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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    Sigh is awesome! Haven't listened to them in a while though. 1. Dir en grey - Merciless Cult 2. Versailles - The Revenant Choir 3. Def Leppard - Excitable 4. Boris - You Were Holding an Umbrella 5. Anthem - Night After Night 6. Luna Sea - Mechanical Dance 7. The Clash - Tommy Gun 8. Blindman - The Way to the Hill 9. Grand Slam - Heartache 10. D'espairsRay - Cocoon Love "Night After Night!" Really kickass track.
  2. Number Girl

    So devastated by this news. I hope he'll be alright.
  3. Number Girl

    Been awhile since I've listened to Gazette, but I remember I LOVED the Filth in the Beauty video (Uruha <3). That's a nice song by Coldplay too; it's also been a while since I've heard them. The Cabs - キェルツェの螺旋 Kuroyume - 浮遊悲 Stolen Babies - Gathering Fingers Luna Sea - Search for Reason Dropkick Murphys - The State of Massachusetts andymori - ビューティフルセレブリティー Cinema Staff - into the green B'z - Don't Leave Me X Japan - Stab Me in the Back Boris - Czechoslovakia Hmm . . . I think I'm going to go with andymori. Such a sweet tune. Brings bit of a tear to my eye because I'm gonna miss this band.
  4. I just looked on that Crestillion band's Facebook page and I just can't get over their promo image. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/976692_528148110579105_781193208_o.jpg
  5. Number Girl

    Pretty sure "Kiwamu's Bitch" and other handles are just rankings based on your forum activity and post counts. I'm guessing the mods/admins wanted something more creative than just the default "Newbie," "Member," "Senior Member," titles . I believe if you get a certain number of posts, you can customize it to be whatever you want. As far as I know, I doubt there is really a huge, significant point to it.
  6. Wow . . . I'm speechless. . .
  7. Number Girl

    Tbh, I would buy cheki from the bands I like if they ever made or sold them. I think that little bit of sentimental value, to have a one-of-a-kind photo of them with a signature, would be worth it imho. Although don't get me wrong, there's a very low chance I'll pay $50 + for one. Maybe around $15-25. . . but anything higher is getting a little crazy for me.
  8. Number Girl

    Yay! Can't wait.
  9. Number Girl

    Hey! Welcome to the forum. Don't worry about the haters. Just listen to whatever you want to and as long as you're happy, that's all that matters. And pfft . . . fuck any rumors you hear about Gackt! A new one comes out every week about him and I really doubt all of them are 100% truth. This isn't too much of a gossip forum, so you won't have to worry about getting bombarded with that kind of crap. Just enjoy yourself. ^__^
  10. Number Girl

    ^ Do you mean "Mbok.jp?" I read somewhere that in order to bid on an Mbok auction, you must use a Japanese cell phone. On a computer, you can only browse auctions. Could this be the problem?
  11. Number Girl

    Nice, MUCC was one of the ones that made it on there twice. It's been forever since I've listened to them . . . 1. The Stalin - Saru 2. Eizo Sakamoto - Precious Moment 3. D'espairsRay - 「タトエバ」キミ...ガ...シンダ...ラ 4. Cinema Staff - チェンジアップ 5. Melt-Banana - Sonic Turtle 6. The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil 7. Color - Remember 8. Kuroyume - Miss Moonlight 9. U2 - Gloria 10. The Yellow Monkey - Father Oooh . . . lot's of good ones. I'm in a very Cinema Staff mood today so I pick that song. This one was a re-recorded version so it sounds really good!
  12. Number Girl

    Adding on to my "good" list . . . I enjoyed the new Cinema Staff and Suiseinoboaz albums, though the latter release was a bit more sleepy/mellow and not as dynamic as I would have preferred from this band. I also loved all the Boris releases from March/April. Praparat was lovely, the new Vein was crazy, violent, and noisy as shit, and The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked Chronicle was a droney, sludgy masterpiece, with only maybe one or two "WTF" songs on that bonus CD.
  13. Number Girl

    Wow, sorry to hear about that. :/ I hope things get worked out. I used Celga once about three years ago to get some CD's from a Yahoo JP auction. Everything turned out alright, except that the wait was incredibly long and the communication/feedback was ridiculously slow for some reason. I remember that it took them an eternity to update my online order status, so for the longest time I was freaking out because I thought they had lost the bid on my item until I emailed them and they finally replied saying it was in shipping process. I had a very similar experience with Rinkya (also my bill ended up being about $40 - this was for one used 900 yen CD on Amazon) and after that I haven't used a shopping service since. I've decided that for one or two CD's, it just isn't worth the huge expense. Also a funny thing about Celga - they attempted to send me a bonus magazine, but instead of sending me the actual magazine, they just sent me the bonus CD that came with the magazine. -___-
  14. B'z aren't pretty/cute enough for weeaboos maybe? LOL :'(
  15. For B'z, definitely try The 7th Blues album. It's a two disc set and contains a mixture of both their 80's style pop and Aerosmith-inspired rock n' roll. If you liked the former style, I'd recommend going back chronologically in their discography and trying albums like Run and In the Life. If you liked the latter style more, I recommend going forward and trying Big Machine or The Circle. Loudness' Thunder in the East is pretty essential for them, especially when it comes to their older music. Their most recent music is a bit different, I don't like it as much. The Stalin's Stop Jap is a phenomenal album and definitely their most definitive work. For Anthem, I highly recommend the album Tightrope for their sampling their older material and Overload for their post-reunion stuff.
  16. Number Girl

    The longest and only relationship I've had was a year and two months.
  17. Number Girl

    A mixture of an overcast day, a trendy college coffee shop, a rodeo barrel race, and a 2AM drive on the interstate highway is the best way I can sum up my music taste. . .
  18. Number Girl

    Hyura, those are really awesome pics! The Shinya and Rame ones are stunning. I don't cosplay, but I honestly envy people who have the talent and patience to cosplay well. I only have one friend-of-a-friend/acquaintance who occasionally does J-Rock cosplay. He's been Reita from the Gazette (which looked pretty good) and I've been told he also wants to do a Miyavi cosplay in the future. My other friends are more into anime/video game cosplaying.
  19. Number Girl

    Same. I read somewhere they were thinking about releasing something more similar to the Melt-Banana Lite live album, but then again it could be something totally different.
  20. Number Girl

    Not sure how long this has been news, but today I visited the MxBx website and they have a sticker up there that says they are now printing a 7th album to be released (hopefully) in the Fall. More info is promised to come soon, so keep checking on the website. http://www.geocities.jp/azaplink/mb/mxbx.html
  21. Number Girl

    Oh my god, I am so pissed at B'z right now lol. It should be a crime to put brand new songs on "Best of" albums. For example, B'z has four new songs out right now BUT they are only going to be available as part of these huge bigass two part compilations released for their 25th Anniversary. The sad thing is 90% of these albums have the exact same songs that are already on the "Best Pleasure/Treasure" albums I (and probably other B'z fans) already have. :/ I mean it's really brilliant marketing on their part, but that still doesn't make it any less annoying and fucked up. D:
  22. Number Girl

    Nice, Dir en grey! Unfortunately, I don't think I've heard those songs yet. I'm somewhat of a new fan who used to be a casual observer. 1. Dir en grey - 輪郭 (Eternal Slumber Mix) 2. Onsa - H.T.M. 3. Anthem - Victim in Your Eyes 4. Number Girl - Brutal Number Girl 5. D'espairsRay - Tainted World 6. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Three Steps 7. Molice - Pale Wind 8. Eddie Vedder - No Ceiling 9. Dropkick Murphys - Victory 10. Gackt - Flower It's an obvious choice. . . but the song IS awesome haha.
  23. Number Girl

    a frap at mcdonalds and a digital version of merzbient by merzbow
  24. Number Girl

    Just recently got into People in the Box a couple months ago! They're a decent band. I thought their album Ave Materia was really good. The vid isn't bad at all.
  25. As much as I hate to say it, Vola & the Oriental Machine (while they aren't technically a "newer" band, they've been around since '05) did very poorly these past two albums when compared with what they started with. They were never exactly original, but they had this bizarre, edgy charm to them that was strangely sexy and addicting despite the fact that Inazawa had a horrible singing voice. Then they lost the downy guitarist, who was really their biggest saving grace and actually gave their music some dimension, and got this new guy who isn't really that special at all. Second, they decided to go major with Universal and Inazawa started getting into the club/dance music craze and they basically turned into Polysics II: Electric Boogaloo. Of course that doesn't mean I don't still enjoy them but that "charm" is completely gone . . . which is incredibly disappointing. I would comment on some of the others like The Cabs and Caroline Rocks who I felt were also going downhill in their later releases but they already disbanded so I guess they were losing the feeling too, haha?
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