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Posts posted by seikun

  1. On 12/11/2016 at 11:04 AM, Serox said:

    NOOOOO çwç Takuya is a "nice" bassist.. he plays a right-electric bass but he really is left-handed.. LOL


    (Look at 2:33) 



    At times the bassist looks clueless and uninterested in that PV. :sad:


    I think they have potential, but they would need to be under a different label...

  2. I don't know if they still do it here, there's a street in the capital of my city where all Visual Kei fans used to gather up until 2010 or 2011 in masses. I remember one of my friends sending pics of VK fans gathered for a Hide's memorial at night and I think that a clip with Hide was exhibited on the big screen that adorns the street. If I well recall, that was in 2008. Then I began to lose contact with my friends and acquaintances there.





  3. I don't really think this matters, but for the sake of discussion...


    Both bands are very different musically and generationally and the kind of music they make affect the level of popularity they may encounter internationally. I am suprised though that many people outside the Visual Kei sphere in the west know about X Japan today.


    I dare say X Japan may be a bit more popular than Dir en grey internationally. Many of us got introduced to the band during the very early 2000's through Clamp's movie X with the legendary ending Forever Love and the movie's clip with them playing X (X Japan's hymn). VHS is how we watched the movie with friends :P



  4. I was listening to Misaruka's version of LunaSea's Rosier the other day, I didn't actually know they covered the song, but it was a bad cover. I don't think it's completely the band's responsibility but Starwave's poor production quality. I don't know the technical words to describe this but I think Starwave needs to hire new people who can improve the quality of the studio's music overall.



  5. Miseria is misery in Spanish, but after many years of reading Mizer and Mizeria because of Visual Kei bands "miseria" looks odd to me now. :X'D:


    I don't really think their sound embodies the meaning of the band's name...

  6. Hmm...


    Grieva and their compulsive habit of releasing  so many songs every year. I don't like that because they end up releasing poor material. Some songs have nice intros and they develop interestingly until they get to the chorus and it all tumbles down with crappy choruses. Sometimes I get that feeling of how unispired they were when they wrote a given song, especially with those cheesy poppy songs of theirs.


     I think they are very talented and with great potential, but songs need time to be polished and make the fullest of them.

  7. Visual Kei is an acquired taste; it simply isn't for the majority, even in its very mainstream versions. But that is not a bad thing. I don't want VK bands to please the mainstream or westernise their sound to the point it loses all its Japanese flair even though these days VK bands have lost a lot of it.


    I don't know about the USA, but here in my country Visual Kei has been around since the mid 90's as far as I know, it has had a firm fandom since then so the music is pretty much assimilated in the correspondent circle. It already experienced a lot of exposure from 2005 to 2009 approximately on TV so many people know what Visual Kei more or less is or they have heard the term at least.

  8. I watched the two videos.


    Well, most people tend to express the same thing when they are exposed to Visual Kei for the first time: too scary. Imagine their faces if they had watched Dir en grey's PVs. :X'D:

    In 2005 my mother thought I was a satanist when she caught me watching Malice Mizer's Garnet PV on my new (at the time) bought DVD player, haha. I had to explain to her what Visual Kei was and then she understood.


    I agree they should have shown them Visual Kei bands of the 90's first.


    The selection of youtubers perhaps was not varied enough. I liked the guy with the colorful T-shirt who was more receptive of what he was lestening to.








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