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Everything posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. holy crap, BOYZ & GIRL are awesome! some good stuff here. here's what i've enjoyed over the years. pretty good post-rock band from dalian this band is probably the chinese equivalent of j-indie band Redrum. their 2015 album is completely post-rock tho so i would recommend their earlier two albums. (music starts around 1 min) a few more indie bands still don't know much about this band, or where to even find their music but they're good edit: found out they're called Freckles and the vocalist, benben, is the same as BOYZ & GIRL! i thought they both sounded pretty similar shoegazy/post-rock/black metal band
  2. totally in love with 夜の所為にして by nurie, that piano is PERFECT

  3. plastic_rainbow

    and this time he's half naked on the streets, izumi is amazing lol. totally loving this! they also released a new look
  4. plastic_rainbow

    been a while since i showed my desktop. i recently transitioned from a laptop (about time!). also pretty excited for the ffvii remake i still can't keep a clean desktop, it was way more chaotic on my laptop Dx
  5. nice! haven't seen instrumental versions from bands in a while.
  6. there was a follow-up video too and shin admits to copying one of shou's look when he first started visual kei lol. he feels very honored to be able to do this collaboration with him. their relationship now is as close to being brothers. they mention more about the collaboration and song too but i couldn't quite pick up everything. (i dont have too much of a backround on alice nine either)
  7. i just saw this now but pt did this theater performance thing kinda like that one movie with the zombie detective they did. i guess their acting got a little bit better....? xD



    1. Tokage


      meanwhile onan casually out-acts everyone 

  8. plastic_rainbow

    all i know is that they wore those clothes in the DAYS pv, there are a few shots of them. maybe it was a fanclub only item? otherwise i have no idea either.
  9. plastic_rainbow

    so we're getting pvs for every track? anyway, first track sounds really good so far! tracks 4 and 9 have also peaked my interest. the pv for end roll made me think of mizuiro girlfriend because of the revolving camera, but the song actually kinda sounds like it too
  10. plastic_rainbow

    2nd SINGLE「ハロー」 Tracklist: 1.ハロー (Hello) 2.雨音 (Ameoto) 3.remember 2nd SINGLE「グッバイ」 Tracklist: 1.グッバイ (Goodbye) 2.透明人間 (Toumei ningen) 3.中野駅 (Nakano eki) Looks like we'll be getting a total of six new songs.
  11. was hoping to see saki, but this is cool news
  12. plastic_rainbow

    or he could be a half! but yassss, this looks HOT from what i can understand, yes, and there will be new songs. the drummer personally wishes to write songs that are slower, grotesque, and vomit-inducing but i'm guessing he's not one of the main writers. their final tour will be at shinjuku blaze on 11/22 and there might be some more announcements later. he also mentions that the new bassist has some nice guns.
  13. plastic_rainbow

    Don't know if people were interested, but I mentioned a few weeks back that I was compiling my 2019 favorites and so here it is. Just a warning though, I probably only went through a third of the releases I had my eyes on so I may have missed a few good things. Also, I tend to cherry-pick songs so my top song list is rather lengthy. Anyway, I'm gonna try to make this as short and sweet as possible. Ranking is in no particular order unless stated. Top Albums BAROQUE - PEUR ET PUELLA If there was one album I could choose from 2019 it would be PEUR ET PUELLA by BAROQUE hands down. Even though I was still feeling sulky about their music direction, PEUR ET PUELLA honestly took my be surprise. The album feels like a mixture of everything both the members have done in the past, from early baroque to kannvalism, and even Kei's solo work. I'm definitely looking forward to their new album coming out next week. MONO - Before The Past • Live From Electrical Audio Okay, maybe if there was one other album I could choose from 2019 it would be this commemorative album of which MONO re-recorded three songs from their early days. I never remembered much of the song "Halo" but the new energy they have put into it really brings it to life. You can really feel their loud and raw sound in this entire album. Also, I will say that I enjoyed this much more than the new album they actually released, probably due to the fact that "L'america" and "Com(?)" are some of my favorites of theirs. 仮病 (Kebyou) - 毒針 (Dokushin) This might have been the release where Kebyou really caught my attention. I feel like this is the best VK album I've heard in a while that aren't from veterans in the scene. There are so many good tracks here but my favorites might be "Q" and "冷凍保存". If you haven't checked them out yet I would start with this album of theirs. Top Singles gulu gulu - 変なメリーゴーランド (Henna Merry Go Round) Best newcomer of 2019? Hell yeah! Gulu gulu starts with a bang with all great tracks from this single. They released a second single too, but I enjoyed this one more. Develop One's Faculties - ephemeral I'm glad that Develop One's Faculties are still going off strong, they deserve so much more recognition. The second track is a lot of fun and stands out more than the title track. I just love what Yuya does with his vocals sometimes. ペンタゴン - カルチャーショック (Pentagon - Culture Shock) After not enjoying their poppy and synth sound from previous releases, I was surprised by how good this single of Pentagon's was. The title song showed a lot of promise so I gave this single of there's a go for once. Although it still largely has a pop sound it is much more listenable and shows how the band has really matured. Quite a shame that they're now disbanding. Top Songs ザアザア - 光 (Xaa-xaa - Hikari) from 破裂 (Haretsu) Xaa-xaa is more of a hit or miss for me, but when they hit boy do they hit HARD. Out of the bajillion singles they released last year there was only one track that I really liked and that is "光" from their single Haretsu. A very lovely ballad that sort of makes me feel nostalgic for oshare kei from the 00s. I don't know, there's just something kind of familiar about it. ロマン急行 - 歪む太陽 (Roman Kyuko - Yugamu Taiyou) from 人間失格 (Ningen Shikkaku) Roman Kyuko was one of my most anticipated bands and although everything they released has been good, "歪む太陽" from their album might be my most favorite. I think I will miss hearing Yudai's voice in Toru's playing style though, but I'm glad that Izumi's voice works just as wonderfully. 仮病 - Yellow Tokyo I was trying to avoid putting artists twice on the list but I just had to put Kebyou again here. They really showed their potential in 2019 and I'm hoping that this live-limited track of theirs, available to listen on Youtube, will show up in one of their future releases. The CD cover looks ugly and low-budget af but I promise you the song is good. DADAROMA - 嫣然 (Enzen) from Dadaism#5 Dadaism#5 was not bad overall, but "嫣然" blew me away right off the bat. Might be just me but it feels kind of close to Crazy☆shampoo. Always wanted to hear Yoshiatsu belting like that again. 蘭図 - ドグラ・マグラ (Rands - Dogra Magra) from Leda Atomica Can't express my joy to see Karma back and bringing the old-school sound back on top of that, not that I'm totally familiar with old-school bands but it feels very refreshing in the scene. I love how "Dogra Magra" starts with the fluttering of a fly/moth and kind of introduces a solitary and barren atmosphere to this lovely ballad. nurié - モノローグ (Monologue) from モノローグ Can anybody tell me who these guys are 'cause they're amazing! Feeling such an art-kei vibe from this track. I hope more of their releases will be accessible because I seriously need to hear more!! キズ - 夢 (Kizu - Yume) from 平成 (Heisei) It felt like 2019 was a bit weak for Kizu imo, but I'm happy that "夢" finally got a recording. If only it wasn't recorded in whatever special equipment they used, but it's still very listenable as it's one of my favorite songs of theirs. ユメリープ - でっどばーすでー (Yumeleep - Dead Birthday) from ばーすまたー (Birth Matter) I will admit that Yumeleep got a bit boring and same-y for me, but "でっどばーすでー" caught my attention this time around. I might even say this is the best song they've done so far. It feels like the vocalist experimented more with his vocals instead of sounding monotone all the time, making this track much more interesting and even catchy. DIMLIM - 離人 (Rijin) from 離人 To be honest, this song took a few listens for it to grow on me. It's true that the instrumentals feel a bit mashed up in a few places but I'm not complaining because now I'm in love with it. NITRODAY - ダイヤモンド・キッス (Diamond Kiss) from 少年たちの予感 (Premonition of Kids) The only non-vk band on the list, well other than MONO. NITRODAY are one of the few indie bands that I've been keeping a real close eye on. Their entire EP Premonition of Kids is great, but "Diamond Kiss" is such a sweet summer song. The addition of the bassist's back vocals work wonderfully and sometimes I'll easily find myself singing along. I didn't even realize how short the song was. Well, that about sums up my favorites from 2019. And now I'm gonna head out and dig through the rest of the stuff I missed!
  14. plastic_rainbow

    love the two photos posted for 9gbo too! i went through my folder and dug out some favorites. unfortunately i didn't save everything, it's hard to find good quality pics of some of them now.... i think this is mostly the cover for their ep What is "Plastic Tree", but what the hey i love it. probably one of their most iconic photos. wish i could find it in better quality.... my favorite when i first got into them. the flowers add such a nice touch. sou just looks too adorable here and i love his scarf ;u; SCISSOR did the spooky theme so much better than Candy Spooky Theater music wise imho, and they got peculiar looks that wasn't just halloween-y Guniw Tools have a number of weird photos but i love the composition in this one so simple but very iconic at the time, i would say i'm noticing that most people are posting older photos so here's a few from more recent bands a real hard pick from the two, i had them both as my desktop wallpaper a bit too much editing on this one but still a great photo and one non-vk, from THE TEENAGE KISSERS feel like i spammed a bit too much here, haha. might post more later~
  15. kind of lost interest in these guys but that's a pretty nice look
  16. need more one-shot pvs like this, this is great.
  17. plastic_rainbow

    The Fallen Crimson by Envy Third track from the album has been released. It has been noted that a music video has been out for it too but I haven't seen it up yet.
  18. plastic_rainbow

    i'm happy for these two~ it's cool to finally see haine/kai in a band, who i've been a long time follower of. he also did the cover art for the single. the song is just decent but i'll be looking forward to hearing more from them.
  19. anyone compiling their 2019 favorites? i kind of have a list (while still going through some releases i missed), but it's nothing big

    1. plastic_rainbow


      in any case, it's a good way to see what others liked so that you can check them out yourself

    2. Komorebi


      I have my list on the rating thread more or less up to date. 

    3. colorful人生


      Not visual kei, but everything at this point and after is 2019 j-indie stuff I liked for the year (pruned from another playlist.)



    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. plastic_rainbow

    2020 really be making my wallet nonexistent.....the amount of new and upcoming video games has never looked this bright before i just recently finished playing Remothered: Tormented Fathers so i'm really excited for the sequel, shown down below. classic survival horror fans will like this one, especially if you like clock tower, rule of rose, or haunting ground. i had no idea there was even gonna be a second game to Hellblade. it has quite a different feel from the first one so i'll be looking forward to see what it has in store.
  21. plastic_rainbow

    didn't believe it until i saw the trailer myself (and hooooly damn carlos looks hot)
  22. plastic_rainbow

    damn, i just found out that mono performed last night the next state over
  23. plastic_rainbow

    "A step in the morning glow" from their new album is available to listen.
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