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Posts posted by Erin

  1. Awww Max, I love you so much <3 though you're working your ass on SR. Didn't really know he was a member of the old TW though :/ anyway, he's a nice person. Always has time to listen to me, even when I don't have anything productive to say. And I usually remember his constant hate for DAAVIS LOL though he's never been much of a troll material.

    Edit: He crashed the system? TROLOLOL GO MAX

  2. Well, I know for sure Takeru from SuG is Bi. He said it in an interview through some strange metaphor of him 'liking both salad and meat' when asked about his sexuality and his condition of being a 'hervibore'. So maybe some of those rumours have some basis.

  3. Not a regular listener, but still gave this a try. Must say the main title song didn't really stand out. Well, most of them didn't. The only one I really enjoyed was PAIN. Some bad ass riffs and kinky vocals made it much different from the other ones.

  4. wat

    Yes, it is better than EROS, but even this is better than EROS:


    ... and that's a lot to say.

    Anyway. instrumentally it sounds 'fine', but the vocals are really weak, and dunno if those arrangements were made by a 5 yo or wat. Srsly, it is awfully mixed. Defenitely better than EROS, but bad anyway.

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