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Posts posted by Champ213

  1. Any new releases from the Folk scene that I should check? I'm still lagging behind on new shit.
    Well, there's the new album by Equilibrium.

    I think I already recommended you "Sidh" by Bran Barr a while ago. And the latest albums by Heidevolk and Wulfgar, which were decent at least.

    Things to look forward to is a new Elvenking album (first song can be previewed at their MySpace) and, hopefully soon, the next Turisas album. :spin:

  2. Well, I'll look into it, but I can't reproduce this error. I only see gibberish in the preview, but once I post it, the japanese is fine. Maybe try setting your browser to different encodings (Japanese, Unicode, etc), or only copy and paste with the japanese input enabled.

    What OS and browser do you use anyway?

  3. For a band with 3 guitarists they were a grave disappointment for me. =/

    I expected more badass-ness.

    'Sexual Desire' isn't that much of an improvement either. I don't know what Juka/Shaura is trying to do, but he really should stop those falsettos. They sound pretty ridicolous. :ph43r:

  4. I have no clue really. As you said, it works fine for me, whether I copypaste the japanese or input it manually.

    Do they turn to gibberish right after you copied them in, or only after you posted them?

  5. I think the referee did a good job. It was an aggressive game with a lot of tension, so I'm not surprised that there were so many yellow cards.

    I agree. If anything the referee misjudged on the side of caution. The yellow cards were more or less all deserved, and some should have been more. Van Bommel and De Jong shouldn't have been on the pitch anymore at half-time.

    If the referee from the Germany v Serbia had been there instead the game would probably had to be called off for lack of players after the first half, lol. :DUUR:

    The refereing was probably the big let-down in this tournament though. Not only because of some major bad decisions, but also because of inconsistency.

    Overall it was an ok tournament. Started slowly, ended rather miserable, but there were a couple of nice matches inbetween. I especially enjoyed Slowakia - Italy, USA - Slovenia, Germany - Argentina and Germany - Uruguay. And maybe Ghana - Uruguay for the drama, lol.

  6. Diego Forlan will get the golden ball for best player of the tournament.

    Thomas Müller will get the golden boot for top scorer. He has also been awarded "best young player".

    It's a pity that Uruguay lost against the Netherlands and that Germany didn't really turn up against Spain. Germany - Uruguay would have been the better final. But well. That's how it goes. :P

  7. So Spain it is. Probably deserved in the end, but it surely wasn't a pretty game to watch. At least it got a bit exiting at the end.

    Anyway, the good sides:

    1. The octopus was right again.

    2. I got 5 points in my family-internal prediction game (1:0 for Spain was my prediction and I even got Iniesta as goalscorer right)

    3. Thomas Müller has become top scorer of the tournament since neither Villa and Sneijder scored. :spin:

  8. ah i see thanks i was trying to rip of the new Previews of D'espairsRay lol will they work on there site? lol

    Audacity works with any site, because it isn't dependant on the site itself.

    All you have to do is play the song and record it at the same time with Audacity. It's a bit tedious because you have to play the whole songs and can't just download it like with some plugins, but if the links are protected against direct rips it's the only way I know to grab the songs. You also have to make sure you record it in a decent volume, ie. not too low and not so loud it causes overmodulation.

    Here's a quick guide how to do it:


    And no, you don't need a microphone for it, just a soundcard that allows "Stereo mix" option, which I think most do.

  9. So, Germany won against Uruguay 3-2, the octopus was right again, and even though (or maybe because?) it was really about nothing it was a very worthwhile and entertaining match too and Müller scored again, if Villa and Sneijder don't score tomorrow he'll be top scorer due to more assists. :spin: Good times.

    Congrats to Uruguay too, they played a great tournament.

    Well, onto the final now. Somehow I fear it will end in a rather dull 1-0, but I hope I'm wrong. :)

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