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Everything posted by dannemannen

  1. dannemannen

    Come on... atleast add a sentence or a rating to the movie you mention ;P
  2. dannemannen

    Any news on these guys?
  3. dannemannen

    Another kickass action thriller from south korea. Oh man what an awesome movie! The knife fight in the end is probably one of the best knife fights ever in movie history. 10/10
  4. dannemannen

    Oh man, way too early to start the hype
  5. dannemannen

    Vk doesnt die because some small crappy bands disband. Small indie bands come and go all the time, in every scene around the world. Same in the states for example.
  6. dannemannen

    My copy finally arrived and i will return with impressions later ^^ But what did you guys think of Sid's new album? How would you rate it? Best/worst songs?
  7. dannemannen

    Not surprised, the last singles they have released, which all were hilariously bad, cant have sold well.
  8. dannemannen

    I saw the devil - epic brutal thriller 10/10
  9. dannemannen

    Who? Btw, bad modding here on the board. Way too many puberty shit threads.
  10. dannemannen

    More impressions on philia...?
  11. dannemannen

    I have to say that I'm alittle disappointed with the new song. I just don't feel it. The chorus is not good/catchy enough, neither the instrumentals. But maybe it will grow...!
  12. dannemannen

    There is nothing that makes me more angry than animal abuse in this world. Nothing. Torture/murdering of humans doesnt bother me at all. If the idiots who did it were caught, and I could chose their punishment, I wouldnt doubt even one second to have them decapitated.
  13. dannemannen

    What for a crappy tour is that?
  14. dannemannen

    Their last album was awesome, their last single was one of the catchiest things released last year, and i cant wait for the new single, finally the sample tomorrow
  15. dannemannen

  16. dannemannen

    Ahhh can't wait for a preview ;P
  17. dannemannen

    Amazing album. Alice Nine has a bright future. I will SO follow this band from now on ^^
  18. dannemannen

    Totally blown away, wow. 9/10
  19. dannemannen


    They are great, cant wait for the new album.
  20. dannemannen

    Sorry miyavi, but this one sucked. 4/10
  21. dannemannen

    Im excited ^^
  22. dannemannen

    trying to get the pv to work now, and yes like we all guessed chiisana kimi no te was just a joke and wont be released ^^ "?????????帰り??????マキシマム ザ ホルモン(笑) も????ん「??????????手????CD??????録??れ????ん??" Edit: Just listened to the new song and what? Cool screaming and all that but no chorus? Weird.. then i prefer the joke song
  23. dannemannen

    really enjoyed Story, looking forward to this one!
  24. dannemannen

    Read the first letters of every sentence of the message before the preview: Honto ni shita yatsu FAKKU ^^
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