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Posts posted by Mamo

  1. Anyone remember these 2004-2008 "brutal kei" legends? I'm actually being serious though they are really good and vastly underrated. GLAMMY / Bio-Glammy / 昭和愚裸魅會(shouwa gurami kai). They sound similar to "SINCE1889". I can provide disco. if anyone is interested(only 9 tracks total).








  2. My top 20 of the last 30 days according to last.fm:


    01. DexCore — Imitation

    02. Swarrrm — March

    03. Fixer — ARBITER

    04. Fixer — sublime dystopia

    05. DexCore — Coward

    06. DexCore — I’m President

    07. Fixer — TEMPtation

    08. 勇企 — BLACK BOX trailer

    09. 勇企 — deep in silence trailer

    10. 勇企 — 〓〓〓

    11. Far East Dizain — Beyond These Walls

    12. Swarrrm — 愛のうた

    13. 勇企 — 蟻地獄 trailer

    14. 勇企 — 朧 trailer


    16. DIMLIM — 塵外

    17. DexCore — 独り言


    19. DexCore — A.S.H

    20. DexCore — noise

  3. 1 hour ago, chocobuzz said:

    I haven't really paid too much attention to these guys before but after listening to "ARBITER" I think I really gotta start following this band more closely! That single is awesome. I really like the direction they're going.

    Like @Axius said I'd recommend starting with their album since it contains 5 of their first 6 singles.


    Here's the  Album on the youtube Fixer-topic


  4. 42 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    Western bangya are scary, man. I think I probably dislike (or outright hate) 99% of the DEG fanbase.

    I just read a certain person's tumblr and there are so many things about Kyo's feelings and whatever, some people claiming to be his fiancee and other weird shit.

    European? Because ever since dir en grey became DIR EN GREY I've only seen people in the U.S. associate them with progressive metal or avant-garde metal and many aren't even aware or their visual kei past.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Axius said:

     I suggest there Fixer album for a better understanding it complies most there discography in one album

    Yep everything pre-starwave. All of their music is on YouTube ever since they signed with "Starwave Records" under the Fixer-topic. Except live dist. of course.

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