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Everything posted by dannemannen

  1. dannemannen

    Title song has epic instrumentals/sound, but i still feel something is missing, maybe its the chorus? Rest of the songs are ok. 7/10.
  2. dannemannen

    Looks like a cheap downgraded version of facebook. No thanks.
  3. dannemannen

    Am I the only one who at first didn't find Different sense anything special, but now totally loves it? Fucking epic awesome song 10/10! Pv is also really cool
  4. dannemannen

    Previews are excellent, this album is gonna be something big.
  5. dannemannen

    Cant be more epic: http://youtu.be/Q532tmQ7F7g
  6. dannemannen

    got the poster in bigger size/better quality?
  7. dannemannen

    btw where is kyo's blog? where did he write this? Link please ^^
  8. dannemannen

    Wtf is all this talk about leaks? Just wait like normal people do;P
  9. dannemannen

    NoGod used to be one of my absolute favourite bands... but oh man, they are getting boring... or?
  10. dannemannen

    Pv is fucking cool, HD ftw!
  11. dannemannen

    why not? they are currently peaking and i love it ^^
  12. I like this band, keep going pwo ^^
  13. dannemannen

    The anime does so not fit in the pv... why... But its quite obvious that the whole octopus thing is a symbol related to the fukushima accident. Btw, ive really started to like the song. Gave it 5 in the review thread, it has grown to 8/10 now. Quite awesome ^^
  14. dannemannen

    Looks & music, nothing special.
  15. dannemannen

    the cat cover is cool and creepy ^^
  16. dannemannen

    I wonder if people still would give tsumi to kisei the ratings 8/10, 9/10 (extremely high quality, close to being a timeless masterpiece) etc if it instead, for example, was an unknown polish death metal-LSD band who was behind it
  17. dannemannen

    It's finally here, let's review the shit outta it What do you guys think about this single? For myself I would say that we got the best part in the preview.. they went too far with the growling this time. The chorus of Different Senses is cool but nothing mindblowing, the rest is just boring and pointless. Just feels so cheap to fill up more than half of the song with generic screaming. Seriously, arent we all kind of tired of this "heavy sound" from DEG by now? 5/10. The second song "tsumi to kisei" just simply sucks, one of the worst songs ive heard in many years. I cant believe how bad it is 0/10 (in b4 "Oh this shit is awesum, it's art"). Horrible. Disappointed.. but one thing that is quite cool is that they certinately arent trying to appeal the mainstream market anymore. well well.. expected more. ...
  18. dannemannen

    fix'd And yeah, I don't get this GB hype as well - what's so special in them? If I am permitted to ask that Personally I have to say the catchyness, they have loads of songs with awesome choruses Kuchuu dappun is also a classic
  19. dannemannen

    Visual kei is getting more and more popular here in japan recently. They always have a big corner in the cd-shops and releases by quite famous bands always reach the oricon chart along other j-pop artists nowadays. Haha, even golden bomber got 4th place with their new single Boku Quest, above and under them were akb48 and B'z. So it's sure getting bigger and bigger, atleast compared to before when it was more of an underground thing. Now bands such as dir en grey, gazette, alice nine, sid, Sug and so on sells out their tickets for budoukan concerts in 10 mins. That said, the average japanese dont know much/care at all. It's a kind of a hate or love thing over here... and my gf isnt on my side ;P
  20. dannemannen

    Last mini was awesome with songs such as black box, i wanna get away and speaker. Cant wait for this release!
  21. dannemannen

  22. dannemannen

    awesome, one of my fav bands
  23. dannemannen

    Alright - It's here! Go for it! I'll come back with a detailed review myself later. Edit: oh man, remember forever is beautiful
  24. dannemannen

    Nice, last singles have been awesome.
  25. dannemannen

    Cool tracklist, cool cover. Cant wait for this release!
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