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About -Tetsu-

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    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday August 10

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    ★ music ★ scleralenses ★ ポプテピピック ★

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  1. deleted about 20gb music from my phone but now I've got less storage than before. what the actual fuck is wrong with that damn phone?

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    2. -Tetsu-


      the music player started with that damn shit after I've updated to 11.0.3... everything was fine before I tried to upgrade my phone lol (well, before I wanted to put some new songs onto it ...)

      are you sure it'll work when I delete all music again including that damn player? I'm so scared it will mess up everything again  :tw_bawling:

      damn, I never had so much trouble with that phone before ...

    3. YuyoDrift


      It's not the phone for sure.

      It's IOS 11.0.3.


      I had the bug that other users mentioned, where my Music app would not stay open and crash every single time. I resorted to deleting the app entirely, which caused all of my music to go into the "other" section of storage. 


      Don't delete iTunes lol just the Music app on the phone, and then download it again after resetting the phone and restoring from a backup. Gonna suck putting all the music in again, but oh well.


      I can't promise you it will work, as users have been mentioning the same things you have about the songs being listed as albums, or unknown albums, or saying songs don't play but the track names are, etc. Just gotta try it out and move on to the next method that can work.

    4. -Tetsu-


      goddammit, I regret upgrading so much right now ...

      nah, I didn't mean to delete iTunes haha, I meant the music app on my phone, my bad.

      I guess I'll stay with CopyTransManager since it's working a lot better atm and I might try to reset it next weekend again, if it fucks everything up again when I try to put my photos back onto that damn phone...

      as long as it'll play my music I'll be fine ...
      I just hope it won't start crashing while I'm not at home ... would be the worst thing that could happen right now

      anyway, thanks for your help ^-^

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