover of 皆殺しのメロディー) 2010.11.10 - ピエロとスイカと88ライダー (cover of -新宿ナナ) 2011.07.27 - Beautiful Days・ F.A.D YOKOHAMA (live recording of the gig in title. For those who bought the 2 limited editions of beautiful freaks. Ditto for the Freaks Day CD) http://merryweb.jp/bf0727drop/sample.html 2011.08.28 - Freaks Day・名古屋OZON公演 (live recording of the gig in title) https://www.mercari.com/jp/items/m36498110141/?_s=U2FsdGVkX19r1yXiVV9PqxoKwxFkJQS2GQcyt0LhfLJ2cDbsfiv7K-m9RDYpM9nwxAItQuhIfx-IAFlB-bcF_I3qAbusTaFQbAKaOirpFNLV7w1Lnp3R9jArR6sIEO2N 2012.07.04 - PARADE II - RESPECTIVE TRACKS OF BUCK-TICK (cover of 悪の華) 2017.00.00 - Demo version of "SIGHT GLASS" http://merryweb.jp/goods-archive/5384/
  14. sads123

    Its a gift that you get when you submit ticket stubs from all 6 different gigs of "10th Anniversary NEW LEGEND OF HIGH COLOUR" (each day where the band will play all the songs from 1 specific album) in 2011. There are 2 versions; 1 with the cover in red & the other in black. There is no difference in the content though. I attended the 1st 5 days and passed the stubs to a friend who attended the 5th & 6th day, after which she used to exchange for the cassette tape then
  15. sads123

    no tokyo dates, which is hella weird. Maybe more announcements to come?
  16. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=2U_KDvQ7JqM Preview of the collaboration song is out. Nice infusion of the use of an elevator into the reveal.
  17. sads123

    Thanks for the update! Tricky part is that the physical tickets are with me in Singapore so if there's a need for 1-for-1 exchange, I'll have to mail the tickets back to my agent zzzzzzz. And that's assuming the gigs will happen in May cos the virus situation is changing constantly. Already wrote off my air tickets for this trip. Sigh.
  18. sads123

    I hope I can use my existing tickets for the new dates; hard enough to even get the tickets initially.
  19. sads123

    XA-VAT is going to sell QR-code cards where you can download their live concerts (snippets? whole concerts? Who knows!).
  20. sads123

    Great, I already bought tickets to another gig in Osaka on 21st Mar and the bus to get there from Tokyo and the plane ticket from Osaka back to my country on 22nd Mar zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  21. sads123

    Thanks for the summary! Wow, alot of them are my favourites; there was a time when I was absolutely bonkers over Blind Romance, Shaite no Parade & komorebi Ga Boku Wo Sagashiteru phrase cos there was a no sound like these songs then (and even now, actually). I wonder if the upcoming tour will consist of songs mainly by Kenchi; it'll be a good sendoff IMO. Realistically, their popularity has dropped drastically (playing in smaller & smaller venues and frequency of releasing DVDs of their concerts lowered since "Underworld" album) so it's unlikely there's a DVD of this upcoming tour. Maybe FC only where they produce confirmed orders with minimal risk. Btw, anyone has any idea if the anime version of 'Shaite no Parade' was ever released in CD format? As you can hear above, its different from the single & album versions, especially the instrumental portion at the end that was longer.
  22. sads123

    Is there a source where we can see who contributed to the songs in every single & album. Even their Japanese wiki doesn't touch upon that much. I wonder if their current songs require any rewriting to cater to only 1 guitarist during future concerts.
  23. sads123

    deadman announced another gig to commentate their disbandment gig in 2006 on the same day & month & venue. I reckon there will be more announcements after this, since the expiry date of their comeback is in Sep 2020. But if the setlist will be same as that in 2006 (41 songs), we'll be in for a treat! And will they play that collaboration song with cali gari? (Nope, most probably not)
  24. For those who bought the normal version of the CD, here are the download available (on 20th Jan) for the M card provided: 【収録曲】※全6曲収録 ・ヘルニア Ⅲ ~20191223@Veats shibuya_Live ・夢遊病 ~20191223@Veats shibuya_Live ・ヘルニア Ⅱ ~20191223@Veats shibuya_Live ・ヘルニア Ⅳ ~20191223@Veats shibuya_Live ・ヘルニア Ⅰ ~20191223@Veats shibuya_Live ・晴天仕掛けのルサンチマン ~20191223@Veats shibuya_Live ・クソバカゴミゲロ ~20191223@Veats shibuya_Live https://www.kyakusitsu.com/msp/content1/?&no=YUfPCnF9SCfXC23dSrc5Ce3 What a great bonus! @Jigsaw9
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