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Posts posted by -jibakurei-

  1. Got my first mac recently so I am kinda lost still which programs to use. 

    I lowkey miss my option of right and left mouse click, but I get used to it, but the mac version of mp3 tag (which I usually use) makes no sense for me (it doesnt recognize japanese but only shows those squares and yeah...)

    So maybe you guys can recommend me some good and handy progs for the mac (in general?), so I can start uploading my closet child raids 


    Thanks in advance!

  2. LIN -end of corruption world- Lost in the mist of time


    During the chorus it sounds like 'godess in my ear - godess in my dick' and sometimes it sounds more like 'blood is in my dick' 

    Matches Rikus breathy way of singing this song is2g 

  3. On 18.4.2017 at 6:28 AM, gekiai said:

     only thing is I'm a Libra (ew, I know).


    I'm also a libra ♥ So don't ew it man ww




    Welcome to MH and VK! This forum brought many nice bands, songs and people to me and I wish the same for you too! Enjoy your time here

  4. My first VK band was Schwardix Marvally, but I didn't know they were VK. A friend send them to me, when I was still pretty young during a time when I mostly listened to Metalbands. I really liked it so he introduced me to VK one after another (D'espairsRay, Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer, Moi Dix Mois aso.)


  5. Ouh hell, I'll add myself to the naughty list. 
    I love smut and FFs, as long as the grammar and writing isn't out of this world. Since English isn't my mothertongue, I mostly just read English fics, but from time to time I like to write in English as well. I have written several fics in Germany and I've read tons of fics. 
    In the beginning I was really pick with the pairings, back in '05 or stuff I prefered Ruki x Uruha over all those Reituki (that's how Germans called the Ruki x Reita ship lol) or Yomi x Hitsugi. 
    During the years I got too lazy to be picky, because it causes 'work' to search for good pairings and sometimes I like how authors write but don't like who they're pairing up. 
    I'm roleplaying for several years, too, so I kind of have my fav pairings being the way I want it to be, without getting boring or getting stuck. 


    Maybe you guys can recommend some fics?

    I came across this author some time ago and I really liked her 'Demon King Series' , eventhough I thought that the pairings are a bit strange.


    And I'm a whore for the 'Sexual Beast Saga' by Chantrea Johari, idk if you guys know her work of godlike porness, but istg it's beyond AWESOME. Of course, sharing is caring, so read it. 


    'Sadisgate' is also a really nice fic, but idk, I kinda got confused when I saved it to my computer (just in case I wont find it again lol), but I uploaded it for you as well




  6. With Scapegoat I hope to be brave enough to have a new favourite band the first time in years?! 

    Like I usually think 'they might be fav band material' and boom - disbanding. 

    So I kind of refrained myself from liking some bands because of the heart shattering moment when they a. change their style to sth I don't like anymore or b. disband


    Also university is really demanding atm, but I keep it flowing, even though my life really wears me out  atm

    But better times will come.

  7. On some point during listening to songs the 100th time, I want to listen to each individual track in that one song like only the backing vocals or only the nerve wrecking high pitched sound thingy, COME ON MOSSAFAGGA I WANNA HEAR IT ALL A 100%!!!!

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