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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by cruel-crucible

  1. I want it to be Kairi, Yuuichi, Nozomi and Leda.

    And Paris is a spoiled :xxx: who has to change dogs too often, because they kill themselves after some time they've spent with her. I bet this is Tinkerbell #937

    Let the lady in the meat bikini rule :gaga:

  2. What inartistic said.

    And what does it matter who came to whose concert? What kind of person would trash years of friendship because of that? Kisaki is a well-liked person, whether you like it or not. Dir en grey doesn't hate him, Eiji doesn't hate him. It's all just minor stuff that retarded fangirls turned to huge issues. I guess you guys are perfect and never fight with your friends.

    There will always be Kisaki hate, because it's fashionable. If you don't hate him, you're not "in". People are able to find the stupidest reasons to hate him, without thinking about it for a second.

    The fact that he's probably one of the most respected people in this screwed-up scene is usually overseen.

    Anyway to get back on the topic, is there any possibility Leda will be in the band...? ;_;

  3. Codomo A was unique.

    Not that they changed anything. Though, no one has changed the scene for like a decade, for that matter.

    Codomo A wasn't manufactured by UNDER CODE though. They were a band before they were on the label. I don't consider them an UNDER CODE band anyways, at least not anymore, since Eiji hates Kisaki and probably wouldn't admit they were nowadays anyways XD

    Since when did Eiji hate Kisaki? You got some proof or is that something you wanna believe in because you hate Kisaki?

    Wanted to ask the same.

  4. Codomo A was unique.

    Not that they changed anything. Though, no one has changed the scene for like a decade, for that matter.

    Codomo A wasn't manufactured by UNDER CODE though. They were a band before they were on the label. I don't consider them an UNDER CODE band anyways, at least not anymore, since Eiji hates Kisaki and probably wouldn't admit they were nowadays anyways XD

    Then you don't consider many UCP bands as UCP bands.

  5. Joining in to the Cell fan club 8D

    I want that guy back so much.

    But I think if Kairi's there, Yuuichi will be there too.

    And I don't think PERESTROIKA is a funny name D: Their logo is even less funny. :oro:

    Anyway, YAY FOR NEW UCP BAND :domo:

  6. You know, I think there wouldn't be so much drama if people started using "I think..." "In my opinion..." etc.

    'Cause some of you are stating your own opinions as if they were the holy Bible and the only truth in the world. You're kinda forgetting that everyone has their own music taste.

    The word hate is too string IMO, but I think there's no problem in disliking a certain band JUST because you don't like their music 'cause it's not your style/it doesn't sound interesting to you. Or just because you don't like the vocalist. Or their bassist looks like the guy wo tried to rape you when you were five.

    I think it's kinda natural D:

    Though I still have a feeling my point won't be understood XD


  7. Vocals: Riku

    Guitar 1: JUN

    Guitar 2: Iori

    Bass: KISAKI

    Drums: Matoi

    And if you don't want me to state Phantasmagoria members, then it would be:

    Vocals: Hayato ((ex-Mar'derayla))

    Guitar 1: KANATA ((Lin))

    Guitar 2: Nozomi ((ex-ClearVeil - I just think he has a great talent))

    Bass: Yukina((ex-Madeth gray'll))

    Drums: Yuki from Versailles or Majyu from E'm~grief~

  8. ^ Yup, that's the problem. You'll never get rid of the "fangirl-ish" fangirls as long as they'll keep looking attractive. I'm a fangirl too and I admit they are definitely handsome, but I won't have orgasm everytime I see them, for God's sake. I always say - they're musicians, not sex symbols. For some reason, Yuki seems to be everyone's least favorite member because he's not "supaaaa sekushiii", but he's my favorite because he's a freakin' amazing drummer ((and I actually find him pretty attractive as well)).

    I think there's no problem in thinking that the artists are "hot", "sexy", "cute" or whatever adjective you want, but most of those fangirls lack RESPECT for them. You don't have to lie to yourself and proclaim you think they're not attractive at all, 'cause it's not true, they're rock stars, it's part of their life and it's only natural for other people to find them appealing. But damn, at least show some respect and appreciation for them and the music they make.

    And this does not apply only on Versailles, but every other band out there.

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