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Posts posted by Champ213

  1. This might be relevant to somebody's interest...

    I listened to Gwydion's new album "Horn Triskelion" today and found it surprisingly worthwhile. Stylistically it's somewhere between Alestorm, Ensiferum, Turisas and Finntroll, so if you like any of these bands, it might be worth a try.

    Plus, they have a song called "Six Trials to Become a Beerzerker". :DUUR:

    Here's an album teaser:

    And my favourite song from the album:

    I'm generally surprised by the number of solid and well-produced albums coming out from the Trollzorn label in recent times (Bran Barr, Wulfgar and now this). Lots of their releases used to be pretty mediocre at best, as far as I remember, lol.

  2. So I mean music is not as subjective as people like to think, because if it was, it would completely destroy the art movement on which it has grown from.
    Uh, what?

    What you are describing is craft, or skill, not art.

    Yes, you can compare two guitarists or two vocalists, and objectively pick the more skilled one. But skill doesn't equal art.

  3. Random places to go in Germany too. Leipzig and Berlin alright, and I can understand Essen too, it's in the Rhein-Ruhr metropolitan area, and it's a festival anyway. But Bielefeld? Lolwut. That's my city of birth. XD Medium-size city and pretty central too, but kinda far-off from any other major cities, thus a strange place to go to.

    Anyway, date is on a Saturday, so if I'm visiting my family that weekend I might actually go.

  4. Uh, you should at least know Missa, lol... She's a mod here, although not really that active in recent times.

    Craig is Prism, though I doubt that Max-Dash figured that out, especially since he is using a completely different name in the chat. Rise is pedobear. Nes and Kai are mostly active in the chat rather than the forum, though Nes pops up here every now and then.

    Biopanda is xvirus/The rarez train. He somehow made it on the "nice" list, although it was he who made some joke about Canadians at his expense, which was really about the only thing that happened there.

    Why I was mentioned in the first place is still beyond me, I hardly said 2 words to him and was absent when the non-incident occured anyway.

  5. The guitarist is from ?:Vout, I think (who I thought were pretty bad). The former vocalist of ?????? was the guest vocalist at their first live which again makes me kinda suspiscious.... But I still hope for the best. ^_^

  6. The options of configuration and costumization are somewhat more limited here.... it is a free forum and hosting after all. It was supposed to be temporary, but it might become a bit more permanent as it's becoming increasingly unlikely that Dai will ever fix the old one.

    In the long term we want to move to our own hosting again, but I think we will be here for at least a few months. So for now we probably have to live with some minor bugs. I had a look at the css for the board theme, but I couldn't really find any options to temper with character coding.... not that I know much about css to begin with. It also seems to do that preview thing with any theme we have installed at the moment, so it probably isn't theme-related at all, and we can't really go deeper into the code than that anyway.

    Either way, I'm still at loss why Trombe can't post any Japanese at all. It shouldn't do that.

    So I'd ask you again to post some japanese in here so I can see exactly how it ends up and what might be done to fix it.

  7. I think they and Madeth gray'll were the first vk indies bands I listened to. Still like them a lot.

    Too bad that Kyoka is only semi-active these days (release-wise anyway) and Ray is wasting his talent in Nega (don't like them....).

    Kinda curious about Mast's new band, though his most recent projects and the other confirmed members don't exactly fill me with confidence...

  8. Nice going. Insulting people for trying to help you. Especially since she just told you how it is possible. You wanted to know how to see the starting date of a thread without opening it, she told you how, so what's the problem?

    Another than that: no. There is no other way except the one she told you.

    There might be some sort of mod for it, but with your rude attitude I'm not inclined to waste my time searching for one. Just point your mouse over the thread, it takes a second and is not too much to ask. And stop being so rude, here and on other threads.

  9. I gave damned7 a message on lastfm asking if it was real or not and he said he got the mp3 from a trade
    Well, the mere fact there isn't A SINGLE japanese site that even mentions this file speaks against that. If it did exist, then there would be at least some results from japanese blogs, auctions or trade sites. There just isn't. Zero. Nil. Nada. All google hits can be traced back to last.fm, the manipulated wikipedia sites or request topics on forums (here, Batsu, etc.)

    This file is either the best kept secret since Area 51, or it just doesn't exist. I think it's safe to say it's the latter.

  10. It's secret alright. It's so secret there isn't even a single japanese site that talks about it. Even the japanese don't know about it, it seems. Apparently only people from Buneos Aires using a certain ISP do know about it. Maybe the "secret live" was held in Buenes Airies, eh? XD

    Seriously. All google hits for "foolish mindcore" lead to last.fm, request topics on forums and pages that draw information from wikipedia.

    If that guy had been clever enough he would have chosen a non-descript, generic name, like "TOMORROW", "SHINE" or "STAR" for his fake release, to make the lack of evidence on google less obvious.

    Maybe his mysterious "brother" is Byouto. He's also from Buenos Aires and tried to blame some of his misdeeds on his "brother", lol.

  11. Umm.... I thought it was the point of vk to look like a girl without having people notice it. If that was an argument half of all vk musicians were gay.

    Anyway, this seems to be a lousy basis even for a rumor, it's like all those "x and y did fanservice, are they gay"? threads.


  12. For what it's worth, the user in question messaged me a day or so ago and claimed that it was his brother who made the request, and who somehow managed to scrobble a file on his (shadowdio's) account, despite the fact that he didn't have it but was actually looking for it (however that may be possible).

    According to him, his brother also managed to somehow accidentally reset his last.fm account (never mind the fact that you need to re-type the password for it, so unless he gave his password to his brother it's pretty much impossible).

    Today he asked me to delete his account here. Since this forum apparently doesn't support deletion, I banned him and his fake account instead.

    I was also contacted by the admin of a spanish jmusic forum, where a similar request thread was made. He wanted to compare IPs to see if it was the same person, and - guess what - the IP was used here by shadowdio. He certainly gets around.

  13. Well it does say 10,000 on both the PC and mobile site....

    Which is indeed a lot for a newly formed band with hardly any credentials. (I vaguely remember the name Waduru, but mostly for their vocalist sucking a lot - upon hearing the samples on the new band's HP, I can confirm that - he sounds like a dying rhinoceros (maybe the dying message of a rhino? 8=> ), and ontop of that his voice doesn't seem to fit the music at all.)

  14. I wouldn't really call Kiryu undervalued either. In terms of vk indies bands, they seem to get a fair share of attention. When I upped their album at TW.net, it got 800 downloads from my Mediafire alone. For comparison, a 12012 single I upped around the same time got the same amount of downloads.

    2 somewhat undervalued bands I can think of are ??????? and Lamiel.

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