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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    So what do you guys think of the new mini? I love it, and I think it's the best release they have so far. I just wish they would have skipped the chocolate kaidan live/webshop limited single and released this mini earlier, because 3 new songs for 2500 jpy is expensive :/ Ekijou heya and furanfuran are my favorites on the mini. The re-recorded 3 tracks are MUCH better than on the single though.
  2. Havent listened to BMTH since their third album, wth happened to them?

  3. Takadanobabaalien

    looks amazing
  4. New look and cover art revealed. They will release a live DVD of their "Wareware wa gossip desu" tour final @ Takadanobaba Area where they played a total of 38 songs (all their songs). More info about that is to be released soon.
  5. Wow, Uchu Satoshi from Ains/Yamikakumei responded to my petition! Didn't expect that lol

    1. Kiryu999


      What did he said ? 

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Well, not much. He said "Wow, this is so cool", or something along those lines. xD

    3. Kiryu999


      lmao well at least he saw the petition 

    4. Show next comments  156 more
  6. Went to The Sounds gig last friday, Wolfmother today and Rebecca&Fiona this friday. I love festivals in my city 

    1. yakihiko


      Wolfmother \m/

  7. Kuroyuri's new mini is amazing. But am I the only one who gets reminded of Freak on a leash in Gekijou heya (track 3). Specially the bassolo.

    1. emmny


      even considering the limited amount of korn i've listened to, the bass and mei's total rip off the unique korn vox was a pretty heavy reminder LOL it caught me by surprise. im with u though, KTK killed it this album, especially with the bass.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Haha yeah, I'm pretty sure this was their inspiration for that part at least: 

      And yes, the mini rocks. For sure their best release to date :)

  8. Takadanobabaalien

    The overseas fanbase is very different, but if you've lived in Japan and attended a bunch of lives/start going regularly then you'll know that this article is actually kinda accurate on. With a humour twist to it, obviously,
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Slagsmålsklubben (swedish electro/synthpop group) has a track with only Japanese (although I think it's completely sampled from a movie?)
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    Pretty difficult to compare them, even though they're both old school they have very different sound. Metis x Madeth would be more compareable IMO. I love both bands.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

  12. Takadanobabaalien

    I'm just happy there's not a 10th version of GOGO ANTI FEMINISM or STREET FIGHTING MUCH on this.
  13. Takadanobabaalien

  14. To this day, I still dont understand why diru decided to remake unknown despair a lost. the original is so much better

  15. Takadanobabaalien

  16. So my petition to bring the AINS bands to the west has 100 signs now. I spoke to a friend who works within the business and she said I would probably need at least 200-300 signs. Haven't signed it yet? Please do if you're interested!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I signed! I accidentally put the wrong email, but signed nonetheless lmao

  17. Takadanobabaalien

    It was literally gone for less than 24 hours
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    I started a interest petition for Ains/Madwink/Yamikakumei overseas tour. If you would like them to come overseas, please sign it!! Once it has enough signs I'll pass it on to various promotion companies and the labels http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ainsworldtour
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    I started a interest petition for Ains/Madwink/Yamikakumei overseas tour. If you would like them to come overseas, please sign it!! Once it has enough signs I'll pass it on to various promotion companies and the labels http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ainsworldtour
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    I started a interest petition for Ains/Madwink/Yamikakumei overseas tour. If you would like them to come overseas, please sign it!! Once it has enough signs I'll pass it on to various promotion companies and the labels http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ainsworldtour
  21. I started a interest petition for Ains/Madwink/Yamikakumei overseas tour. If you would like them to come overseas, please sign it!! Once it has enough signs I'll pass it on to various promotion companies and the labels


  22. Are all those released songs? If so, and that would be the tracklist then it would almost be as bad as Suzaku's "album" lol
  23. Takadanobabaalien

    He is (more or less) the one who broke up Seremedy. It happened along with their gig at Närcon (I think, someone with more info can correct me) where Seremedy were booked for about 25,000 SEK. This gig was booked 6~ months prior to his debut in Melodifestivalen, but the gig was a month or two after Melodifestivalen. Yohio told the Närcon group that he wanted to change the contract and recieve 125,000 SEK for the gig (if I remember correctly) since he was famous now. And as they didn't want to pay that, Yohio decided to not attend the gig with Seremedy, resulting in the band cancelling the gig and the members of the band fighting. He also went out in Aftonbladet (famous swedish newspaper) and said that he made himself famous in Japan with no help at all, and the reason to Seremedy having fans there was because of him. This made SEIKE (ex. Seremedy) pissed off (since he was the one who had contacts in Japan, not Yohio) and resulted in Kerberas first single, which is about him. I have pictures of him sent to me by friends as recent as from last weekend, with Yohio and his bandmates all drinking alcohol and smoking. I'm not posting them though, obviously. Yes, the topic I linked just repeats what I said in my previous post, but in Japanese. I have friends who I trust dearly in Japan who have experienced same thing as the gya's in the topic, so I don't doubt it for a second. On the swedish forum "Flashback" there's fans of him who has written about their shitty sex, and as Emmny said, there's dickpics as well that he have sent (which originates from Flashback). Regarding sexism, just read some interviews in Swedish from 2011-2013. He mentions Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj several times during those years. The last part would probably just be considered rumours to someone who don't have any proof, but I can assure you it's true but it's up to you to believe what you want of course. Also, just like Euthanasia said, he's not the only douchebag in Disreign. Of course I respect and have no interest in changing your opinion either, just saying why I dislike him. Despite what a shitty person he is, that is not the main reason to why I don't like him. The main reason is that I don't like his music, which I wouldn't see a point in listening to EVEN if he was as good as your basic visual kei band. EDIT: Also, considering how irrelevant he was in Japan until he moved there and started sleeping around just prooves how good PR he had to trick the entire Swedish population into believing he was some big shot superstar who had made it in Japan. EDIT 2: Don't get me wrong though, he's still irrelevant. Just not ~*as much*~
  24. Takadanobabaalien

    Ok so here's my two cents (before I start I just want to point out that I am Swedish as well): I never liked Seremedy (as many others here) simply because their music didn't attract me in any kind of way. When YOHIO basically broke Seremedy up I felt that he was basically selling out, because I know who he is, I have spoken to him before he started Seremedy and I find it strange how he went from being a huge Madeth gray'll/Matina/90's vk fan into doing Heartbreak Hotel bullshit in Melodifestivalen. He simply does not reflect the real visual kei scene (IMO) to the western fanbase. More over, people who are from Sweden know how big of a hypocrite he is, he lies to his fans, sleeps with them, treat them like shit, preaches to the entire Swedish population that we shouldn't drink alcohol and smoke tobacco because it's bad, when he's basically a fucking alcoholic chimney himself. And not only that but he's a sexist idiot as well. Despite all this, I really didn't have anything personal against him. I started most of the news topics about him around here because I think it's fun. When I really started to dislike him is when he went to Japan and started to treat friends of mine like shit. We have a lot of friends in common because he hangs around the same places and people I used to. And they tell me (also if you don't believe me, check how his 2ch topic went from 50 to 1400 posts in less than 2 weeks (http://new02.bbs.2ch2.net/test/search.cgi?t=&bbs=visualtanuki&guid=on&w=yohio)) how much of a dick he is to basically everyone he meets in Tokyo. The Japanese fans hate him as well. He stated that the reason to why he and his band went to Tokyo is to pursue their dream, yet what they are doing is drinking alcohol all day, every day, partying, sleeping with shitloads of girls and fangirls simply because they're white foreigners. They are basically the first (that I know of, enlighten me on this one if I'm wrong) western visual kei band to relocate to Japan for activities, and I can only imagine what a bad fucking image they are leaving to the Japanese visual kei bandmen (who probably already have a shitty view on foreigners) when they travel all the way to Tokyo simply to act like assholes.
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