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Posts posted by Velovelo

  1. Sorry, it's Vimeo, because YT sucks balls with their copyright shit in Germany.

    But I've fallen in love with Royal Blood. These guys are just a duo (from the UK) - Bass/Vocals and Drums - but fuck, they sound so fat. I'm totally addicted to them, especially because they are so raw (but not toooo brutal) and kind of have an old MUSE vibe going on. Shit's delicious, try it out if you like Britrock.



    Can't wait to see these guys live someday!

  2. I harbor no hate for SCREW, but back in 2007 they at least were kind of edgy. I even bought their first album, and I wanted to buy their release with VEGAS (which I liked) on it. But after that, they went downhill for me. Gather Roses after that was pretty nice, but that's about it. Nothing else beyond that ever managed to make me come back to this band.

  3. I stopped taking Screw seriously ever since they released that album with Dustbox on it. It was just nasal distorted vocals over Jin playing on tin cans and the rest of the bunch sounded pretty unremarkable as well. When they brought out Brainstorm, it almost put me to sleep in the chorus. Gosh, Byou's voice is so airy and weak. They proably just keep him in the band because of his good looks.

  4. Suits and ties, almost every VK band has done this by now. If you were that upset about copying, just listen to Tokage. I mean, I like them, but seriously? After something as obvious as Tokage you put them into the copycat chair because they are wearing suits? In comparision, this is a very minor offense. Everybody's friend wears that sooner or later. You don't have to dig through VK to affirm this, it's everywhere, and shit happens. Their songs themselves are much more prone to that kind of criticism. Yet, still most people like them, because they bring a bit of the late 90's back, and that's okay. Now, really, wearing suits with ties should be a non-issue.

  5. I've heard their stuff before, and their new ballad-ish song preview is pretty surprising, as it seems to be a departure from their other stuff (duh, what kind of band doesn't do this someday?)  but I always thought they were very skilled. The preview is good. It sounds a bit lukewarm due to this kind of song being overdone in the past, but hey! They are good. And I'll check out this release whenever I get the chance.

  6. I didn't like their music at all, but it's sad to see how business makes you go for such shady methods to basically force fans to buy tickets. Sounds like their manager/label did this, I agree. VK musicians are being milked for all they're worth, and it's been like this for ages.

  7. For some reason I actually wish he'd be talking singing in Japanese, just to ramp up the weabooness of his speech singing.

    Would make it fun to laugh at. :(

    Looks like they also posted 2 more songs to their Facebook page. I haven't heard them yet, but I presume his vocal range won't be changing much.







    EDIT: Disappointed. But I dig his German accent and this useless, terribad vibrato. "Reash de sky!"

    wtf is up with the lyrics though: "Don't deny the power of your [really weird falsetto] imagiinnnnaaaaaiiiiiiitiotitotinranfasd"

  8. Thanks for the feedback!


    Yesh, drummers have been our main issue (and also the reason for the split-up). We had about 3 different ones in the past, and none of those were even close to reliable when it came to rehearsals or appointments.


    Since we were active until Nov 2012, the drum lines have gotten a little better, but nothing can really replace a real drummer. If you want, I can upload some more recent stuff we did before breaking up.

  9. Hey, there, guys!

    I keep on lamenting about how western VK-inspired artists tend to be awful as heck. But then I had to reconsider, because in some ways, my old band was also taking some pieces from that, here and there. Not entirely, and definitely not in Japanese, but we kind of tried to combine J-Rock stuff we've listened to with distinctly western genres.


    In the end, it didn't really sound like anything with a J-Rock influence at all, but, you know, we listened to that. So I guess, something deep in there might sound like it. Maybe.


    I was playing the bass, by the way.


    In case you want to know what we sounded like, I'll show you some stuff we already released, I've linked it below. But please, don't distribute it without asking me. In case you want. Which you probably won't.


    1st EP: "Eraser." (Released in May 2010)

    1. Mother Brain (Intro)

    2. WHITE OUT

    3. SunSad

    4. Mary's Waltz (2011 version, couldn't find the original one, sorry)

    5. Black Out (Outro)


    I hope you enjoy it. And in case somebody wants more, just ask. I kind of got more in the back of my hand.




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