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Posts posted by redaudrey

  1. 13 hours ago, keilu said:

    btw, i saw this tweet and I just understand little hearts benefits? can I buy that cd in little hearts?


    and about Zowi's tweets, holyyyy
    I wanna tweet him ganbare, but maybe it doesn't help

    I asked my friend in Osaka to go get it for me, but she came back to tell me that they said you had to pre-order it..:(
    But it's worth checking at other ones if possible!

    And I really appreciate Zowi's honesty. I have so much respect for him ❤️ I hope he can take care of himself as best he can

  2. Oh, totally! For a band I love so much, I definitely want to buy their stuff, but I pre-ordered from CDJapan out of convenience. I shouldn't have been surprised that they'd have funny tokuten with their stuff, just knowing how they are lol

    I know - they're really awesome and good to their fans! I love the furi videos for all their songs too, and I was super glad to be able to buy the Kaitou Sentai A best cd on itunes when the secondhand rates for those singles were pretty high, if they could even be found at all. That's what draws me to them the most is how much they love their band and doing what they do. It just makes everything they do that much more enjoyable! The "bangya license" system they have is really great for the fans too, and all their other special events.

    That's so great! To the extent they promoted, I didn't even realize they were just support members for any time because they made their presence so natural, and they fit in so well.

  3. I love them so much! Their songs are always on repeat for me lately! They're really clever and funny and their music is so fantastic :D
    Though I'm feeling a little sad right now that I didn't pre-order Kinketsu Piranha from LittleHearts after seeing Puton's tweet about the tokuten being a chaotic nomikai video ;__; Learning a valuable lesson for next time

  4. 4 minutes ago, Kr_kohaku said:

    My favorite album so far is Private Enemy or Dictators Circus. My favorite song either is Mad Sky or Smiley Skeleton. I really want to learn the furi for Pierrot songs but I have no idea where I could learn that. Does Angelo have furi? 


    Aw if you ever come to Japan we should hang out :D if you need help finding anything here I can help you too ^^

    Angelo doesn't really have furi, unfortunately, or at least nowhere even close to the level of Pierrot's :( I wish they did!
    I learned their just by watching their lives. Unfortunately since they're older there's no tutorial videos or anything, but you can usually put the pieces together after watching a few! Dictators Circus 6 is my faaaaavorite live ever, so I definitely suggest it! It has Mass Game, too, if you remember all the Pierrot fans LOSING THEIR MINDS over them opening with that song haha!

    Yeah, I'd love that!! I always want more visual kei friends :DD

  5. 14 minutes ago, Kr_kohaku said:

    Yeah it was so interesting to see the two bands and how different the fans were. I wish dir en grey had more furi xD 

    i actually didn't listen to pierrot that much before only a couple of songs but after the androgynos lives I downloaded their entire discography lol. I want to find out more about them and Angelo but it's really hard to find anything about them online. 


    do you live in japan?

    Me too xD the furi experience of Pierrot is sooooo fun! whenever they play kumo no ito, i can never be more excited
    What's your favorite album/song so far? If you want, you can follow me on twitter @red_audrey - I reblog a lot of angelo/pierrot stuff and there's no topic i love more than them! :D 

    I don't, I live in Massachusetts! I actually came for these lives and I did in 2014 for dictators circus final too (ok, to be fair, i have a lot of loved ones in japan too, but boy doesn't it sound good to say its JUST for pierrot?)

  6. On 8/14/2017 at 6:35 AM, Kr_kohaku said:

    Yeah I went to Androgynos both days! I unfortunately couldn't see that well. At first I actually really didn't like Pierrot but they started to grow on me. Now I really like them. 

    That's awesome, I'm glad to hear it! :D I actually went in kind of the opposite direction -- Dir en grey used to be my favorite band until I started listening to Pierrot 10 years ago, but because of Androgynos, I've been getting back into Dir so much. It was such an awesome experience to have two bands so important to me together!!
    But it was a little alarming at first just how huge the contrast felt between their sets lol, even the ways their fans cheered was really different

  7. On 4/26/2017 at 2:04 AM, jaymee said:

    Also, if there is a DVD is might be fan club only. I think that's how PIERROT's reunion live was, but I can't remember if there was a non-fan club version or not...


    BTW, is anyone else on here going to either/both shows?



    There was a non-FC version, but it didn't have the bonus offshot disc. I also believe each night's DVD had to be bought individually...

    Anyway, I'm going to both shows because I live and die for PIERROT and Dir was the first vk band I really got into years and years ago, so this event is like a dream for me! And I never imagined I'd have another opportunity to see PIERROT again after DCF.

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