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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Cool. Hope I like it more that their latest. It did nothing for me.
  2. madygrain

    Probaly a Yoshikickstarter reward for backers of their new, now crowdfunded, album.
  3. madygrain

    hope the horses are support members
  4. I'm going to preorder this very hard
  5. madygrain

    That's advancing pretty fast.
  6. madygrain

    Bold choices for cover art.
  7. Wow I was totally not aware of an of this. Heartbreaking indeed...
  8. madygrain

    Shintaro retired from the scene when he was in GalapagosS
  9. madygrain

    Tears in my eyes Amazing
  10. People need to be calmer when they read. Commenting something doesn't necessairly imply a demand. "I would not do this" doesn't mean "Anyone shouldn't do this".  I think this is easier to understand than to make the opposite logic leap. Oh, well. So much for giving some advice.

    1. Biopanda


      Honestly I thought the whole "you can only review things that were uploaded" used to be a rule here XD I remember some similar drama a few years ago where someone was reviewing something rare and after all the drama, I think the staff stepped in and shut it all down then created that rule. I guess it disappeared after a while though :P

    2. IGM_Oficial
    3. Show next comments  66 more
  11. madygrain

    I don't wish such thing. I think is worthy of consideration that being separate subforums doesn't mean they are both far from each other in different, tottaly unrelated points of the Internet. They are both part of MH, and both shape largely the same community. I agree, and I am glad nobody has proposed this because that would be a terrible idea. I have no objetions, getting people to support bands doing good work is vital, and the only reason I have uploaded stuff here. What I'm tryng to say is that people are more inclined to buy stuff if they think it's worth their money, and less likely to trust anyone's opinion over their own. But if they can not form their own things are not going to move much in any direction. Some people feel entitled enough to think badly of others who could but won't provide them with the means to get what they want. Even when it's perfectly reasonable not to, it may shape how other people will think about you and it could leave to aggravating stuff if you are unliky enough to cross paths with an asshat -wich is very easy on the Internet. I am no telling anyone what to do. It isn't like I have the interest or the power to force anyone to do stuff over the internet lol
  12. madygrain

    I agree True. But in social media is not rare having to deal with other people's soblems, sadly. I strongly disagree with this. The point of any forum is discussion. I also don't thin every single MH subforum exist in it's own vacuum -it's all part of the same comunity of people. If exposing opinions without discussion is MH's review forum raison d'être I would say having a blog system instead of an open disussion forum would feel more intuitive to me, since forums are for opinion exchange not for "pontificating" (probably not the best word but it's the one that came to mind, hope you understand what I mean by this). Well, do any other websites have a system to share the subject of their reviews? Just some of them. MH belongs to that second type. I think putting all the websites that have reviews of any kind in them and saying they are all the same for argument's sake is not the best approach. I think considering how MH in particular is shaped is more constructive to the discussion than going for false equivalence. Undeniably, I rather have a review than nothing, and I'm thankful for @desparejo86's text. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ask the angry people. I have even read people saying that uploading is a way of bragging as well... it's impossible to please everyone everytime, but the point of my first post is that there are things that involve more risk than others, even if hostility doesn't manifest right away.
  13. madygrain

    Reviewing a release that is not available in the downloads section usually don't sit well with some users around here. People overwhelmingly tend to find more helpful being able to create their own opinions by listening to the actual thing than being ok with reading someone else's. Worse of all, someone may even think you want to brag about having some rare CD while having no intention at all to share - you are opening doors to people that can be hostile and call you an asshole or something. All in all I don't think it is a very adviseable thing to to. It is understandable that you want to share enthusiasm about any given thing, but people value much more other kind of sharing in this community. Plus, review threads are much successful when everyone have the same access to the topic subject. I don't usually give advice to people but I honestly think this was valuable. Hope you agree! Cheers.
  14. This is all very interesting. Can't wait to know the members.
  15. madygrain

    I like how this is shaping up.
  16. madygrain

    Was the ski stuff ever uploaded? Excited for new mucc. I wonder what style they'll go for.
  17. madygrain

    I rather had them had be less active with more spaced put releases, but it was about time they rest a bit and get in better health. Looking forward to more and better L69 stuff. A Sakito solo project would be rad.
  18. Wow after seeing how much their marketing mucle had grown in such a small time I thought they would be actually good. They are not. And fake as fuck.
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