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About seikun

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    Kyo's Mattress

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  1. I jjst realised there's no download section anymore. Just read the thread baout too. Not everybody has the money and means to buy stuff. It was illegal downloading that gave VK bands to world tours and find their music bought by people around the world. Illegal downloading doesn't necessarily harms bands.

    1. hiroki


      i have exactly zero interest in what others decide to do (or not do) with their money, but just try going out there and declaring that with a straight face. that's akin to reassuring yourself that Trump is the best thing that will ever happen to the rights of marginalized people because all the reprehensible things he has said/done/will do indirectly promote solidarity among said groups.

    2. Suuu


      I am sorry, I usually prefer to stay out of issues like this, but its a shame to see so many people still think this way.

      Illegal downloading of music is incredibly harmful to bands and the industry as a whole.
      if i could only show to people not only the effort, but also the cost that goes into making a single let along a album, it would be shocking to some.
      I know one musician who ate only curry and ramen for over a month because every cent of money he made from his normal job was spent of making a cd to release.

      I know another musician who under similar circumstances lost 8kgs from  not eating correctly.

      bands disband, loose pushes from their labels, all of those kind of bands things that people get upset about because they don't sell well.

      many bands are starting to become more accessible now, selling on online webshops and in some cases putting their music on itunes or other similar legal download sites.


      please support bands, if you like their music, buy it!
      show them that you appreciate the effort and sacrifices they made to make that music you like.

      and as for bands "getting world tours etc because of illegal downloading" 
      there are other ways, instead of uploading/downloading a entire song, just put a 40 second sample online for people to listen to.
      you can promote a band you like without taking away one of their earning revenues.

    3. -NOVA-


      I would also have to disagree with you, I buy a lot of cds and I do understand some people do not have the $ and thats okay but when you use that as an excuse to justify only downloading thats not okay. I use to avidly share on here but when i see posts like this i feel used because people only care about the downloads. Bands work hard for their music. They want to do what they do for a living and if everyone downloads most likely we can expect a disband. Especially vk... vk doesnt have a big audience(compared to other styles) so these bands need all the help they can get. My stance on this is... do what you can for the band, ull b surprised to know that colecting cds is pretty fun. More sales = more promotion = more tours = world tours. You think gazette got a world tour because everyone illegally downloaded? Bands need sales otherwise theres no funds to support any kind of tour or even feed themselves.

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