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Status Updates posted by madygrain

  1. no trombe


    no downloads


    threats made


    nekkichi still not banned


    Dark times for the forum. At least the US have a capable president now. Make Monochrome great again.

  2. Kiyoharu's bleating was a a turnning point on music history. Hell he's on my son's textbooks even.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nekkichi


      I'm 4ever bearding Danny, so no pretsychi speculation here PLEASE

    3. madygrain


      Again, perfecly timed turns. Why interfere in such a perfect romantic coordination? You don't need a threesome, you just need accept your feelings and let them out :3

  3. dont let anyone fool you, doing porn does not pay well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Why get paid $$ when you can get paid in tumblr notes from people reblogging it for you

    3. madygrain


      Bansaku knows how to write!?

      Dont let them fool you, Zess.

    4. Augie1995


      idk, i've seen some pretty grand pornstar houses

  4. People need to be calmer when they read. Commenting something doesn't necessairly imply a demand. "I would not do this" doesn't mean "Anyone shouldn't do this".  I think this is easier to understand than to make the opposite logic leap. Oh, well. So much for giving some advice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Biopanda


      Honestly I thought the whole "you can only review things that were uploaded" used to be a rule here XD I remember some similar drama a few years ago where someone was reviewing something rare and after all the drama, I think the staff stepped in and shut it all down then created that rule. I guess it disappeared after a while though :P

    3. IGM_Oficial
  5. Still no infinitum? come on

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. madygrain


      but i'm talking about shipping, not piracy


      im not a pirate


      why do you think that




      such disrespect

    3. sixblacknine


      Maybe cuz you're on a forum where people upload music idk :^D

    4. madygrain


      wait wat? is what all that premium membership was about?

  6. Kiyoharu always sounded like ass, always will.

    1. madygrain


      yup, trying to pin bands on me sure makes Kyoharu sing better!

  7. I'm starting to like Sui's vocals, what the fuck is worng with me? I'm ashamed of myself again.

  8. After thinking about it for a long long time, ex boogieman vo. Junno is comming back from retirement. I wonder how long will it take to announce the new projects and what old faces we see again.

    1. nekkichi


      omygod baby Kirito finally switched ha meds, I am so happy for her and excited for w/e semi-forgotten flops she's gonna hire for ha next projects <3


      maybe some ex-res hussiez could resurfase given she worked w. both yukari and firewall div. 

    2. madygrain


      Pie in the sky fantasy for me is coming back with Akira and Isuke but not gonna happen.

  9. I'm surprised Wataru from 12012 has not done much since the band stopped activities. Is he healing or something like that? I don't like 12012 too much but I do like his voice. I wish LSN did something with him.

    1. nekkichi


      >Is he healing


      idk if there's any merit to this and if/how much it impacts his singing, but tanuki actually speculated he was hiv+ so idk


      anyone following that normiecore-kei band he was producing?

    2. Seimeisen


      I just realised it's been almost 3 years since 12012 went on their "hiatus." I wish they'd come back already.

  10. Can't find The Legendery Six Nine Split EP to download anywhere... not even from shops. Amazon Sold MP3s for their previous release, but not this one. Weird.

    1. yakihiko


      Me netheir, looks like Ruka or Avex just don't want to sell on places like itunes and amazon.

      But is strange since Avex run a Nightmare store on iTunes worldwide

  11. I hope Yokoyama Toworu gets punched in the face everyday for a couple years.

    1. herpes


      why would you wish that on the new guitarist of Angelo????

  12. Flowering is much better than Fantastic Magic lol. Having a hard time getting into Lin Toshite Shigure's stuff. TK's solo project is so much easier to digest.

    1. CAT5


      I agree about Flowering. Which ling releases have you tried?

  13. With no reliable stream of news or downloads aviability,  Status Update positions itelf as MH's sleeper killer app.


    (by no downloads aviability I mean that there  never was music to dowload around here. Please don't suspect us, you'd be wrong).

  14. shit I am too late to get what all this cyberbulling meme is all about?

  15. Some stuff we can expect from DAV (ex. boogieman junno new project)

    -I would bet ther're no other permament members so far (actually a solo project for him).
    -No known support members, (or real ones if there are any) probably due to not being many bands in Nagano (only Pierrot and LM.C come to mind and I think they left long ago).
    -Probably at least one support member from Nagano VK band MAD Night, since they're friends with Junno (it also seems Junno has written for them or still does). They have also played with a couple Starwave bands so they're probably the ones who made that bridge.
    -Since the DAV flyer has no venue on it, and it was sent nationwide from Starwave we can assume the 1.1.2018 date refers to OHP being launched with first live date. Late january at the earliest.
    -OHP does not have it's own URL, and instead is hosted  on Starwave's server, unlike other Starwave bands. Junno's bad reputation for pulling out of things and the cost of him being in Nagano probably don't make Starwave want to overexpend on him. Small gamble.

    1. Mamo


      -Crappy generic Pop/Rock music

  16. Really hoping for a new Ryohei band next year. I already kinda miss Megamasso.

    1. PIZAZ


      Same, I always had a soft spot for them and their last two albums were really good

  17. Current status: status updated.

  18. hate this trend in videomes of not being Monster Hunter.

  19. Tales of Zestiria looks pretty rad

  20. Hugh? I did not listen much to Daizystripper's Trasgus and it's actually very good so far. I don't know why ignored this when I have already downloaded it ages ago.

  21. STEREO C.K. have a new website alyout and new band photo. Hopefully this means we get new material soon.

  22. I can't believe Akira is back on a new band. I thought he was completely blacklisted. I was wishing he joined STERERO C.K. but I am very ok with this as well. It made my week actually.

  23. Man, I was so excited for for droop. It's going to take a while if they have to find a fitting vo. on the Matsuyama area... Akira has to be one of the most unlucky band men ever. If only he could have joined Stereo c.k. as second gu...

  24. Gotcharocka keeps impressing me. I did not hope them to top Royale, but so far Screamy is up there.


    I really like the consistency of the quality in their work.

  25. I was hoping to see ex. brq Akira new project around this time now but it seems clear he´s not coming back any time soon. All that The Droop stuff was such a shame.


    Other stable projects I like like Stereo C.K. have been silent for ages and only play from time to time.


    Thank god for Yumeleep, Zonbi, and Sioux  for being new stuff I can follow.


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