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Posts posted by shizukasou

  1. Yesterday,her ex-best friend came back to her,apologised and stuff...and now she told me that we would have to stop doing some things we used to do,like hugging and stuff,especially in front of him...and that hit me pretty hard.

    It's like when that guy came back,I lost all my value,I was not important to her anymore.


    I think you've already answered your own questions, huh...Such a bad thing to ask of a supposed best friend.

    Unless she has deeper feelings for the guy or vice versa. Then it would make a little more sense, but still...I just think she's been a little too rude, don't mind me xD By the way yes, communication is the best way, make sure to clear this whole thing up as soon as you can. Good luck!

  2. Five years and still no kickass song like Cultic My Execution.


    What about Last Nite though? It's another gorgeous track from "Shadows", probably one of their best if I do say so myself...

  3. I totally recommend Sony as far as smartphones are concerned! Mine is almost 2 years old now, but I've never had a problem with it. From what I heard even the low-priced ones are pretty good devices, so I'd say go for it! If you don't care about the operative system, Nokias are awesome as well.

  4. I'm currently reading One Piece, JJBA (on part 5 atm) and lately I've been introduced to Takehiko Inoue by a friend of mine, so I'm reading Real and plan to start Vagabond as soon as my studying schedule allows me to. Also need to catch up to Claymore since I heard it's finished D:

  5. I will forever be bitter about DELUHI disbanding. For all eternity. It was the worst April Fool's non-joke since a girl told me she got me Spice Girls concert tickets in elementary school.


    Hahahaha! Totally feeling you, their disbanding was a huge loss for the scene! Anyways, welcome! :D

  6. As much as it displeases me, maybe a hiatus will help their creativity, yeah...Many other bands could use a break actually, imo. I think all these releases Japanese bands produce in short periods of time often result in early burnouts, but that's just my two cents. Wishing the best for them anyway, regardless of what they decide to do after this pause...

  7. Welcome here and welcome back on the v-kei love train! I've also lost interest in some bands over the years but other ones can still surprise, so it's nice to know you gave them a second chance, so to speak :D Enjoy your stay! (Your English is pretty good, no worries, many of us speak it as a second language anyway!)

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