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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by cruel-crucible

  1. :urg:

    YAY Europe sucks, as always~

    Whatevs, if I could wait till now, I'll be able to stand this torture for a bit longer XD

    I guess that's what people will remember the most from the whole film... the NEONS. And then probably the bikes. Maybe also Garrett and Olivia in some cases. 8)

  2. *jealous* I wonder when will I get the chance to watch it D:

    The 3D must be such an amazing experience... I mean, just when you watch the trailers, it looks so frikkin awesome o.o

    NEON POWER :domo:

  3. As a hardcore Garrett Hedlund fan I've read tons of interviews about this film and damn, it makes me wanna see it even more >.<

    Though I'll have to wait until it's in the cinemas in our country D:

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