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    doombox reacted to hitsuji-hime in Most beautiful smile   
    ^ jesus god lord have mercy
    Goddamn Mucc
  2. Like
    doombox reacted to hitsuji-hime in Most beautiful smile   
    Gara (MERRY)







    [fapping intensifies]
  3. Like
    doombox reacted to visualcrisis in J-rocker quiz   
    I made this quiz ages ago, thought you might like to try it just for fun. I think i'll make a new one sometime.
    Some of you may have done it.
  4. Like
    doombox reacted to nullmoon in Best album intros/outros   
    Totally forgot about 2.0...it's probably the coolest opening ever. So fucking badass
  5. Like
    doombox got a reaction from nullmoon in Best album intros/outros   
    I really love most of Mucc's album intros/SE's, they're always really interesting to me... Homura Uta, Shinsou, Kuchiki no tou, 666, Suion, Kyutai, Chemical Parade (not sure if that's correct order but eh..) I'm almost let down at this point if they don't have one. 
    NEW BREED - "-intro-" Super original name, I know, but one of the few intros that really does a good job of amping the listener up and preparing them for what is coming from the rest of the album. It's a little bouncy electronic piece that sets up for all the synth background work this band does. Love it.
    blessthefall - "2.0" When this album dropped and this was the first thing I got to hear I lost my shit. It still gets me so hype I can't deal. Nothing original or unique, but exactly what I want from a band like them. It's just perfect.
    Dance Gavin Dance - "12 Hours. 630 Miles" Perfect ending to arguably their best album. It blends almost seamlessly from the last song and really leaves you in this calm and sentimental place after the album was an emotional roller coaster. And there Jonny Craig's voice is one of my most favorite things in this world and he sounds flawless here.
    Crossfaith - "Chemicarium" It reminds me of the ending of a storm and it being safe to come back outside. The beat is like the calming and slowing of one's heart, but it's also intense at the same time, somehow.
  6. Like
    doombox reacted to Jigsaw9 in Best album intros/outros   
    (1st minute)
    D'ERLANGER's intro to their La Vie en Rose album (and consequently, the title track) is just too cheesy and weird and trying-to-be-dark-and-twisted that it's a treat to listen to. xD Made by the wonderful Hoppy Kamiyama btw who did a lot of synth/programming for the band and many others.
  7. Like
    doombox reacted to Nisimaldar in Best album intros/outros   
    What do you guys think of the intro of Mucc's "Shion" called 水恩 (Suion)?
    I think I kinda love it but that might be because I usually listen to Shion in my car and somehow driving makes me like whatever the fuck I listen to (whether it's Nicki Minaji or Black Sabbath). I like the way it slowly builds up and has the instruments added almost carefully. Plus, it fits the tone of the album very well and the transition to the next song is so very very smooth.
  8. Like
    doombox reacted to Youko_o in Band Alphabet   
  9. Like
    doombox reacted to Pretsy in Songs that NEVER get old! (CLASSICS!)   

    and (one of those few "stadium vk" songs I remember very well)
    (still gets me even after many years...)
    (lovely chanson-ish melody)Dir en grey - JESSICA and
    (my first DEG/J-rock songs and dear god, still loving~)
    (hands down their most immense song...)
    and (I like stylistic tendencies here plus good ol' soaring choruses from Mucc)
    (his solo career might bore me mostly, but 'Aurora' is definitely something what keeps me listening to his debut album...just wow)
    (one of those songs that define my "MTV discovery-filled childhood")
    (I might not be liking them due to "too DM-y repertoire" - this one is a big, no - HUGE exception though)L'Arc~en~Ciel - Lies and Truth (my childhood...)

    (silly but lovely - even to this day)Kuroyume - Yasashii Higeki (I might not be listening to them on normal basis, but pop Kuroyume is just everything!)
  10. Like
    doombox reacted to beni in Thought I should say hi   
    I hope you aren't too bombarded with too much work and things, it's lovely to have you. I hope to see you around then too, it's a pleasure to have spoken with you. ( Haha, I MUST check it out already then damn it, I'm always so late with everything! Will do now that someone has highly recommended it ( : )
    Haha, I thought you might be joking about suc a long message! I'll try to prevent myself, it seems I have a lot of crap to go on about most of the time. Anyway, I really look forward to contacting you again then!
    xD I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way at times. I'm more than happy everyone will support each other here so I'm no longer worrying. Trust me, you join in so much, it's really encouraging! Haha, we'll both be doing that then you know. Oh yeah, both those bands were the first ones I checked out and will always be ones I'll keep listening to. Seems to be them for most listeners huh? I can see why! xD I HATE those bands with the weirdest names, with silly symbols not even on the keyboard! I love them really actually, just, not when having to type them up. xD I understand your pain. Let's enjoy Hizumi's god like voice together (it's seriously too bad his voice became damaged, he'll always have one of the best voices in VK) and I look forward to seeing more from you on Last.fm, thank YOU for approaching me. I love discovering new bands so I'm delighted you don't mind helping me out with any that might catch my eye, ta very much. Hope I don't embarrass myself. ><
    Ooh oooh, another fan of Pura? : 3 I won't let you get away either haha. Thanks very much for the welcome, I hope I'll be able to reply to you again some time, all the best.
    Oh yeah! Seriously, there's so many fans, this is great! Thank you, don't mind if I do, I hope I'll be able to join in a bit (just blaming myself, not any of you guys). Ah I see, that's why you're a different colour! Just a bit slow, sorry, I understand now, I hope I won't be a bother. Thanks very much for telling me! I hope we can see each other again, take care now.
    I remember reading some 'shout box's' and a few arguments in them. >< I feel like if I speak my opinion, it's either completely wrong or completely dumb. xD So yeah, that's why I logged off before even trying.. I'll take note of what you've just told me and feel now I feel like I can do it so thank you for your comment. Of course I understand that, I just have no one in real life to talk about the music scene, so I wanted to actually join in for a change somewhere on the internet and I felt I could be happiest here. I've probably repeated myself so much on just this thread so I better stop now ehe.
    Get going then and catch him before it's too late!! I son't usually ship people in real life but.. xD Haha, it's very funny and sweet.
    Thanks very much hiroki. (I hope replying now is alright too, sorry) I see on last.fm we're compatability is only in the middle huh? Well, this is a first for me, it's interesting. I love Yuya, he's one of the few male solo artists I enjoy listening to (I don't even know many actually xD). <3 I see you like vistlip as well? Their vocalist is a fine singer, seriously. : 3 You too! I hope we can chat again, goodbye for now.
  11. Like
    doombox reacted to beni in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    Definitely any and all of Gackts' ballads. I cry every. God. Damn. TIME. Especially with Flower. For some reason, the translation of that song kills me every single god damn time! I hope you don't mind me copying and pasting the lyrics (with link to original post of course), I just wanted to show you what I meant, since it's about loss and love and just so touching (just the last part of the song, not going to kill you with a wall of text, hopefully ><):
    The earth goes on forever, everything is beautiful the season when you closed your eyes is passing by Even now, the sadness won't vanish, but the world I longed for is beginning   At the end of my sadness, I found it at last I held the flower named "you" close The love overflows and it overwhelms me...⁴   If I am reborn, let it be by your side You are the irreplaceable flower  
    Also, after reading about what created The GazettE's' (I KNEW I kept spelling it wrong, thanks digitalbounce, my damn use of the only language I know is shocking) Taion, I can't listen to it without feeling so sad and dreadful. It's also the same feeling I have with Dir En Grey's Higeki Ha Mabuta Wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu, since I read somewhere it was written in dedication to a fan who commited suicide.
    It probably appears I've just written three songs I think are just plain sad but really, I personally feel the reason why the artists had written them is the reason why I hold them very close to my heart. In memory of someone, dedication. I can't help but feel even more melancholic when I listen to such tracks. (I have probably left out so many, sorry) 
  12. Like
    doombox got a reaction from beni in Thought I should say hi   
    Welcome to MH! I hope you enjoy your time here. No need to feel self conscious, we're all different types around here. I feel some of your pain about posting in a new forum. I was a member here for years and only lurked about. Maybe 4 years before I ever said anything besides "thank you!" ...
    I see you like D'espa and DELUHI. I love them too. <3 Also, do you mind if I add you on last.fm? I'm always looking for more friends there (I'm nosey and like to see everyone's music taste hehe). ^^
  13. Like
    doombox got a reaction from chemicalpictures in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    I also love that D'LORE track, Rocketeer. I miss that band something fierce.
    I was about to start a thread similar to this but glad I searched for one first. The songs that get me through dark times tend to stick with me the most, but there are a couple that remind me of certain times or people that effected me in a unique way. I tried doing a little write up for each track but some of it is just so personal I'm not comfortable putting it out for everyone to see, that, and this post became a novel so I deleted it. orz
    Dir en grey - "Cage"
    xTRiPx - "limpid" (the original, but since I can't find the original on youtube you get the re-recorded version here)
    bis - "Start"
    MUCC - "我、在ルベキ場所"
    the GazettE - "Discharge"
    Pay money To my Pain - "Another Day Comes"
    ONE OK ROCK - "Liar"
    coldrain - "NEVER LOOK AWAY"
    Not exactly chronological order, but close. And you can see when my interests shifted out of vk... lol. But yeah. All of these songs bring up some strong memories. First times, last times, times you'd rather not remember....
  14. Like
    doombox reacted to beni in Thought I should say hi   
    So, well, I've wanted to join here for quite a while now, but have never had enough confidence to do it. I've actually, just today, decided to join as many social community things (sig..) as I could to try to socialise with the people I want to talk with more (even though I have no clue how to do ANY of these stuff on the internet....), but seeing as I known no one where I live who likes VK and Japanese music in general. So that's why I've decided now to join up here, in a random moment of feeling both scared and excited... So please go easy on me if I say something dumb or wrong, I just want to join in with you guys. There's too many awesome people here so, even though I'm shaking, I'd like to chat with you all as much as I can and make friends and just chat about what we all love.
    So thanks for reading my pretty dumb introduction, hah, don't let me bore you, run along now or I might just be overwhelmed if anyone replies. xD Anyway, enjoy your day and see you around (love reading comments from everyone so I'll still probably stay on the sidelines still anyway xD) Aha, well, take care and everything.
  15. Like
    doombox reacted to Tetora in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    Hey guys,
    What songs either mean something to you, or bring memories and feelings up to the surface whenever you listen to them?
    Some for me to get the ball rolling:
    BUCK TICK - Dress
    Always a song that feels deep and hopeless, reminds me of sad times.
    Gackt - Secret Garden
    The song that originally made me a huge fan. It resonated with me, and even now when I listen to it, it seems so true.
    Alice-Nine - Cradle to Alpha
    I listened to this track and the album it was on non-stop a short while after it came out. Listening to this reminds me of how distant the me I want to be is, and how hard I have to work to get there, and live out the life I truly want to.
    TM Revolution - Tomorrow Meets Resistance (U:C2 Ver.)
    I remember listening to this while waiting out under the hot sun to meet some dumb girl. Good times, listening to this reminds me of that and cheers me up.
    Abingdon Boys - (The Entire First Album)
    This album seemed so fresh, and so real to me. Still to this day, it seems like the feelings expressed on it are completely bare and true, nothing is hidden.
    Please share some of yours!
  16. Like
    doombox got a reaction from CAT5 in Hello to all the people.   
    Welcome to MH! I'm a pretty big fann of DELUHI, girugamesh, UNiTE., and heidi. as well, though you'll probably see me posting more about non-visual Jrock bands. girugamesh has been a staple in my playlist for a good long while and I don't think I'll be giving them up any time soon. I also feel your pain with some of this summer heat. Florida over here. Bleh.
  17. Like
    doombox got a reaction from VisualKEIcrasher in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    I would say I see a lot of hype around Nocturnal Bloodlust, but that does seem to be dying down a bit as of late. For a while I noticed a lot of fans throw out that they're ~uber deathcore omg~ and that totally makes them so much cooler than every other vk band out there. (this has been a dramatic reenactment, no one was actually hurt...*cough*) Anyway, it's a lot of elitism and serious business and I always got the vibe that was a lot of code talk for the fact that the singer seems to be allergic to shirts. (Which I can totally appreciate. Don't get me wrong.) I won't go into the list of reasons why I don't personally appreciate them but I do think they're overrated and over-hyped. 
    Totally agree about Diaura and Unite., I think they're just bands releasing stuff right now and they have growing loyal fanbases. I don't see anyone going around parading them like they're the best thing since sliced bread.
  18. Like
    doombox reacted to VisualKEIcrasher in The 10 Song Shuffle!   
    I found out Smashing Pumpkins via browsing wrestling theme songs. I like their music, "Bullet with Butterfly Wings". ^^
    1: DELUHI - Revolver Blast 
    2: Nighmare - MASQUERADE
    3: Amon Tobin - Switch
    4: Nicholas Nolan & Bart Hendrickson - Razor Blaze
    5: Kids Alive - Ready Go!
    6: girugamesh - Asking why
    7: Golden Bomber - Memeshikute (K-Pop Version)
    8: SuG - sweeToxic
    9: heidi. - Charles
    10: Finger Eleven - Panic Attack
    :/ Tough one to pick but it came down to "Switch" . Amon Tobin's music is so weird and different but that's the good part. Some jazz too
  19. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Greyen in Crossfaith major debut & new single "MADNESS" release   
    I love Enter Shikari, but I admit they can be very hit or miss sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if they got a little influence from ES after touring with them, but I can't really judge from this teaser. Just sounds like a generic build up/intro to something. But I'm excited to hear the rest of the song, and hopefully a cool video to go with it.
  20. Like
    doombox got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in [Games] [NSFW-mild adult content inside] Hot or Not   
    Yes. ♥
    Don't be! Everyone has their own taste. Hotties come in all shapes and sizes as far as I'm concerned.
    Maria Brink?

  21. Like
    doombox reacted to The Piass in SiM new mini album "i AGAINST i" release   
  22. Like
    doombox reacted to Trombe in new band "リライゾ(liraizo)" has formed   
    it is announced at session "鬼神會(kijinkai)" live "OGRE GOD FESTIVAL Vol.-1" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2014/09/08 that they have changed to new formal band "リライゾ(liraizo)" after then, and they will hold their first presents live "ORGE GOD FESTIVAL Vol.1" at TSUTAYA O-East at 2014/11/17
    "リライゾ(liraizo)" members:
    Vo.YUKI (ex-Chlo-ro-form-->エグリゴリ(egregori)-->Mix Speaker's,Inc.)
    Gt.キリ(kiri) (ex-ジゼル(gizell)-->ブロッケン(blocken)-->アンド(AND))
    Gt.冬摩(touma) (ex-Ladyant Black-->Circus)
    Ba.ユウトマン(yuuto-man) (ex-JOKER-->gossip-->SCREW-->BLACK////RUN)
    Dr.鈴音(suzune) (ex-DIS-->アンド(AND))
    their new mini album "秘密クラブ(himitsu club)" will be released at 2014/11/26 (6 songs, 2,484yen)
  23. Like
    doombox reacted to Greyen in NEW BREED new EP "The DIVIDE" release   
  24. Like
    doombox got a reaction from nullmoon in Cage - Bass Cover   
    Yeah, that's something you'll pick up with time, and it still sounds good the way you played it so just keep practicing. You're well on your way. Looking forward to more videos!
  25. Like
    doombox reacted to nullmoon in Cage - Bass Cover   
    Thanks guys, your support means a lot i never really know if i'm any good so your encouragement is...really encouraging! XD
    @Paradoxal - haha sorry, already taken! i found it really tricky at first but it just takes practice. Don't give up!
    @digitalbounce - mine too, I love how the bassline takes centre stage! Yeah, Toshiya most likely picks up and down but i'm not too good at this at present with mid-tempo songs so i down pick for the whole thing! It's just the way I play currently thanks, i've learned quite a few of their songs over the past year so hopefully i'll find time to record more soon!
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