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Posts posted by Erin

  1. So peeps, I fucked up BIG TIME 3 days ago, but I'm really busy rite naw to spill it all out. But in the meantime, I ask you: What is the biggest mistake, according to you, that you have ever made regarding love and relationships? I sure have mine now.

  2. Jeez, it's been really sad to watch this band die such a slow and verrrry painful death musically wise.

    This already seems like a pathetic release.


    And I really couldn't care less anymore. Bet they ain't even gonna include any of their decent sounding songs in those 8 already released tracks. Sad. Please disband. Thank you.

  3. Favourite tracks: Scheisse, Marry the Night, Judas, Bloody Mary, Electric Chapel, maybe Americano.

    Goverment Hooker is kind of experimental, so I ain't gonna rate it.

    Worst track: Hair &/or Highway Unicorn.

    Sadly, when I thought of 'Album of the year', I thought she meant a lot of new experimental sounds that were meant to introduce this new generation to different genres of music along with electronica, but after a few spins, as many have said, it ended up being a a mash-up between 80's pop + electronic efects + potent voice + piano efects. It's still ~original~, taking in consideration this auto-tune saturated pop industry we live in, but still, taking her in consideration as the character herself claims to be, and the things she has said, make me actually dissapointed about the whole panorama of this album.

    Must insist, it's still better than a lot of crap released in the pop industry nowadays.

    Edit: Where can I download sp. ed. tracks? Want to give those a try.

  4. It's a blood-vomiting bear. As for what it does, it vomits blood of course.

    and nothing besides that?

    Well, what else do you expect a blood-vomiting bear to do?

    "ex-秘密??社コドモA, キボウ屋本舗 エイジ (Eiji) and タッケン (Takken)'s new unit. Their concept is that they're two revolutionary students from the Private Educational Institute Blood-vomiting Bear, and they've got their own broadcast department, called サンドイッ????12?? 分? (Sandwich de hyaku ni jippun?). Members: ??岡レタス (Matsuoka Lettuce) - broadcast department director: vocal, guitar, coloring ingredients. 竹????ム (Takemura Ham) - broadcast department member: guitar, vocal, proteins." result found on google images by searching 'blood vomiting bear".

    Well, apparently he's the school's principal, you sir.

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