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Everything posted by dannemannen

  1. dannemannen

    I found both songs quite boring. Nothing memorable... =( Where did the epicness go?! 6/10
  2. dannemannen

    Going the same way as girugamesh, mainstream anime-jpop sound. Nothing to care about anymore. But they must be happy getting dem cash.
  3. dannemannen

    Just saw the music video/listened to the song and holy shit, you gotta be kidding me... Is this shit for real? They guy doing his best to hide his small eyes with a blonde wig was awesome though....
  4. dannemannen

    I totally love the new mini! Their sound has really improved alot. Cant wait for new releases!
  5. dannemannen

    Just listen to this new song from the new mini! Awesome! How can you not like this band?Any other fans here?
  6. dannemannen

    The chorus is really disappointing imo...
  7. dannemannen

    LoL "Sound of drug"
  8. dannemannen

    Mao from Sadie
  9. dannemannen

    I don't get all the bashing going on in here. For myself I find this mini damn solid! Red line is a beast, catchy chorus, instrumentals and verse. Oh yeah! 9/10 Mourou has a cool creepy atmosphere and i love it 8/10 Rodeo Scream, ok .. this one was kind of a failure... 5/10 Skeleton Bug, so is this one, generic and boring... 5/10 DayDream, but here we go again. Such a damn beautiful and calming song. Love it 8/10 Koe, just simply brilliant 10/10 I would give this mini a 9/10! Keep up the good work sadie!
  10. When i first found out the J-rock scene i tried everything "Holy shit this is so cool", but now as time has passed i've realized that most of it actually sucks. Especially the indie stuff. So recently i only go for the "safe cards", so to say, I don't have all the time in the world anymore either. How about you guys?
  11. dannemannen

    Lol at the date. But it has to be something mindblowing then i guess?
  12. dannemannen

    LMC is one of my absolute favorite bands so I was very excited for this album, and here we go... 1.Be STRONG, Be POP Just a normal intro. Never care about these. 2.Ah Hah! Never liked this one that much but it's still pretty catchy 7/10. 3.BABY TALK Dat autotune... but a very fun song. Could have been better though 6/10. 4.SUPER DUPER GALAXY Same as with Ah Hah, nothing special. Generic. 7/10. 5.MY BOY Meh... you can do better LMC! 6/10 6.Goak-On-SOUL MEH! Cheap beats... filler 5/10 7.We are LM.C!! ~The Anthem of Strong Pop~ I still don't understand the point of these. 8.GAME of LIFE Going downhill here i feel... another filler? 6/10 9.COMBATmode Better than the last ones but nothing mindblowing... 7/10 10.peekaboo A calmer song but nothing memorable. Typical fille... 7/10 11.星の在処。-ホシノアリカ- Another single. Been listening to this one a lot since it was released. Love it. Very catchy. 8/10 12.何も始まらなかった一日の終わりに。 YES! This is the kind of songs LMC should be making. Might just be as good as last album's Bokura no Mirai and meterion 9/10 13.LET ME' CRAZY!! Simply love this one, catchy as hell 9/10. So most the new songs feels like fillers except nani mo hajimaranakatta ichinichi no owari ni which i really enjoyed. Singles still go strong but all in all I'm kind of disappointed. I would give this album a 7 of 10.
  13. dannemannen

  14. dannemannen

    Mucc new look dem shoes
  15. dannemannen

    Too bad for the fans. But oh yeah, they sucked..
  16. dannemannen

    sweet, i like kra!
  17. dannemannen

    Im all up for growls, sure yeah. Just in this case the sound is so fucking poor and badly produced, sounds like something any garage band could come up with in a day or two.
  18. dannemannen

    Wow that was lame...
  19. dannemannen

    I thought this single was kind of lame, exactly nothing stood out. The title song felt very generic. Theyve done better stuff! 6/10
  20. dannemannen

    I really enjoyed this album as a whole, but the only two songs that i felt "oh shit" are hanagasumi and subete he. Best songs on the album, rest is ok. 7/10
  21. dannemannen

    Epic song all in all, just the chorus that is kind of weak.
  22. dannemannen

    Sounds sweet!
  23. dannemannen

    WOw.. why? Their album was awesome. Didnt sell enough maybe?
  24. dannemannen

    Cant believe how bad this is. Thinking about all their epic masterpieces they have released through the years, this (and the other recent single) is like an insult to themselves.
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