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Posts posted by chizuruki

  1. On 3/19/2019 at 9:31 PM, Bear said:

    I got one episode to go before I am finished with Kingdom. It's a zombie show and all, but the zombies are more of a backdrop than anything else. Really nice and well-written period drama with zombies as a certain spice. Really liking it.


    I also watched a film from last year which was much of the samw, albeit more action-horror than drama. Also South Korean. Was cool, but not as good as Kingdom.

    I completely agree about the zombie thing being more of a backdrop. Yesterday I finished the first season and hooooo boye.


    Gonna look into the other shows you've mentioned above in the coming days. A lot of them sound intriguing.

  2. Wow. I guess MH is going on 12 years in a few days. Amazing, and it's all thanks to the community for keeping it alive.


    I have been lurking on and off since the TW days. One of my fondest memories is reading and laughing at the crap jrock bands thread and how the horrible song by idiot or w/e became a running joke among the old regular members for a while. That was fun even if only as a vicarious memory.


    There are so many familiar usernames still, which is strangely comforting to this occasional visitor. Hoping everyone has been well.

  3. @yomii Thank you, we did make lots of memories together. We did have to separate two years ago because I had to move overseas twice, so he stayed with my best friend and lived out his senior years in comfort and happiness (albeit constantly chasing cats away like a grumpy old man haha). Fortunately I came back home just in time to say goodbye. 

  4. On 2/26/2019 at 5:09 AM, Bear said:

    The Umbrella Academy - Didn't except to like this much, but I actually did despite some major flaws. The overall tone is a bit inconsistent, the choices of music is so standard and boring that it almost seem parodying regular choices, and Luther turned out to be a poorly written cliche. But overall the series was cool. Like a mix of Watchmen and X-Men, but not nearly as good or interesting as either. But recommended if you're into atypical superhero shows.


    I was also surprised that I kind of enjoyed this series even though it's very aggressively ok from an objective point of view haha. Lots of inconsistencies, and the plot was somewhat predictable? Robert Sheehan's portrayal of Klaus was probably my favorite thing about it, and the dynamic between him and No. 6. 



    My brother and I are watching the Korean series called Kingdom together. This is my first Korean series, and although I'm not really a fan of the zombie genre, this one is pretty exciting and (positively) stressful for me. Two episodes to go before we finish it. I heard the second season is currently being shot, too, so the ending is something I'm looking forward to very much.


    Has anyone else already seen it?

  5. I made one really really good friend in my exchange program. He's basically my only real friend in the whole country and one of the best friends I've ever had. But I have to fly back home in June and then move to another country yet again and the thought of probably not seeing him again until like years later is legit making me so sad. Whenever we  hang out I always complain that he's going to leave me when in the end I'm really the one leaving first, aren't I.

  6. On 10/8/2017 at 9:57 PM, platy said:

    Honestly, I found quite an unhealthy way to adjust. I just immersed myself in online games, tbh in school I got bullied a lot at the start for being foreign , so it was great escapism.

    Some healthy ways I can recommend are looking for clubs you can join. If you're not in school, look for volunteer work. I found that volunteering opportunities mainly attract foreigners who are in the same boat as you. I think after a certain age, making friends is hard no matter who you're interacting with. So just persevere and keep in mind that they might be feeling the same as you ("making friends is so hard"). In case you're too busy to volunteer, just look for events you can go to. 


    It's so discouraging, but try not to isolate yourself from the country you're in. I know people who just find small communities from their country abroad and completely separate themselves from locals and their culture, this can be comforting but it only adds to the feeling of alienation.


    Go out for walks and get to know your surroundings. Get used to the different shops, foods, etc.


    Also, take it easy. It does take a long time to get used to a new country, so don't beat yourself up for having days where you feel hopeless. Call your family and friends whenever you can. 

    Thanks for the advice! And I'm sorry you were bullied back in school, that's awful...

    I did try to join the archery club in my uni, and I basically just hang out with anyone who doesn't mind having me around haha. It was probably just an especially bad day, I mean when I posted that... Volunteering sounds like a good idea, though. I'll try to find something here and have my friends come with.

    I know friends who stuck with people from their own country noticed that they really do end up not assimilating at all. You're right about that not being a good idea, especially for anyone staying long-term. 

    Thanks again! And sorry my response took a while oops

  7. Living in another country is so difficult. Even though there are so many similarities between my home country and where I live now, I still haven't completely adjusted, and trying to make friends with the locals and other foreigners is just so exhausting. 

    Is anyone else here living overseas? How do/did you deal with the adjustment period?

  8. I almost got hit by a car and a person saw and scolded me. "You know, you could have been just another statistic", and I replied back, "DEATH BY MOTORBIKE! I LUCKED OUT!". She looked at me confused and walked away.


  9. Does the vocalist of mondialito count? She sings in French/English, but she's Japanese.

    Also Asakawa Maki, Rurutia, Nakashima Mika and the vocalist of Nichika. And the vocalist of the Japanese Kara. And me-al art. Don't know their names, unfortunately. And others. 8DD

  10. If not, i'm pissed we never got a full-length.


    I don't think it's a joke, though. It's already 4 AM in Japan and they still haven't taken it back. And since, as said before, they announced the second single trilogy also on April 1st (last year), they're probably serious. :\ Unless they're waiting for 12 noon to take it back lmao but no idk

    Sucks. I really liked 'em, too. Oh well...

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