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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by cruel-crucible

  1. Honestly? I think all of the bigger names in Jrock are totally overvalued. The extent that some people go... no... i take that back... the... how do I word this... the fangirlism? For any band is completely uncalled for.

    Now, I also feel that there's "being-a-huge-fan-of" and then there's "fangirling."

    I'm guilty of being so excited for the Dir en grey show that I've done a happy dance... not because "Kyo is s000oo00 schmexy !!1!!<3333~~" but because I've been a fan of the band as long as I can remember and it was my first show.

    Now, I'm not going to include some of my absolute favorites in this, but some bands that I listen to, appreciate the music of, would generally like to see in concert, but don't understand anyone's total obsession with:

    alice nine.


    GPKISM (I swear to God, Tainted Reality employees orgasm when they hear the word, and I just don't understand it... They were amazing and original until Atheos... then it got boring and tired. Fast.)

    Malice Mizer (When they were around, of course. They made good music. Passable music. Music I'll listen to from time to time. But not ultimate fangirlism worthy.)


    Phantasmagoria (When they were officially around as well.)

    Miyavi (I like him a lot, but I don't find him "kawaii" at. all.)

    the GazettE



    Now bands I hate that get too much attention:



    Every single "OMG, NEW BAND GAIZ" that Shattered-Tranquility talks about... Not that they're overvalued per se, but that some people do tend to freak out and become obsessive about Teh Rarez and it's sickening.... but redundant obvious post is reduntant and obvious.

    UnsraW (and all carbon copies.... cough Vajra cough)

    Sadie (kind of hate, not full blown hate.)

    Satsuki (also kind of hate. better in RES, blahdyblahdyblah)

    Nobody will state their favorite band as overrated, even though maybe it is.

    And neither will you or I 8D ((Don't get me wrong, I love Versailles))

    When you are "a-huge-fan-of" a certain band, you feel like there's never enough love or appreciation for them. And there will always be people who hate.

  2. WTF how could I not notice this thread before D:

    I've been desperately searching for E'm fans, 'cause I just couldn't find any.

    I pretty much agree with what Peace Heavy mk II said, even with the GacktxJuka part.

    Every song is different and has its own cool parts, which make E'm unique. I especially enjoy Infinity Daze, for some reason :x

    Anyway, I hope they'll make a busier release schedule, 'cause I want more <3

  3. I really don't like the preview and their newest slut-look. They could've just gone out naked, that would be even better, probably.

    But I'm still willing to give them a second chance 'cause just like Zesshoku said, they haven't made any bad songs except EROS.

    Though I still feel kinda weird when listening to them now x__x

  4. Did they give a date for this song / maxi-single? I hope it's not a live distributed .___.
    It should be released in November as a second maxi-single, but no further info has been given yet.

    I'm used to all the KISAKI hate and money thing and I expect more and more dissing to come soon, but putting my love for the man aside, I think it's great he's returned. The old Visual Kei scene is slowly disappearing because of generic bands with visuals that make them look like Johnny's boys and KISAKI's strong pressence may bring back some of the old days.

    Need more kote-kei inspired bands. Don't give a damn if they're "obscure indies", if they have potential, they deserve at least a bit more attention.

  5. what the fuck? even if I didn't listen to them anymore, I used to love them a lot in 2008/2009. Kru and Maro were so funny. I really hope to see them in new bands. I will miss them.
    Same here D:

    I liked their visuals, but the music was just... meh.

    They had some cool elements but overall I didn't like it.

  6. Yes. I do understand when people dislike osare, but saying the musicians are lame without even paying attention to their skills? That's stupid.

    I myself don't like osare very much, but bands like aicle. are worth listening. Rubi is a damn amazing guitarist and Saran really cool bassist.

    It's OK if people don't like the styling or the kind of music they play, but that doesn't automatically mean that they suck. It's all about musical preferences.

    Therefore I don't hate any band.

    Trying to convince anyone of this sort of thing is ultimately pointless. It's not worth it.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm just stating my own opinion.

  7. Yes. I do understand when people dislike osare, but saying the musicians are lame without even paying attention to their skills? That's stupid.

    I myself don't like osare very much, but bands like aicle. are worth listening. Rubi is a damn amazing guitarist and Saran really cool bassist.

    It's OK if people don't like the styling or the kind of music they play, but that doesn't automatically mean that they suck. It's all about musical preferences.

    Therefore I don't hate any band.

  8. Doremidan, Secilia Luna, definitely.
    and also:



    Anli Pollicino



    Duel Jewel

    Megaromania? Hell no.

    They've been extremely popular lately, you could say that with Lin and NEGA, they create the imaginary "top UCP 3".

    Though it sounds stupid 8D

  9. On the legend part, I would love more people to like Sense of Shape

    Everyone seems to think they were the worst Matina shit, but I actually like them XD

    BTW, how come in EVERY TW thread there must be a Dir en grey drama?

    Oh, and how people love comparing Toshiya and Kisaki... you just can't get over it, can you.

  10. No idea when I discovered Japanese music itself, must've been during watching some anime I guess. As for J-rock:

    February 2007, 12 yrs old.

    Thanks to Acey Slade's Trashlight Vision, who were apparently successful in Japan. They had something to do with Kagerou, I've seen a pic of Acey with Daisuke. Wanted to check them out, and fell in love. First song - Urami Koto <3

    Later discovered Plastic Tree, Phantasmagoria, LAREINE, HISKAREA and others.

    Phantasmagoria became my favorite band and here I am now <3

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