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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by cruel-crucible

  1. WTF

    KISAKI should stop letting bands like this even FORM. They disband after a few months of activities and then all the blame goes on the producer who has frikkin nothing to do with it.

  2. Hhhhmmm....Ameria was on the Cure comp that Kisaki picked out, Ameria is going to be in a UCP event...I smell a new addition to Under Code in the future.

    Not necessarily - Kei was Phantasmagoria's roadie ((still works as Lin's or spiv states' roadie)) and Ritsuka was a roadie for Megaromania.

    It doesn't immediately mean they'll join UCP, but they will definitely appear on the label's events and stuff. KISAKI likes Kei, I'm sure, he's blogged about him a few times ((about Kei without make-up looking like CINDYKATE's Yuui for example XD)).

    But I'd like them to join the label.

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